Chapter 18 "You're Amazing At What You Do"

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After getting Beth out of Walmart with a couple more bags of Cheetos, Shaylynn drives to Ruzek and Burgess' place to drop off the gas cards.
"You're going to spoil her," Ruzek tells Shaylynn standing at the door.
Shaylynn gives him a shitty grin, Ruzek looks behind him then looks back at Shaylynn, "There's this boy that's interested in Reneé," he tells her.
Shaylynn glares at him, "You want me to scare him?" she asks.
"Maybe just let him know there are others watching out for her that could do a lot more to him than I can if he gets out of line so to speak," Ruzek says winking.
Shaylynn smiles, "Gotcha," she says, "I better go, I have to get Beth home."
"See ya later," Ruzek says shutting the door.
Getting into her SUV, Shaylynn sees Beth is almost done with the bag, "Good God woman, you sure do like those things!" she says to Beth.
Beth smiles showing her orange teeth, Shaylynn snickers, "Kelly is going to kill me for letting you eat the whole bag!"
"He won't know, I'll leave the bag in here," Beth says.
"He's going to know by the orange teeth and breath," Shaylynn says getting back out.
She opens the back door, lifts a panel in the floorboard to reveal a small cooler, and pulls out a bottle of water.
Closing the door, she gets back in and hands the bottle to Beth.


Parking outside of Beth's house, she gets out as does Shaylynn.
The hatch goes up as Shaylynn starts grabbing out Beth's bags, "I can get some," Beth tells her looking inside to see if she can see what Shaylynn got from those guys.
"I have them," Shaylynn tells her, "You have your Walmart bag full of Cheetos," she says laughing.
Walking into Beth's house, Severide meets them, "What the hell! You buy so much how can you find any more to buy?" he questions.
"Blame, Shaylynn," Beth says smiling.
Shaylynn gets a surprised look on her face as Severide looks at her, "Sure like I can keep her from buying anything! I'm not her handler, you are!" she tells him.
Beth looks at Shaylynn, she starts laughing, "I better be getting home," Shaylynn says, "See you guys later."
Shaylynn walks out to her SUV, gets in, and drives off.


Walking into the house carrying her bags, Shaylynn sits them down on the kitchen counter.
Hearing her come in, Jacquelyn comes running into the kitchen, "Mommy!" she yells as she goes sliding across the floor because of her footed pajamas.
Shaylynn bends down, picks her up, and sits her on the counter, "I bought you some books," Shaylynn tells her handing her the bag.
Jacquelyn smiles as she takes the bag, "Tank you! Down, please," Jacquelyn says.
Shaylynn puts her down, Jacquelyn takes off running again.
Shaylynn then hears thudding going up the stairs.
She smiles as she goes back to taking things out of the bags.
A few minutes later, she feels her hair being moved to one side, hands around her waist, and then lips on the back of her neck.
She's then pushed against the counter, with the weight on her she can feel something hard on her butt.
Shaylynn gets a shitty grin on her face then turns around to see Halstead standing there with sweatpants on and a tight t-shirt showing off what's underneath.
She puts her hands on his stomach and moves them up to his chest, then to his behind his neck.
He starts kissing her then lifts her up and sits her on the counter.
Running her hands down his back, she comes to his waistband, putting her hands inside grabbing his butt.
Running her hands along the inside of the waistband, she moves them around to the front finding him then starts stroking him sending a little moan into her mouth.
Halstead starts working at undoing her pants, she pulls her head back, "We can't here, Jacquelyn could come down at any time and see I have no pants on."
He backs away and starts looking through the bags, "What are you looking for?" she asks him.
"You have to have bought a sundress or something," he says digging more, "Yep, here's one!" he says smiling at her, "Arms up!"
Shaylynn smiles putting her arms up. Halstead pulls her shirt up over her head, then undoes her bra. He slips the sundress down over her arms and head pulling it down onto her.
He grabs the top of her pants along with her panties and pulls them down and off.
"Now if Jacquelyn comes down you're wearing that," he tells her smiling as he moves the front of his sweatpants down and pulls himself out as he pulls Shaylynn to him, entering her as soon as she's on the edge of the counter.
Shaylynn starts kissing him sending a moan back into his mouth as he thrusts into her.
Knowing that Jacquelyn could come down at any time it doesn't take either of them long.
Shaylynn lays her forehead on Halstead's shoulder, "I needed that!" she tells him picking her head up and kisses him.

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