|Chapter 11| Stealing Generals

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Thanks to TheMinecraftDragons for coming up with how this chapter might start XD

Also, Wattpad's been stuck with me for four years, how did that happen?

The guards at the gate of the army base nearly had a heart attack as Herobrine seemingly appeared out of nowhere to stand still and silently out the front of the gate, dusting himself off a little, the sunlight reflecting off the long, sheathed sword on his back but casting a shadow over the dagger nestled at the top of his boot. Whispers instantly broke out about dark teleportation magic yet in truth, Herobrine had merely sprinted at nearly top speed before sliding to a stop, but of course, the eyesight of the recruits was nowhere near good enough to know this.

Herobrine waited patiently while everyone milled about in confusion for a while until a squad of seven guards finally stepped out of the gate and approached him, each carrying a shield held out in front of them, a spear in their right hand and a sheathed sword at their left hip.

"State your business!" the recruit at the front said, wearing a more ornate chestplate than his fellows, his voice brisk and business-like but with a tiny tremor of fear in it.

"I need to meet with your generals immediately, it's very important," Herobrine said, standing with his hands behind his back.

"And what are you going to talk to them about?"

"That is between me and them. Will you let me in?"

"Yeah, I'm afraid not," the recruit said, starting to feel a little braver as Herobrine made no move to attack. "We don't allow just anyone to waltz into a meeting with the generals, especially not-" he quickly cut off what he was going to say and after a moment, replaced it with "strangers, not strangers."

Herobrine put a great deal of effort into keeping his facial expression neutral because he was fairly sure that the man had just been about to say "especially not people like you", probably referring to his glowing eyes. But he let it drop either way and replied "Your generals know me and they are expecting me to meet with them."

""Do you have anything to prove that?"

"What do you want me to give to prove it?" Herobrine asked, anger starting to grow in his voice. "I'm only standing here and waiting because I figured it would be politer and easier for you. But if you're going to cause a scene, I'll just jump the wall and find them myself."

"Woah woah hey, you can't do that," the recruit started to splutter but Herobrine was already shrugging and taking a few steps back, preparing to jump.

"General Ty is in a meeting with the Captain of the Guard," a different recruit said, stopping both of them in their tracks. He sounded younger than the first recruit, but somehow he seemed a lot more reliable and decent as he looked at Herobrine. "I can get him and bring him here if you promise to wait here, Mr Herobrine."

Herobrine gave a nod. "Sounds good. But make it quick."

The second recruit gave a nod and sprinted off, leaving Herobrine and the remaining recruits in an uneasy silence which neither party made any move to break until the recruit came back with General Ty walking beside him.

"That bad, huh?" the general asked with a raised eyebrow. "You couldn't even send a magical note saying that you were coming?"

"I had no time, I came as fast as I could."

General Ty sighed but gave a nod to the guards. "He's fine, let him in."

The recruits gave a salute and Herobrine walked forward, keeping stride with the General as they walked up the main street of the base towards the castle. Nearly everyone they passed gave the legend a double glance and skirted around them, whispering among each other and casting conspiratory glaces, although no one spoke or made a move against him since General Ty was walking with him.

Living in Me (Sequel to Not Gonna Die)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang