I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

"Sharpe." One of the guards called. "Visitor."

My heart skipped a beat. "Me?"

He nodded lazily. "Yeah."

"Princess," Pixie said in a song song voice. "Who's on the other side of that glass getting your panties in a twist?"

I wasn't listening to her because I was already pushing past the guard.

He got ahead of me again and showed me to my partition. I quickly sat down and took the phone.

But when I looked up, I didn't expect to see who I did sitting across from me.


My heart pounded and I started to put the phone back when he started talking.

"Come on, Madi, just a few minutes. You can't be that eager to get back to your cell. Don't worry, I don't want to hurt you. If I did, believe me, it would be done by now. I just want to talk." The corner of his mouth twitched up. "How have you been? I see you've already started some trouble here with those nasty bruises. I knew the inmates wouldn't like you much. Or was it a guard? Guards don't seem very fond of vigilantes either."

"What do you want?" I said through gritted teeth, shaking with rage.

All I wanted to do was reach through the glass separating us and wring his neck. I didn't even care if it meant being in this place for the rest of my life, my bones rattled with fury and the urge to kill him.

The fact that he had the nerve to even come here appalled me. Then again, he had the nerve to do a lot of things.

"Just to see how you're doing. City Hall is surprisingly quiet without you there." He had an evil smirk on his face as he continued to speak to me, basking in the glory of me being powerless before him.

I slammed my hand on the table, leaning in close to the glass so my breath made small clouds of steam against the partition. "You won't be there much longer and I won't be here. I'll be putting a bullet between your eyes. I promise you that." I spat.

"You're right, you won't be here much longer, but as for the second part," He made a dramatic sad face. "That might be hard to do from federal prison."

My heart dropped into my stomach, all of my sudden courage gone. "What?"

He smiled again. "As the mayor in a time of crisis, everyone loves me, which means I get an abundance of favors, and one is to the criminal punishment directors. He's helping me transfer you to a federal prison instead of state. Think of it as my gift to you, nobody will know who you are there."

My heart started pounding. He couldn't transfer me. I would rather get beat up every day than move away from Comet. State is one thing, granted I would be a few hours away and a good handful of people would know who I was, but nothing too unmanageable. Federal prison though, one probably very far from here, would mean sparse visits and Comet would remember me for a while until I just disappeared, became too irrelevant for anyone to remember. Forgotten. Like Voltage never existed. Like no one had ever tried to correct the wrongs of this city.

Blake would get rid of all of the vigilantes one way or another, rise to higher powers and start to take everything under his control. Aubrey would end up getting kicked to the curb by Hypothermia and wind up marrying a man that doesn't love her. Jason would continue law, eventually forget about his lost case trying to help me. Logan would probably try for a while, but decide it just wasn't worth it anymore and find a beautiful woman to marry and have kids with her and have an incredible life. All of this while I rot in a prison in a strange part of the country never forgetting what happened while I ceased to exist in everyone's minds, praying that someday I actually get justice that will never come. The thought of ceasing to exist scared the shit out of me.

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