Chapter 17 "What Are You Up To"

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Halstead puts Jacquelyn in the Escalade as Shaylynn watches the Paramedics load Martha's body into the ambulance.
After she's loaded and the ambulance starts driving away, Shaylynn walks over to the SUV where Halstead is standing with the passenger side door open for her.
"Do you want to go to Med?" he asks her.
She shakes her head 'no', "There's no point," she tells him, "I need to do something. Do you want to help me?"
"Alright," Halstead says.
"We need to go home first," Shaylynn tells him as they get in.


Halstead pulls up in front of Ruzek and Burgess' place.
He gets out, then gets Jacquelyn. They walk to the door, Jacquelyn knocking on it.
Opening the door, Ruzek sees Halstead with Jacquelyn standing there, "What's up?" Ruzek asks.
"Is Reneé here?" Halstead asks him.
"Yeah," Ruzek says, "Reneé!" he yells.
Halstead can see her coming down the stairs and walking to the front door, "Yeah," she says to Ruzek.
"Jay's asking for you," Ruzek tells her.
Reneé walks around Ruzek to see Halstead and Jacquelyn standing in front of him, "Hi, Sweetie!" she says to Jacquelyn then looks up at Halstead.
"Are you busy?" Halstead asks her.
"No," Reneé says.
"Can you come outside?" Halstead asks.
Reneé gets a confused look on her face as Burgess walks to the door, "Okay," Reneé says then walks out the door following Halstead, whose now carrying Jacquelyn, down the steps.
Ruzek and Burgess follow them outside.
Halstead stops on the sidewalk and just stands there, Reneé not understanding what he's doing.
"What are you doing?" she asks Halstead.
"Waiting," he tells her looking down the street, "Looks like we won't be waiting much longer."
Shaylynn pulls up, gets out, and walks over to Reneé, "Hand!" Shaylynn tells her.
Reneé gets a confused sort of a scared look on her face as she sticks her hand out to Shaylynn.
When Shaylynn puts the keys in Reneé's hand her look turns to excitement, "It's mine?" Reneé asks.
"Yes," Shaylynn tells her.
"Why?" Reneé asks.
"For saving me in the hospital. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here," Shaylynn tells her.
Reneé turns around to see Ruzek and Burgess smiling, "You two knew about this?" she asks them.
They both nod, "I wasn't about to buy you something this big without getting their permission first," Shaylynn tells her, "Just make sure you stay safe, okay."
Reneé nods, "Thank you!" she tells Shaylynn.
"You're welcome," she tells Reneé, "We better be going."
"See you guys later," Halstead says as they walk away back to the Escalade.
Halstead puts Jacquelyn in her car seat as Shaylynn gets in the driver's seat which catches Halstead by surprise.
He opens the passenger door, "Are you sure you don't want me to drive?" he asks her.
"No, just get in," she tells him.
Halstead gets in and fastens his seatbelt as Shaylynn drives off.


Pulling into the driveway, Halstead gets out but notices Shaylynn isn't, "What are you up to?" he asks her.
"I need to pick up a few things," she tells him.
"Alright," he says as he closes the door.
He opens the backdoor and takes Jacquelyn out.
Closing the door Halstead carries Jacquelyn to the house, Jacquelyn waving to Shaylynn the entire time.
Shaylynn backs out of the driveway.


Parking, Shaylynn takes her phone out of her bag.
"Hello," she hears Beth say.
"Are you up for some shopping?" Shaylynn asks her.
"You have to ask?" Beth asks.
"Then get your ass out here! I've had one hell of a day and need some retail therapy," Shaylynn tells her.
"Give me a few minutes," Beth tells her.
"In other words thirty minutes later you'll be ready," Shaylynn says.
"Shut up!" Beth says, Shaylynn starts laughing as she hangs up.
Exactly thirty minutes later, Beth comes walking out.
She opens the passenger door and gets in, Shaylynn glaring at her, "Don't say a word!" Beth tells her.
Shaylynn starts laughing as she drives off.


After hitting Macy's and every mall that's in Chicago, Shaylynn is driving in a part of the city Beth doesn't recognize.
"Shaylynn, where are you going?" Beth asks looking around seeing people standing on streets corners that look like they're up to no good.
Shaylynn pulls into what looks like a run down car dealership.
She parks up close to the door and undoes her seatbelt as a man walks out.
Taking her gun, Shaylynn lays it on Beth's lap, "Keep the windows up and the doors locked! If I'm not back in five minutes, you crawl over to the driver's seat and get yourself out of here! Do you understand?!" Shaylynn asks her.
Beth shakes her head 'yes', "For any reason DO NOT leave this vehicle! As soon as I shut the door, lock them!" Shaylynn tells her opening her door.
Shaylynn quickly gets out and shuts the door. As soon as it's shut she hears Beth lock it.
Walking up to the man, he smiles at her, "Are we sure your girlfriend can't join us?" he asks.
Shaylynn pulls another gun out, shoves it under his chin as she grabs his balls, "If anything happens to her, I will chop you up into three hundred and sixty-five pieces," she tells him, "Then I will mail a piece to your family every day for a year so they can put you back together like Humpty Dumpty! Understand?!"
The guy quickly shakes his head 'yes', "Good!" Shaylynn says letting go of his balls and puts her gun away, "Do you have my merchandise ready?" she asks him.
"Yes," he says, "It will probably best if you back into the garage," he tells her.
"Alright, don't try anything funny!" Shaylynn tells him.
She walks back to the SUV. When she's by the door Beth unlocks it.
Shaylynn gets in and starts it up then drives toward where the garage door is, it starts going up.
"Shaylynn, what's going on?" Beth asks her as Shaylynn backs in.
"Just hold onto the gun. Everything I told you before still applies," Shaylynn tells her as she opens the door and hurries out.
Beth hurries and locks the doors. She watches what's going on in the side mirror.
Two guys start walking toward the SUV carrying a crate.
Beth's phone goes off, she sees it's a text from Shaylynn.

Shaylynn: I knock on the hatch, unlock the doors. As soon as you hear the hatch is open, lock the doors. Whatever you do DO NOT look back!

Beth waits for the knock. Five minutes later, she hears it.
She does what Shaylynn's text says.
Looking in the side mirror she tries to see what's being taken out of the crate.
With the hatch open she doesn't hear a lot of talking but other noises until she hears a guy talk.
"Here are the instructions," she hears the guy say.
"I don't need the instructions," Beth hears Shaylynn tell him when she hears the hatch close.
Beth keeps watching the driver's side window for Shaylynn to appear, finally, she does.
She hurries and unlocks the doors.
Shaylynn hurries in as Beth locks the doors as soon as the door's shut.
The garage door goes up as Shaylynn starts to pull out.
She drives out onto the street as Beth starts to say something, Shaylynn stopping her, "No, I'm not going to tell you what I got," Shaylynn tells her, Beth just stares at her, "It's best you don't know," she says.


Driving for fifteen minutes, Shaylynn pulls into a Walmart, "We're going shopping at Walmart now?" Beth asks.
"If you want," Shaylynn tells her, "I was stopping here to get Reneé a few gas cards so she doesn't have to worry about gas for quite a while."
"You bought her a car?" Beth asks.
"Yes, it's the least I could do for her saving my life," Shaylynn tells her, "Do you want to come in or you staying out here?"
"I'll come in," Beth says.
Both ladies get out and start walking toward the store.
As Shaylynn gets the cards Beth takes off.
Turning around, Shaylynn doesn't see Beth anywhere so she goes to look and see what sort of children's books they have.
Five minutes later, Shaylynn sees someone walking up to her out of the corner of her eye. Looking to the side, she sees Beth eating Cheetos, "You're pregnant, aren't you?!" Shaylynn asks her.
Beth smiles.


The character Reneé belongs to ChloeOgradyXo

The character Beth belongs to Paulinemartin100

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