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Taehyung hadn't used the number Jungkook gave him yet. It's been two days and he can't bring himself to do it.

He has pulled out his phone and typed out at least twenty different messages over the last two days, only to hold his thumb over the backspace each time. What would he even say? "Hey?" Yeah, right. Taehyung's not saying "Hey." That's absurd.

On the third day, Taehyung heard Jungkook singing again. Taehyung had just gotten off work and had thrown himself down onto the bed when he heard Jungkook's voice.

I cannot breathe without you being right by my side...

Taehyung's jaw dropped. No.

I'll die...

This kid was not a Kpop fan. No. Taehyung refused.

So can you please come over closer...

And he was singing Stray Kids. There's no way.

Hold me tight, right now...

Taehyung had his phone out in a heartbeat. 


7:46pm: you are NOT singing stray kids right now.

Jungkook's phone pinged from the other room. Jungkook's singing stopped abruptly and a crashing sound followed, like he tripped over something, like he was rushing for his phone. Seconds passed before Taehyung's phone pinged.


7:47pm: Taehyung?

And, a second later:


7:47pm: I am. Why? Is that bad? Was it bad?


7:48pm: tell me your bias right now. 


7:48pm: What? Haha.


7:49pm: your skz bias NOW.

A few seconds passed. This situation felt like life or death to Taehyung. 


7:49pm: Felix.


7:50pm: you would lmao.


7:50pm: What's that supposed to mean? 


7:51pm: you like pretty boys with deep voices?

The bubble with the three dots popped up, then disappeared, and then popped up again. A whole minute passed before Jungkook replied.


7:52pm: You have no idea.

Taehyung, blissfully unaware Taehyung, typed out his reply.


7:53pm: it was good, though. you can sing stray kids to me any day.


7:53pm: Who's your bias?

Taehyung, without even giving it a second of thought, typed out his reply in record speed.


7:53pm: the only correct answer is bang chan. 


7:54pm: So you like strong men with impossibly delicious biceps?

Taehyung giggled, actually giggled, and he heard Jungkook's chuckling response. Taehyung pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. His cheeks hurt from the fact that he hadn't stopped smiling since he got home.

Jungkook started singing again. He skipped to Hyunjin's part in the chorus.

When I close my eyes, all I see is red lights...

Taehyung would never stop being impressed with this boy. His voice was so angelic. He suddenly remembered what Namjoon said the other night when he originally tried breaking up the party, something about them trying to make music. A thought occurred to Taehyung.


7:57pm: do you have original music?

A pause. The bubbles popped up and did their disappearing act again. This time, it took minutes before Jungkook finally responded, just for two simple words.


8:01pm: I do.


8:01pm: can i hear some?


8:02pm: Give me a minute.

Taehyung listened to Jungkook's movements from the other side of the wall. The sound of a chair being dragged along the hardwood floor and then a sudden, harsh piano note made Taehyung cringe.


8:06pm: Sorry, dropped my phone on my keyboard. That's not a part of the song, I promise.

Taehyung cackled, like full-on barked a laugh. His phone pinged.


8:06pm: I love your laugh.

Taehyung stopped laughing. Now it was his turn for the disappearing bubble game.

Finally, Taehyung settled on this:


8:08pm: sing to me.

Taehyung heard Jungkook clear his throat and the beginning, soft sounds of the piano.

You are the sun that rose again in my life...

Taehyung clutched his phone and held it tightly against his chest. He could do this. He could make it through this.

The second coming of my youthful dreams...

Taehyung brought a hand up to his mouth. Okay, maybe he couldn't make it through this.

I don't know what this feeling is, whether this is all a dream...

Taehyung listened for a few more seconds, until the heart of the chorus.

Take my hands now, you are the cause of my euphoria...

Taehyung didn't know what he was doing. He felt high, like the few nights he spent with Yoongi back in the dorms where they experimented with edibles. His mind wasn't connecting with the rest of his body. He blinked, and all of a sudden he was in front of apartment 15 and he was knocking. And the door was opening.

His brain barely registered Jungkook breathily saying his name.

And then his lips were on Jungkook's, and the world stopped.

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