Chapter 31 "Not Messing Around"

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The next morning Shaylynn wakes up to see Halstead isn't in bed with her.
She gets up and walks to the bathroom.
Taking off her nightgown, she gets in the shower. Taking her loofah sponge she starts scrubbing her skin to try and get Christian's touch off of her.
The more she scrubs the more pissed off she becomes to the point she's in a rage.
Finishing up her shower, she gets out. After putting a towel around her and in wrapping her hair up into one, she puts her makeup on then gets dressed.
As she dries her hair, she thinks of all the ways she could torture Christian.

Walking into the kitchen, she sees Halstead cooking, "What are you making?" she asks him.
Halstead looks over his shoulder and smiles at her, "Pancakes and bacon," he tells her.
"Where's Jacquelyn and Wendy?" Shaylynn asks him.
"After eating, they went out back to play," he tells her sitting a plate on the island for her.
Shaylynn moves a stool and sits down, Halstead sitting a cup of milk in front of her.
He walks back over to the stove to get his food.
A few minutes later he sits down to eat.
They sit there in silence for a few a minutes, "I'm going to find him! And when I do I'm going to kill him!" Shaylynn tells him.
Halstead doesn't say anything when he hears Shaylynn's phone go off.
She picks it up to see it's a text message from Beth.

Beth: How are you doing?

Shaylynn: Fine for now. Just trying to figure out where Christian could be hiding.

A minute later Shaylynn receives another text from Beth.

Beth: Mark was talking to me about a log cabin him and Christian went to in Freeport, near the Freeport Inn if that helps?

Shaylynn: Beth, thank you! It's worth a shot!

Shaylynn puts her phone down.
"Was that Beth?" Halstead asks.
"Yes," Shaylynn tells him, "She said something about Mark told her about a log cabin in Freeport near the Freeport Inn that they would go to."
Halstead nods at her.
After they're done eating, Halstead takes their stuff and puts it in the dishwasher.
He walks around the island over to her, "I better get to work," he says kissing her.
"See you later," Shaylynn tells him.
Halstead smiles then walks off toward the garage.

Over the next couple of hours, Shaylynn gets the laundry done but can't stop thinking about the information Beth gave her.
Shaylynn closes the door to the laundry room and walks to the door that leads out to the garage. She stops and looks at the board that holds the keys to all the vehicles, it's empty.
"JAY!" she shouts.


Walking down the steps outside the District, Halstead bumps into Severide.
"Kelly, why are you here?" Halstead asks him.
"I came to see you," Severide tells him.
"What for?" Halstead asks.
"You know why!" Severide says looking at Halstead's face, "You know where he is."
"Kelly, go home!" Halstead tells him as he makes his way down the rest of the steps.
Severide walks down the steps and catches up with Halstead, "I'm coming with you!"
"No, you're not!" Halstead says looking at him.
"Jay, Shaylynn is more to me than my best friend! She's like a sister!" Severide tells him.
Halstead just stands there, "Damn it! You're staying in the truck!" he tells Severide.
"I can't promise anything!" Severide tells him.
"Kelly!" Halstead says to him.
"I'm just being honest," Severide says as they start walking to Halstead's truck.
Severide looks and sees four huge guys standing around Halstead's truck, "Jay, do you know those guys?"
"Yes, those are the guys Shaylynn was in the Special Forces with," Halstead tells him, "Like you, they said they're coming along. The one that looks like Wolverine is Butch. The other that looks like Superman is Rob. Captain America, there is Dan and Starlord is Dave."
"Christian doesn't stand a chance!" Severide says as they walk up to the other guys.
"Well?" Halstead says to the four.
Dave puts a laptop on the tailgate and opens it up revealing a satellite image, "There's a car there," he tells Halstead.
Severide can't believe what he's seeing, "How are we seeing a satellite image? Is this real time?" he asks.
"Yes, it's real time," Dave tells him.
"Dave is one of the best hackers in the world!" Butch tells Severide.
Severide nods, "Who's this?" Rob asks Halstead nodding toward Severide.
"This is Kelly Severide. He's a good friend and married to Shaylynn's cousin Beth," Halstead tells the guys, "He's family and can be trusted!"
"Does Shaylynn trust him?" Dan asks Halstead.
"Yes," Halstead says looking at Dan.
"Alright, that's all we needed to know. Let's go!" Butch says.
The four guys walk back to Butch's Yukon and get in while Halstead and Severide get in Halstead's truck.
"I would hate to piss them off!" Severide says putting on his seatbelt.
Halstead laughs, "I've been on the receiving end of Butch," he tells Severide as he pulls out of the parking lot.
"What did you do?" Severide asks him.
"This was at the beginning when Shaylynn and I started dating. I just got done at a scene at two in the morning and went to her house instead of going back to my apartment. Unlock the door, start heading for the stairs and was cold-cocked over the head. While laying on the floor I listened to them talk about what they should do with me. They thought I was robbing her house," Halstead tells him, Severide laughs, "Shaylynn came down the stairs and tore Butch up! I'm sure she's the only one who can talk to them that way."
"I know I sure wouldn't," Severide says with Halstead agreeing.


Almost two hours later, they're finding the cabin.
Parking down the road, Halstead, Severide and the guys get out.
"Didn't I tell you, you're staying in the truck!" Halstead tells Severide.
"Not a chance!" Severide tells Halstead.
Halstead shakes his head, "Then you stay behind me! Do you understand?!"
Severide nods as the other guys come walking up, "Ready?" Butch asks.
"We're ready," Halstead says.
The guys walk around Halstead and Severide, "Did you see those guns? They're not messing around!" Severide says.
"The guns are military grade," Halstead tells him, "You ready? You can still stay here."
Severide glares at Halstead, "Alright, let's go."

Walking up to the cabin, the guys look inside to see Christian laying on a couch.
"He's in there," Butch says, "Surround the place," he tells the other three.
Butch along with Rob and Dan go and surround the place as Dave stays out front.
"Are you ready?" Dave asks Halstead, "After you go in there, there's no turning back."
Halstead looks at Dave then kicks the door open, rushing in with Severide behind him.
Christian quickly jumps up and runs off.
Halstead is getting ready to run after him when Christian appears with Butch pushing him back into where Halstead and Severide are standing with his hand around Christian's throat.
Butch throws Christian on to a chair, "What do you guys want?" Christian asks them.
Halstead lays off and punches him, "I want your head on a spike for raping my wife!" Halstead says punching him again.
"Come on Jay, we should hear his side," Severide says walking up to Christian, Halstead looking at Severide pissed off.
Severide gets closer to Christian, "Thanks, man!" Christian says looking at Severide.
"That's if you had a side!" Severide says then starts punching Christian.
Christian falls off the chair on to the floor, he spits blood out, "She was an excellent lay! She moaned out over and over again in pleasure!" Christian says smiling as he looks at Halstead.
Halstead bends down and starts punching Christian over and over again, "Fuck this!" Halstead says standing up taking his gun out from the back of his jeans.
He points it at Christian and pulls the trigger.
Christian lays on the cabin floor not moving.
Butch and the other guys come inside, "You two need to go! We'll take care of everything from here on out," Butch tells them.
"Let's go," Halstead tells Severide.

They hurry out of the cabin and book it back to Halstead's truck, "You can't say anything to Beth about what just happened! The less she knows the better in case cops come around asking questions!" Halstead tells him.
"Alright," Severide says, "You of all people should know what to do."
"I'll have to book it back to Chicago. I'm sure by now Shaylynn has noticed that all the keys to the cars are missing," Halstead tells Severide as he speeds down the road, "And she knows what I'm doing. If Beth asks you where you've been, tell her you had to go and help investigate the arson fire from last night."
"Alright," Severide says.
"It would be a good idea if you guys got out of town for a little while," Halstead says.
"We're planning on going out to Laguna," Severide tells him.
"That's even better getting out of the state," Halstead tells him.


In no time Halstead's pulling into the District parking lot, he and Severide get out.
"Remember DO NOT tell Beth anything!" Halstead reminds him.
Severide nods and gets into his Mustang then drives off.

Halstead walks into the District and makes his way up to the Bullpen.
As soon as he hits that last step he sees Shaylynn sitting at his desk.


The character Beth belongs to Paulinemartin100  

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