Chapter 1 "Look At Me"

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"Shaylynn, why?" Halstead asks her.
"Jay, I can explain!" she tells him.
"The shooter hasn't been found!" comes over Halstead's radio.
Halstead puts his radio up to his mouth, "I have the shooter!" he radios out.
Shaylynn gets a shocked look on her face, "Are you fucking serious?!" she says to him, "Jay, you don't understand what's going on here!"
Halstead grabs her arm and helps her stand up, "You can explain downstairs!" he tells her.
Shaylynn pulls her arm out of his grip, "I don't need you helping me!" she tells him pissed off.
Halstead gets a worried look on his face as Shaylynn gets further in front of him.
The entire time they're walking down the stairs they don't talk to each other.

Fifteen minutes later, they reach the ground floor and walk outside to a lot of people scurrying around.
They walk over to Hank who's standing beside the Police Commissioner, "Where's the shooter?" the Commissioner asks Halstead.
Halstead looks over at Shaylynn, then back to the Commissioner, "Right here," he tells him.
The Commissioner looks at Shaylynn, "I should have known! Good job!" he tells her.
Halstead looks confused, "What's going on?" he asks.
"Mr. Adair's room was searched. He was plotting to kill the President when he arrives in Chicago in a couple of hours," the Commissioner tells Halstead, "He knew that the President was going to be staying at the Four Seasons and made sure he got the Suite next to the one the President was going to be staying in."
"Was going to be staying?" Halstead questions.
"The Secret Service isn't taking any chances and the President will be staying somewhere else," the Commissioner tells Halstead.
"Shaylynn, you can go and put your rifle up but make sure you come back. You still need to give a statement," Hank says giving her a look.
Shaylynn nods at him and takes off walking toward the parking garage.
Halstead takes off after her. When they're away from the scene he grabs her arm.
"Let go of me, Jay!" Shaylynn tells him giving him a dirty look.
"We need to talk!" he tells her.
"Talk about what, Jay?! How you turned me in?! ME! Your WIFE!" Shaylynn yells at him.
"You shot six men!" he says to her.
"Six BAD men!" she says walking away from him.
Halstead hurries and runs in front of her, "Did you know what this Adair was up to?" he asks her.
"No!" Shaylynn says walking around him.
He gets a confused look on his face.
Running around her again he stops her, "Then why did you shoot them?"
"Because Adair killed some of my family!" she tells him, "Now leave me alone, Jay! I have nothing more to say to you!"
Shaylynn walks around him leaving him standing with a depressed look on his face.

Walking back to the scene, Shaylynn walks over to Hank, "You make sure you tell them you knew what Adair was up to," he whispers to her.
"You're not going to turn me in like my Husband did?" she asks him.
Hank turns and looks at her, "You know better than that!" he says, "I'll take care of Jay. Just stay calm and tell them you found out what Adair was going to do through your channels and there was no time to alert anyone else."
A few people from Internal Affairs walks over to where Hank and Shaylynn are, "Mrs. Halstead, we need to talk to you," one of them says to her.
Shaylynn looks over at Hank, he nods to her. She then walks off with the others.
Halstead walks up and stands beside Hank.
Hank nods at Halstead to follow him. When they get back behind a truck, Hank grabs on to Halstead and pushes him against the truck.
"What's wrong with you?" Hank asks him, "You turned in your OWN WIFE?!"
"She shot six guys!" Halstead reminds him.
"Six guys who were criminals, not innocent citizens! They were part of the Scottish Mafia! Adair also started a fire that took the life of my sister, brother-in-law, and nephew! Beth and her sister Louise were the only ones to make it out!" Hank tells Halstead.
Halstead looks at him devastated, "Shaylynn just mentioned something about killing some of her family a few minutes ago. But before that I didn't know," he says, "Why didn't Shaylynn tell me any of this sooner or what she was going to do?"
"One, she doesn't like to talk about things like this. And two, to protect you and your career! I'm sure in her wildest dreams she didn't think she would run into YOU in the stairwell!" Hank tells him, "You're going to have a HUGE hole to climb out of with her!"
Halstead shakes his head, "What have I done!"
He walks out from behind the truck and starts looking for Shaylynn. Finally finding her, he sees her sitting on the curb crying by Antonio who has his arm wrapped around her shoulders.
Seeing this pisses Halstead off remembering Antonio looking at Shaylynn like he wanted her early on in their relationship.
Halstead starts storming over to them. When he's about ready to step up to where they're sitting, Atwater and Ruzek step in front of him.
"I think you need to take some time and calm down before going over there," Ruzek tells him.
Halstead looks at Ruzek, "I need to talk to my wife about what happened," he says.
"I realize that but now is not the time," Ruzek tells him.
"Get out of my way, Adam!" Halstead tells him.
Halstead is about ready to walk around Ruzek when Atwater puts his hand on Halstead's chest, "You too, Kevin?!"
"Come on, brother! Just give her some time to cool down," Atwater tells him.
"Look over there! Antonio is practically feeling her up!" he says to Ruzek and Atwater.
That's when Halstead sees Antonio walking in his direction, "What the fuck were you thinking! You were going to turn your own wife in?!" Antonio says to Halstead.
"Why don't you keep your nose out of my business and marriage and go find your own woman!" Halstead tells him.
Antonio starts walking closer to Halstead with a pissed off look on his face as Halstead starts walking toward him.
Ruzek hurries and grabs Halstead as Atwater grabs onto Antonio.
"Would you two cool it!" Ruzek tells them.
Halstead looks over to where Shaylynn was sitting and notices she's gone.
"I have to go!" Halstead says pulling away from Ruzek.


Shaylynn knocks on a door, it opens.
"Shaylynn, come in!" Severide says seeing the state she's in.
She walks in as Severide closes the door behind her, "Sit down," he says, "Do you want a bottle of water?"
"Yes, please," Shaylynn says sitting down on the couch.
Severide walks to the kitchen to get the water then quickly returns handing the bottle to her.
"Thank you!" Shaylynn tells him, "Where's Beth and Jacquelyn?" she asks looking around.
"They're both taking a nap," he tells her, "Is everything alright?"
Shaylynn shakes her head 'no', "I think Jay and I are over," she tells him.
Severide gets a shocked look on his face, "Why do you think that?" he asks.
"I can't say," Shaylynn tells him.
Severide looks at her funny, "Is this about what's on the news?" he asks her.
Shaylynn shakes her head 'yes', "I'm sure you two will get through this," he tells her, "You two love each other!"
"I don't know if that will be enough," Shaylynn tells him.
"It's always enough!" Severide tells her.
Shaylynn laughs a little, "You have it bad!"
Severide looks at her confused, "Have what bad?" he asks.
"Bethanitus," she tells him.
Severide starts laughing, "Yes, I have that bad!" he tells her, "Tell you what, how about I follow you to your house, you pack a bag with the things Jacquelyn needs. Then Beth and I will keep her overnight that way you and Jay can have a night alone."
Shaylynn thinks it over, "Reneé is staying with Adam and Kim for the weekend, so I don't see why not," she tells him.
"Great!" Severide says, "I'll get my keys and leave a note for Beth in case she wakes up while I'm gone."
Severide leaves a note on the kitchen counter then grabs his keys. He walks back out to where Shaylynn is, "Ready?" he asks.
Shaylynn just shakes her head 'yes' and stands up, Severide seeing the look on her face.
He opens the door for her, she walks out with him behind her.
Severide still sees the depressed look on Shaylynn's face as they walk to their vehicles, he puts his arm around her neck, "Things are going to work out," he tells her as they walk up to her driver's side door.
Shaylynn unlocks the door, Severide opens it for her, "Look at me," he tells her.
She turns and looks up at him, "Jay loves you! Of all the years I've known him I have never seen him so happy and in love. Whatever happened give him a chance to explain, okay," he says to her.
Again, Shaylynn shakes her head 'yes'.
Severide kisses her on the forehead, "Let's get going," he says.
Shaylynn gets in the driver's seat, once she's in Severide shuts her door.
She waits while he walks over to his car. When he's ready, they both pull out of their parking spots at the same time and drive off. 

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