|Chapter 18| Not fair

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 "The wrong people die, some of them, and the reason is this; life is not fair." 
-William Goldman

          It's strange how in war, time moves so slowly and yet goes by so fast. Months of boredom seemed to pass before they got any word from the armies that had been dispatched but the hours flashed by as part of the Team Crafted army prepared to march out and answer the request for backup that Vikk and Noah asked for in the west. It was decided that Generals Mitch, Jerome and Quentin would lead them, with Herobrine coming along, but...

          "What do you mean I'm not allowed to fight?!" Adam asked as Herobrine told him the news.

          "Think about it logically," Herobrine said reasonably. "Entity and Dreadlord most likely know that you have your magic back, word would have gotten to them somehow, but they don't know that I've been training you and they don't know how skilled you are. The longer we can keep that from them, the greater advantage we have. Think of yourself as a secret weapon."

          "So I have to stay here and do nothing until you guys get back?"

          Herobrine gave a little lift of his shoulders. "You can always keep training."

          Unfortunately for Adam, that seemed to be about as much as he could do. Steve had gone with the group to the north and Notch was off working on a project of some sort, and there wasn't much else to do at this particular time of the war. The army could handle themselves as far as guard duty and general patrols were concerned, and just sitting around doing nothing was more boring than doing the exact same drill over and over again, bending and forming Adam's magic around him, slowly annihilating the target in front of him as he did so.

          Once or twice, and very tentatively, Adam trained with a few of the younger sorcerers whom Aramis and Seto taught, although both of the more experienced sorcerers knew that Adam's magic was different to their own. It didn't achieve anything groundbreaking, although Adam did pick up a few tricks that he thought he might be able to put to use.

          Finally, the army came back from their battle and the activity was thick as wounded were moved to the hospital and armour and weapons were sorted and moved to either be repaired or sharpened and stored and refreshments were brought out and families found each other. Adam searched through the crowd and saw Jerome and ran up to him, reaching him the same time as Ty did.

          "Where are the others, they okay?" Ty asked, getting the question out just as Adam opened his mouth to ask the same thing.

          "Yeah they're both fine, and Herobrine's bringing up the rear," Jerome said, jerking a thumb over his shoulder. He then gave Adam a side eye, as if he was sizing him up. "Can you do the same things Herobrine can?"

          "I mean, not yet but theoretically, yeah."

          Jerome gave a little laugh and shook his head. "You both should have been there, it was insane. I mean, we've all seen Seto when he's fighting but like... imagine that, times ten. And with a lot more... awesomeness."

          "You mean like what he did when fighting Adam?" Ty asked, jerking a head to the referenced man.

          "Well yes, but on a much bigger and cooler scale. And with less fire burning down every building."

          "Naturally," Adam said with a little nod.

          "But that aside, we figured some stuff out from the battle, we should call a meeting, let's go."

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