Once they reached the Impala, he managed to open the back door and set Castiel down in the seat. After many failed attempts at getting him to sit up, he gave up, stepping in to delicately rest the boy's head down on the seat before positioning the rest of him in what seemed like a comfortable position. His eyes caught a bit of skin where his shirt had risen up, exposing his pale, toned stomach. Dean's mouth watered.

This is not the time to be thinking about that, Dean.

He lightly grabbed the edge of Castiel's shirt and tugged it down. He was surprised to feel a soft hand grasping at his own. Dean quickly slid his hand away and maneuvered out of the back of the Impala, heart racing. He ran around to the drivers side, got in, and quickly started the car, as he pulled out, he saw headlights coming up the road opposite him. One of the officers waved him to stop out of his window. He cranked it down as he pulled up beside the squad car.

"Oh, hey Dean, what brings you out here?" The officer smiled at him.

"Just giving Sam a visit. Sucks the only time we can see each other is when he's busting a bunch of drunk kids." They laughed heartily. He could hear Cas stirring in the backseat behind him.

"Well, I got papers to grade, so I'll have to head out, but it was good to see you, George!" Dean said, wanting an out before a drunk Castiel popped up and blew his cover.

"Take care, Dean!" The officer said, waving and rolling his window back up, continuing up the driveway. Dean sighed, relieved.

That was close.

Hurrying out, he realized something as he got back into town.

I don't actually know where Cas lives. But if I did, could I even take him there like this?

All he could think about was Gabe screaming at the both of them and making Castiel transfer schools. He had to think about this. He saw a path that led into a small patch of woods up ahead, and decided that would be the best place where he couldn't be seen and he could figure out what to do with this drunk, very attractive minor in the back of his car. Once he got to a place where no one could see his car, he parked and shut her off.

I can't take him home, can I? Maybe I should. But I don't even know his address.

He got an idea.

Well he drove there, he has to have a liscense on him, and that'll have his address on it.

He turned, eyes scanning for a wallet in those...extremely tight pants. Not seeing one, he cursed under his breath.

Shit, it must be in a back pocket.

Dean stepped out of the car, walking around to the other side of the car, rubbing his moist palms on his jeans. He reached for the handle, clicking it open to reveal the disheveled Castiel inside.

What am I doing?

Dean shuddered, suddenly feeling very aware of the night chill. He leaned over Castiel, breathing heavily and feeling his stomach churning rapidly. His hands danced around the smaller boys waist, unsure of how to proceed. He gently lifted up his hips, feeling around for anything in pockets.

Keys. Not what I was looking for. Shit.

He set him down and moved to the front, very lightly patting at the pockets. He felt a square shaped lump.

YES, there it is.

He opened up the pocket, reaching in, but felt Castiel stir. He froze. Dean looked up and his eyes met Castiel's. As he sat up, Dean's hands quickly scrambled away.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry, I was- I just-I"

Castiel silenced him with a hand on his chest. His fingers enclosed around the soft fabric of his t-shirt and pulled him closer. Dean was now straddled over Castiel's legs, and they looked at each other for a moment. Dean felt like he couldn't breath, and his heart was absolutely pounding out of his chest.

In what felt like a split second, Castiel grabbed his collar and pulled him in, their lips connecting. Dean felt like fireworks had begun exploding inside of him. His lips moved perfectly in sync with Castiel's, and he couldn't stop his hands from roaming over the boy's chest. Cas began pushing Dean's leather jacket down his arms, and Dean readily complied. Cas pulled away momentarily to sit up fully onto his knees and push Dean down onto the seat. He ripped his own jacket off before placing a knee on either side of Dean's hips and kissing the man under him fiercely. He brought his tongue forward, grazing the middle of Dean's lips before they parted, allowing Castiel entrance as he pressed his body against Dean's and ground their hips together, earning a sharp intake of air from Dean.

Cas detached their lips and moved down to Dean's neck, licking and sucking as he continued the motion of their hips, much to Dean's pleasure. Cas sat up lifting his shirt up over his head and tossing it into the front seat. Dean's eyes raked his bare chest, in awe of the slim, toned curves and the delicate black tattoos that crept over the left side of his ribs and down over the entire right side of his chest.

God, he's gorgeous.

For the first time, Dean could see a fire in his eyes and a certain darkness that had overtaken his face, and Cas licked his lips and ran both hands down Dean's chest hungrily. He slipped his fingers under the hem and began sliding it up. Dean sighed and closed his eyes at the feeling of Castiel's hands on him, and the slight pressure and friction on his groin where Cas was currently sitting.

His eyes snapped open when he felt Castiel lick all the way down his torso to just above his belt. Cas kissed the skin above as began slowly unbuckling it.

What the fuck am I doing?!

"Cas," he said, hands on the boy's shoulders. He only hummed in response, continuing. Despite every nerve in his body saying otherwise, he sat up, picking up Castiel's chin with his hands.

"Castiel. We can't do this. You aren't even 18." He said, prying the small, soft hands away from his pants. He only earned a soft grunt in return as Castiel moved forward, peppering his neck and cheek with kisses and began massaging the rather formidable tent that had formed in his Levi's.

"Cas-aah" He moaned at the contact. Castiel sucked on his earlobe and licked the sensitive skin just behind it. Dean slid his hands up onto Castiel's face and pulled him away, which proved to be much more difficult than he had anticipated, seeing as he could barely think straight. Once he was face to face with Cas, he looked into his drooping eyes.

"Castiel. You are drunk. Stop it." As if on cue, Cas wrapped his arms around Dean and buried his face in the older man's chest, breathing slowing and body relaxing very quickly. Dean slowly laid him down in the seat and retrieved his shirt from the front, draping it over him. He laid his jacket on top and shut the door, heart still racing. He buckled his belt with shaking hands, feeling extremely conflicted.

What just happened...? What am I going to do?

Unable to think of anything else, he pulled out his phone and called Jo. After ringing for a long period, she picked up.

"Dean...?" She said groggily. "It's like 12:30, why are you calling me?" She sounded slightly annoyed. He took a deep breath, hoping his voice would sound steady.

"Sam found Cas out at a party, drunk out of his mind and dumped him on me. I can't take him home like this, can I bring him to you?" Dean said, pacing back and forth. She was silent for a few moments.

"Yeah, just be quiet. I don't want mom to wake up and see him. She might tell Anna." Jo said, sleep still tainting her voice.

"Joanna Beth, you are a lifesaver. I'll be there soon." He said.

"Whatever," She replied and swiftly hung up.

He let the phone fall from his face and hesitantly turned back to the car. Castiel appeared to be fast asleep in the back.

What have I gotten myself into?

Smoking In the Boys Room // DestielWhere stories live. Discover now