Chapter 1

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"I only sychronise to you."
-Synchronise, Infinite


“Um, Sydney Rivera?”

I turned around with furrowed eyebrows. Is it him? I think to myself as my eye landed on the boy in front of me. He was tall and wearing a white dress shirt, piece was out while the rest was tucked in. The shirt was buttoned up halfway, exposing his black tee shirt, which he wore underneath. He also dressed in a black jeans pants which was ripped by the knees and a pair of black sneakers to match. He was also very handsome.


He nodded and walked to me, awkwardly giving me a hug. I smiled nervously and hugged him back slowly. “I missed you.” He mumbled.

“It's been a long time, hasn't it?” i asked as he pulled away.

He nodded as he combed through his soft brown locks with his fingers. “Eight years without my childhood best friend.”

Then it went silent.

“U-Uh, we should get going. The boys are waiting for us. They want to meet you.” He informed, taking my two suitcases.

“Oh, thank you. The boys? You mean your friends that Grandmother told me about?” I asked as I adjusted my bag straps.

He nodded and we walked silently to what I assumed was his car. It was a nice Subaru. “Nice car.” I told him.

“Not mine, its Chan’s.”

“One of your friends?”

“Yeah,” He paused and unlocked the door. He opened the trunk of the car and put the two suitcases in. “They are nine of us. Chan, Changbin, Felix, Woojin, Jisung, Minho, Jeongin, Seungmin and I. Now, you. Were in this dance group. We dance… how do I explain this…? I guess.. you could say...illegally?”

Hyunjin explained what he meant as he drove me to his home. He explained that what he meant by illegally, was that they dance in kind of a like an underground place.

Apparently, my grandmother had most stuff set up, so I was supposed to join them. I don't really mind, my life needs some excitement in it and if it take living with a couple of boys and being in an underground dance group called Stray Kids or whatever, I'll do it.

Just as we pulled into a driveway, I opened my mouth to ask Hyunjin something, but soon decided against it. He couldn't possibly know what happened to my mum right? I'll just have to ask my Grandmother when I call her, since she told me to call when I got settled in. I don't know why or how she reached out to Hyunjin and got him to agree with me staying with him. Especially, since we haven't seen each other in eight years, but I'm just glad I’m not alone anymore.

What puzzled me even more is the fact that she always tells me to choose friends carefully and don't trust anyone, but here I am, living with a bunch of strangers. Something is definitely not right here.

Hyunjin parked the car and got out, quickly running to my side and opened the door for me. Well, then. I smiled at him, he gave me a shy smiled, brushing his bangs out of his face. I got out and thanked him softly. I, then, walked to the back of the car as he opened the trunk, and took my suitcases out. He took one from me and walked up to the door as did I while staring at the house.

It was H U G E.

It was very noisy. I looked at him and he giggled nervously. “Uh, you’ll get used to it.” He mumbled, while unlocking the door. We entered and upon spotting us, the noise came to a halt and so did the four boys in front of us.

“Guys, this house is a mess. What have you guys been doing?” Hyunjin exclaimed with a sigh.

A younger looking boy jumped off of the couch with red hair and a gummy smile. “The usual, Hyunjinnie.”

Hyun Jin raised an eyebrow. “So, being idiots?”

A blonde haired boy with freckles  also jumped off of the couch and shrugged, looking straight at me. “Basically. You're Sydney?” I nodded shyly, averting my eyes to the floor. “I’m Felix.” Deep voice.

“He means Yongbok.” Another boy laughed. I noticed Yong-- Felix glaring at him, and took note to never call him Yongbok. I just got here, no way am I getting on any of their bad sides. “My name’s Minho a.k.a. Lee Know.” He winked, running a hand through his light brown hair.

“You two are dorks.” The boy that first spoke said. “I’m Jeongin or I.N., the youngest, but please don’t treat me like a child like the others do..” He said with a slight pout.

I smiled at him and nodded before looking at the last boy. He had black hair and was a bit short. “Changbin. Seo Changbin, also known as SpearB.” He smirked.

A ping went off and the boy who introduced himself as Jeongin pulled his out of his pocket and sighed. “It’s Chan. I have to go back home now.” Jeongin said. He gave me a little smile and was about to leave when Hyunjin stopped him.

“Wait! Give these back to Chan for me, please?” Hyunjin begged with pleading eyes, holding Chan's car keys old to the youngest boy.

“Nah, I'm gonna make him walk over here for these tomorrow.” Jeongin said with a small smirk. “Bye, guys. Bye, Sydney.” He waved. I waved back as he left the house and walked over to the house in front of us, which Hyunjin identified as the house that Woojin, Chan, Jisung, Jeongin and Seungmin lived in.

“So, let me show you the room you'll be staying in.” Hyunjin said, nudging me a bit. I nodded and followed him, dragging my suitcase along. Hyunjin led me up a two flights of stairs and down a corridor to the last room.

“Welp, this house a huge upgrade from my one story house back in London.” I said truthfully, looking around at the chandeliers as he unlocked the bedroom door with a key that was already stuck into the lock.

Hyunjin chuckled. “Did you like it?” He asked before walking in the room. I followed him and shrugged.

“Only thing I liked was the food and my house. It was small and comfy. I always liked it that way. I was never really much into the big stuff but I guess I gotta get used to this. Nice room, by the way.” I admitted as I looked around the room.

“This is literally the smallest one because I know you'd say something like that. you've been like that since we were seven.” Hyunjin said with a laugh as he placed my suitcase on the floor. I laughed along with him as I did the same. “Okay, so, I'll give you a little tour of the house when you've finished gotten settled in.” he was about to leave when I grabbed his hand.

“Hyunjin, why do four of you live here when all of you can live together? This house is that big, so is the other one across the street.”

Hyunjin shrugged. “We did at first. I guess, things just changed.” With that he left the room, closing the door behind him. What does he mean by ‘things change’?

Idk if underground dancing is thing..but now it is.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading.


not edited

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