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It was fine.

Everything was fine.

Taehyung was sitting on the couch, slumped, with Hoseok buried into his side as Hoseok kept showing Taehyung old Vines he had somehow saved on his phone.

Although Taehyung could quote literally every single one of them, he couldn't focus. Not when Jungkook, apartment 15 Jungkook, was sipping a rum and coke and dancing against Jin and Namjoon. 

He has still never had a full conversation with Jungkook and his presence alone spiked his anxiety. Thankfully, the alcohol in his system was taking his mind off of the tingling in his spine.

"Are you even paying attention to me?" Hoseok pouted, his bottom lip sticking out.

"No," Taehyung answered honestly. Hoseok followed Taehyung's gaze until it landed on Jungkook.

Jungkook, who was currently jumping up and down as he cheered on Jin and Namjoon as they were vigorously making out in front of everyone. Taehyung barely noticed, though. His eyes stayed locked on the pretty boy next door. 

"You could talk to him, you know," Hoseok snickered and leaned back in the couch. 

"And what would I say? 'Hi Jungkook, I know I'm the freak that lost it in the hallway a couple weeks ago, but you've been ignoring me the entire time you've been here and that makes me sad'?" Taehyung rolled his eyes and focused back on the dancing group. 

Jungkook was tan and so, so handsome. His dark brown hair was wavy and parted in the middle, showing a strip of his forehead. Sweat slicked his neck as he jumped with Jimin, Yoongi a constant shadow behind the pink-haired boy.

Jin and Namjoon had disappeared, and Taehyung tried not to think about what that meant.

Taehyung looked around his apartment at the cups that littered his hardwood floors, the glass dishes on his kitchen counter that had half-eaten dips in them. Crumbled chips scattered all over the surrounding surface. 

When his gaze found the dancing group again, Jungkook was missing. He scanned the apartment quickly again, trying to spot the boy from next door.

"Hey," Taehyung jumped, hot breath fanning over his ear. "Can I talk to you?"

Jungkook motioned towards Taehyung's balcony. Not trusting himself to speak, Taehyung just nodded, his cheeks burning as he stood.


Author's Note:

Nothing like picking up this story again for funsies after four years.

x wren

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