|Chapter 8| Still Alive

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Oh come on guys, it was chapter 6, I'm not going to kill off a main character in the sixth chapter of a book.

I can't say the same for the seventh chapter.

          Everything hurt. But to be honest, he was surprised that he could feel the pain. It was a burning sensation for a while, then it faded to a stinging, and then a throbbing, which he could manage. And when he had sorted that out, he realised that his name was being called from far off, rapidly growing louder with a buzzing in his ears.

          "Adam. Adam, come on, wake up. Adam!"

          He groaned a little as he cracked his eyes open, squinting in the sunlight. The shadow of someone loomed over him, but he couldn't quite see who with his eyes as blurry as they were. A bad taste like that of hot, rusting metal filled his mouth and he made a face. "Yuck," he groaned, closing his eyes again.

          The shadow gave a bark of laughter that was a mix of relief, humour and annoyance. "The idiot lives! I don't believe it."

          "I feel like my insides have been microwaved though," Adam muttered, squinting his eyes again to try and get them to adjust to the light. He finally recognised the figure above him, grinning widely but with a glint in his eye that told of his desire to slap Adam. "How long was I out Mitch?"

          "Few hours mate, it's almost night now," Mitch said. "You've been completely out of it and can I just say, you were literally smoking."

          Adam bit down on another groan as he shifted his very stiff arms. "Did it work though?"

         "Uh, yes," Mitch said. "I would give you a mirror so that you could see your face but I don't have one."

         Adam reached up a hand to hold his head which was starting to pound and his hand found his sunglasses, which had been pushed to the top of his head. He flicked them down to shield his eyes from the evening sunlight that he could now see was pouring through the window in the room (little more than a space in the wall) and straight onto his face.

          "Jerome, Seto, guess who's awake!" Mitch called out and half a second later, two sets of footsteps hurried for the door.

          Seto's voice reached them before the sorcerer came around the corner. "Is he lucid? Can I slap him without him remembering?"

          "Yes I am lucid and please don't slap me, I'm already feeling bad enough as it is," Adam said, glaring at the door as Seto and Jerome stepped around the doorframe.

         "Next time Seto," Jerome grinned.

          Seto shook his head and came in. "Well, I hate to admit it but your crazy plan actually worked. There's no trace of magic on Rebecca but I could sense it coming from you before I even entered the room."

          "How is Rebecca, is she okay?" Mitch asked.

          "She's fine, just sleeping it off. She woke up about an hour after you both passed out, completely comprehensive and she remembered everything that happened."

         "You know, sleep sounds pretty good right now," Adam mumbled, shifting in the bed he was in.

          "I'm taking the other room, don't wake me up in the morning," Seto said, barely able to stifle a yawn as he left the room.

          Thankfully, Rebecca Lee's uncle Julio had offered for them to spend the night in his house, although it was much too small for Julio, his wife, Rebecca and the four generals, so Seto and Jerome spent the night in the neighbour's house. They woke up late the next morning and headed out within the hour, after double checking that Rebecca was absolutely fine and wouldn't be subject to any more magical hijackings (Her legs were still crippled, but she didn't seem to mind).

Living in Me (Sequel to Not Gonna Die)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora