Seventeen - "He slept with someone else"

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"Since there's no food left we're sending anyone we can spare out hunting, anyone who might slow them down stays here. That means you Lyds."

"But why? You know I'm great with a knife, I can handle myself!"

"It's too much of a risk. You're still limping from where you got shot with that arrow, if you got attacked by grounders you'd be a liability." Bellamy rolled his eyes, not even turning around to look at Lydia as he busied himself with yet another pointless thing on the desk in his tent.

Lyds let out a groan from where she sat on his bed, "So that's what I am to you now? A liability?"

"No I just... I don't want you to get stuck out there and get hurt. That's why you're staying here with me, so I can keep an eye on you."

"I'm not a child Bellamy!" With that said, the younger girl turned grasped ahold of one of Bellamy's pillows and threw it at his head. It bounced off of his shoulder and hit the floor.

"I'd say that's pretty childish, wouldn't you?"

"You drive me insane!"

"Trust me I know the feeling."

The pair shot each other an annoyed look before completely turning away, as of lately despite being so undoubtedly in love with one another they'd been bickering to no end and it was driving them both crazy. But that's what love does after all.

"You know what? I'm gonna go join the others, I can't sit here and argue with you."

"Fine! Go! See if I care!

"If you try to leave camp I'll know, I need you to stay here and take charge of things after all, even if your a pain in my ass, you're still my number one."

"Even if you hate to admit it." The Greystone girl sighed and slumped down in her place.

Bellamy rolled his eyes once more before kneeling beside the bed, his hands found hers, "I don't hate to admit it, I just don't want anyone to try to take you from me, if the grounders know how I feel about you, then I could lose you."

"So, how do you feel about me Blake?" Lyds held a knowing smirk

"Do you even have to ask?" Bellamy pressed a kiss to her forehead, "Asshole."

"Do you still have to go?" Lydia let out yet another sigh before throwing herself backwards onto Bellamy's bed, ever so dramatically.

"Yeah, I have a feeling they might need my help." he stood over here, "But I'll be back soon. Meet me back here tonight okay? Bring your stuff."

"What does that mean? We're having a sleepover?" The girl laughed

"It means I want you to stay with me. Since it looks like Raven won't be moving out of your tent I thought you could move into a different one... I'll sleep on the floor of course."

"Okay." The blonde smiled, she climbed to her feet and her hands fell to rest against Bellamy's chest, "But you don't have to sleep on the floor."

"Is that so?" The man smirked

There was a short moment where the pair found themselves leaning into one another's touch, their lips were only inches apart and all in one moment Lyds pulled away and her head fell to rest against his chest.

Deadly // Bellamy Blake [ON HOLD]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora