Chapter 6:- The Father and Son

Start from the beginning

"Language, young man."

"Shut up!" Gary yelled on top of his voice which led to the car taking a little spin around the way, "you don't get to say 'language' to me! You're a freaking disappointment for a father!"

It was all that Charlus had expected, it was quite obvious. Gary wasn't the little kid who didn't ask any question when Charlus dropped him off at his grandfathers' anymore. He was now a grown man, with a dirty mouth apparently. His outburst was quite normal, but Charlus didn't know how to deal with it. After all, having a kid in the first place was all Bethany's idea.

"I-I know you're angry," Charlus said while keeping his gaze fixed on the road, "I expect you to be and I even have a good explan-"

"Explanation?! Gary snapped, "You're an amazing father, really! You have an explanation. Fuck your explanation, I want an answer!"

You have a bad English, Charlus wondered but couldn't dare voice his thoughts, that's what I'm giving you. Your answer is my explanation.

"I was young Gary, I didn't know how to-"

"Oh fuck it," Gary cut him in between, "I don't want your justification! I want an answer to why the hell did you ask me to come back?!"

"I'll tell you when we get there." Charlus said in a firm tone pulling the father card.

"Where?!" Gary yelled, again.

"I-I'll tell you soon," Charlus managed to voice out his silence which prevailed every now and then.

"For God's sake just tell me!"

It was at that moment when both, father and son regretted. Charlus has slammed down the brakes, the car stopped in a second or two and sends both of them flying forwards. Gary's head hit the fiber mirror and Charlus's hit the steering wheel. Both of them let out a small groan as they rubbed their foreheads.

That's why there is a seat belt present, dumbass. A faint voice ringed in Charlus's ear, that's why they also call it a 'safety belt'.

He smiled at the thought of it, it was James who always said that. They were inseparable, just like the opposite ends of a magnet. James was closer to Charlus than his own mother was to him.

James... it felt strange to even think about his name, after all, what had happened to him was something which was Charlus's biggest fear, his death was the one thing which made Charlus go all crazy. Perhaps he would've died too if it wasn't for Bethany. Charlus would've sacrificed his life for either of them anytime, but then, here they were; beneath the ground with no breath is their lungs and there Charlus was, alive and kicking.

"You've put up with me for fifteen years," Charlus croaked while restarting the engine, "would it kill you to just cope up for an hour?"

Gary silently nodded and sank back in his seat. No one spoke a single word during their whole journey. Seeing the familiar route, Gary thought that they were going to Pallet, but when Pallet was ten miles away, Charlus took a hard left turn and parked his car half a mile in front of a broken fence. He motioned for Gary to get off and to follow him. He did as he was asked to, Gary took out his luggage and followed his father inside the dense forest.

After a ten minute walk, it was confirmed that Gary literally had the worst day ever.

First, his no-good father had shown up, Second, his forehead was bonked on fiberglass and the heat, the humidity and lastly, the fidgety branches felt like a cherry on top of a horrible sundae.

Gary frowned when they passed two cars on their way. One which Gary had thought that he recognized somewhere but couldn't quite figure out where. Finally, after pushing their out of an extra dense canopy, Gary finally saw a clearing along with a castle on the hill.

"Sick place," Gary breathed as he followed Charlus on the yellow path.

Suddenly his father turned back and stopped Gary, "You go around take a look, I'll call you soon." he said, "without questions." He added just when Gary opened his mouth.

Gary cursed beneath his breath as he watched Charlus climb the yellow path, the demon present inside him compelled him to follow his no-good father, but just then another demon present (he had no angel) told him, 'why do you care?'.

Gary sighed as he walked on the grass. His poke balls clicked as they touched each other's shells. He had to admit, even from the down the hill, the stone villa looked anything but plain. It was far away from being ordinary, it was gorgeous. He had remembered Ash searching for a decent place to live ever since paparazzi got hold of their apartment.

I'll tell him about this one, he thought happily.

A ten hour plane ride was anything but relaxing and on top of that the painful journey he shared along with his father, so to wash away his thoughts and anxiety, he started to jog; going round the circle of grass. Luckily, he kept his earphones with him everytime and everywhere he went. Plugging them in his phone, he started his first song, 'die', the first ever pop song Serena sang.

After five minutes, Gary stopped, the slope which he thought wouldn't affect him was definitely affecting him, Affected him real good.

Just then, he noticed two heads over the grass.

A blonde and a raven.

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