Chapter 16 "You're Messy"

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Sitting at the airport waiting for their flight to Minnesota, Shaylynn is anxious to get on the plane and get going when they announce over the loudspeaker that their flight has been canceled because of maintenance issues.
"You've got to be kidding!" Shaylynn says looking at Halstead.
Halstead stares at her as she stands up, walks away, taking her phone out of her pocket.
"Hello," Beth says.
"What's happening there?" Shaylynn asks her.
"Ellie has a broken arm," Beth tells her, the line goes silent.
"Beth, are you there?" Shaylynn asks.
"Shaylynn, it's Kelly. Beth is pretty upset," he tells her.
"That's understandable! Tell me what jail the guy's at and as soon as I get out there I'll take care of him!" Shaylynn says pissed off.
"What are you talking about?" Severide asks her.
"The guy who crashed into your Dad and Ellie, wasn't he drunk?" she asks.
"No, it's not like that. He had a heart attack. This is nothing but a freak accident where my Dad and Ellie were at the wrong place at the wrong time," he tells her.
"Is Ellie okay other than the broken arm?" Shaylynn asks.
"Yes, she was happy and smiling when Beth and I walked into the room," Severide tells her.
"That's good! She's a hard nut like you!" Shaylynn says laughing a little, "How's your Dad?"
"He has a few broken ribs other than that he's doing okay," Severide says.
"And the other driver?" Shaylynn asks.
"He didn't make it. Benny is really torn up about that," Severide tells her.
"Sorry to hear that! You guys staying out there tonight?" she asks.
"No, we're coming home. We're just waiting for the discharge papers to go through then we'll be on our way," he says.
Severide can hear a sigh come from Shaylynn, "You give Ellie a kiss from me and tell Beth I'll call her tomorrow."
"I will," Severide says.
Shaylynn hangs up.
She puts her phone back in her pocket as she walks over to Halstead who's standing up, "We might as well head home. They're heading home as soon as Ellie's released," she tells him.
They walk out of the airport and to the parking garage.
When they reach the truck, Halstead corners her against the back, "Talk to me," he tells her, "I can tell you're getting ready to break."
And at that moment she does and starts crying on his chest, Halstead wraps his arms around her, "Let's get in the truck so I can get you home," he tells her.
Leading her over to the passenger side, Halstead opens the door, helps her in, then shuts the door.


The next morning, Halstead is up bright and early so he can get to the District or so he thinks.
Shaylynn pulls him back under the covers, starts kissing him, pulling at his boxer briefs.
With no complaints from him, he pushes them down and off.
After an hour and a half, Halstead is finally getting out of bed.
He hurries and gets dressed.
Walking over to the bedside table he grabs his watch, puts it on then grabs his phone and puts it in his back pocket.
Bending over, he kisses Shaylynn then walks out of the bedroom.
Shaylynn lays there.
After laying there for ten minutes, she hears his truck outside.
Throwing the covers off of her, she walks over to her closet. Walking around looking for something to wear, she finds what she wants.
She walks out and heads to the bathroom.
After getting dressed, she does her makeup and puts her hair up into a high ponytail.
Making her way downstairs, she finds Mary and Jacquelyn in the kitchen making breakfast.
Mary more making it as Jacquelyn makes a mess. Shaylynn can't do anything but laugh.
"Have fun today," Shaylynn tells Jacquelyn kissing her on top of the head then looks at Mary, "Have fun cleaning up."
Mary rolls her eyes, "I'll see you two later," Shaylynn says as she walks out of the kitchen.
She walks down a hallway toward the garage. Taking a set of keys off the wall, she opens the door and walks out over to her Charger Hellcat.
Opening the trunk she makes sure everything's in there she needs.
Getting in, she backs out of the garage and down the driveway.


Watching a house, Shaylynn's phone rings, "Hello," she says.
"By chance did you send me a Nerf gun?" she hears Beth ask her.
Shaylynn starts laughing, "It was all Jay's idea! He doesn't want you running around Chicago with a real gun! He feels everyone's life might be in danger."
"Is he at the District?" Beth asks her.
"Yes, their working on a high priority case, why are you asking?" Shaylynn asks.
"No reason," Beth says hanging up.
Shaylynn shakes her head as she sits her phone down and goes back to watching the house.

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