Chapter 19

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it's the small things that matter
ㅡ Small things, 3Racha


"Do you like the class so far?" Hajoon, a friend of the guy, Sammy, that Felix introduced me to asked.

We were in the middle of it but suddenly stopped to take a water break. "It's cool."

Hajoon laughed loudly. "Just cool?"

I shrugged. "It's good."

"Wow, thanks." He said dully, rolling his eyes.

I gave him a small smile and sat on the floor. "You've improved since you got here."

"Thank you. I didn't know my defense needed cleaning up this much." I said, embarrassed. He smiled and nodded.

"Since it's your first day, how about I treat you some ice cream?"

I pursed my lips. Should I?

"I mean...I guess. Why not?" I shrugged. "As friends, though." I added, just in case.

He smiled brightly and held out his hand for me to take. He pulled me off of the floor when I accepted it and dusted my pants off. "I'm gonna go change. I feel sweaty."

"Sure. There are showers in the back."

Good thing I brought extra clothes.

I thanked him and grabbed my bag before walking to the back where showers were located. I entered the ladies' room and saw a few other girls there.

Some of them gave me small smiles, being polite, I returned it. I went in a private stall and placed my bag down before grabbing my towel.

I came out while brushing out my hair. I let put a pleasant sight as I felt refreshed. I checked the time on my phone as i grabbed my bag and dropped the brush right back into the bag.

6:05 PM


I walked out of the room dressed in a white shirt which had the number '9' in red on it and a plain blue, long jeans with a pair of white sneakers. "You ready?" Hajoon asked.

I nodded and we walked out of the building. "So, how'd you meet Felix? Sammy told me you are his girlfriend."

"Through my best friend." I answered.

He nodded and we walked along the road quietly. "How long until we get there?"

"In about two seconds." He smiled, pointing up at the colorful building.

My eyes lit up. "I haven't had ice cream while I've been here!" I said, clearly excited.


"Does this face look like I'm lying?" I pointed at my still excited face.

"Okay, nope." He laughed.

"Exactly." I smiled and walked ahead to the building.

I walked up to the counter and gaped qt the flavours. " Double scoop of Mint chocolate chip, please." I said to the girl behind the counter.

Hajoon walked up next to me and raised an eyebrow. "That was quick." He chuckled. "I'll have a double scoop double chocolate."

"You've got nice taste." It was true. Double chocolate is the best.

He smiled. "Thanks."

The worker scooped out our ice creams and gave us. We thanked her and put on our toppings. I put on gummy bears and Hajoon put on sprinkles. I let Hajoon pay for my icecream since he insisted, that, and I was running out of money.

The worker turned around and i grabbed some extra gummies and stuffed them into my mouth, trying not to look suspicious. Hajoon laughed making me pause. "Y-You saw that?"

He nodded and put his hand over to his mouth while laughing. I looked away embarrassed as I tried not to choke on my gummy worms.

"Let's go."

Hajoon and I walked in silence. "Are you heading home now? Need me to walk you there?" He asked.

I shook my head. I don't know if he knows where we live or not, but I knew he wasn't supposed to be there.

"I can walk you there, it'd be no problem, really."

"No, thank you, Hajoon." I gave him a kind smile as I continued to lick my icecream. I've seen Felix eat ice cream. The dude literally bites it, doesn't his brain feel that? I smiled, thinking of it.

"A-Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm good."

"Alright. Call me if you need me."

I took out my phone and gave him the number. He put his number in my phone, too.

We arrived at the gym and I waved to Hajoon before continuing to walk down the road. I grabbed my earphones out of my bag, spilling a bit of ice cream on my shoes. I frowned. "Dang it." I mumbled as people walking around me gave me weird looks. I ignored it and sighed, I had nothing to my shoes with so I had to wait until I made it to the house.

I put in the earphones and put the songs on shuffle. Bazzi's Why came on. I nodded my head to the song, remembering how I accidentally clicked on it. One of the best mistakes that I ever made. Then after it was Something Just Like This by The Chainsmokers and Coldplay, another good mistake.

I sang along subconsciously. "The legends and the myths~"

When that song finished, Eastside by Khalid and Halsey came on.

I let out a breath, getting tired of walking, I decided to hop onto a bus. Not too long after, I got off on the street and walked to the house. I checked the time.

7:30 Pm

As I was about to enter, my phone began to ring.


"Where are you?"

"Why? What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing" He stuttered.

"You're lying. Also, I'm right outside."

Hyunjin hung up and I opened the door, immediately being engulfed in a hug by him, me dropping my bag. I hugged him back, surprised. "What's going on?" I asked.


"Stop lying. Tell me whats wrong."

Hyunjin sighed and pulled away, looking at me in my eyes. "I don't think you're safe."

"Is it because of Felix's father? Hyunjin, I already know he's dangerous. You told me that."

Hyunjin frowned. "You should get some rest."

"Me?" I laughed.

"Yeah, you've been out the whole. You can tell me everything in the morning."

My eyebrows furrowed. "How about tomorrow, we both tell eachother everything." I said softly.

He nodded. "Y-Yeah, thats cool."

I nodded and grabbed my bag and walked up the stairs. I entered my room and grabbed a cloth to clean my shoes with. When I finished, I changed into pajamas, which were a sweatshirt and sweatpants.

I decided to pay Felix a visit, too, contemplating on whether to ask or not. I wasn't sure if they made up yet.
Thoughts of what was wrong with Hyunjin cluttered my mind on the way there.

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