Chapter 9 "You Can't Do This"

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~~~~A friend and fellow Author told me to use my anger and sadness of losing my furbaby to write, so that's what I did.~~~~

The next morning, Halstead wakes up with his head pounding.
Looking around the room he has no clue where he is.
He looks behind him to see someone's in bed with him.

'Shit' he mouths as he starts to sit up gently so not to wake the other person

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'Shit' he mouths as he starts to sit up gently so not to wake the other person.
As he sits up on the side of the bed, his head starts to really pound and he feels a hand on his neck.
He looks back to see Jenny staring at him.

He looks back to see Jenny staring at him

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"I had a wonderful night!" she tells him.
Halstead stands up and puts on his pants, "I have to be going or I'll be late for work," he tells her slipping his boots on as he puts on his shirt.
Looking over at a chair, he sees his coat.
He walks over, grabs it, and puts it on. Feeling inside he doesn't feel his phone, "When can I see you again?" Jenny asks him.
"I'll be in touch," Halstead tells her as he quickly walks out of the bedroom and her apartment.

Stepping out into the sunlight, Halstead squints his eyes as his head pounds even more.
Seeing a corner store across the street, he walks over.
"May I use your phone," Halstead asks the clerk after walking in.
The older gentleman hands his phone over to him.
"Will, I need your help!" Halstead tells his brother.

Fifteen minutes later, Halstead's getting into his brother's car.
"What the hell happened to you?!" Will yells at him.
"Would you turn it down!" Halstead tells him grabbing his head.
Will starts laughing, "If you think I'm loud you should have heard Shaylynn last night. I don't know what the fuck you did but she got ahold of your old landlord and got your place back. She had ALL of your stuff moved there. What the hell did you do?" Will asks
"This is going to sound strange but everything I did last night I can remember but couldn't control my actions," Halstead tells Will, "What was happening to me is like being a passenger in a car. You watch what's going on around you but you're not the one in control," Halstead gets a frightened look on his face, "Will, go to Med!"
"Why?" Will asks him.
"Just go to Med!" Halstead pleads with him.


Sitting in a treatment room, Dr. Choi finishes drawing Halsteads blood.
"How long will it be before the results are in?" Halstead asks him.
"Well, you want everything ran so it will take at least a week. I'll get you started on the medicine for HIV right now," Dr. Choi tells him, "Just go home and relax. I'll call you when I hear anything."
Dr. Choi walks out, Halstead looks at his brother, "If I could only go home."
They walk out of Med and get into Will's car, "Can I use your phone?" Halstead asks him.
Will hands Halstead his phone.
"Ruzek," he hears.
"Adam, tell Hank I won't be in today," Halstead tells him.
"Man, what happened last night? Shaylynn was like the devil walking the Earth she was so pissed!" Ruzek asks him.
"I don't want to talk right now. Just make sure you tell Hank!" Halstead says hanging up.
Will takes Halstead to the cell phone store so he can get a new phone, then takes him to his old apartment.
"Thanks, Will!" Halstead says getting out depressed.
Walking into the building, he knocks on the landlord's door.
Opening it, the landlord looks at Halstead then hands him the key to his place.
After walking up the stairs, Halstead unlocks the door and opens it. He sees that it still has the same furniture from when he use to stay here along with his possessions with his clothes laying on the bed.

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