28: Azkaban

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A cold wind rushed over the trio as they found themselves at the entrance to Azkaban. Brutal winds, rain, and water from the aggressive waves made it hard to hear. Hermione had barely been there a minute and she was drenched, head to toe. 

"This is it, put this on," Kingsley instructed and they did, concealing both Hermione and Harry under the invisibility cloak. They then headed to the main gate where the Minister of Magic spoke to the main guard. After giving a password and casting his Patronus, to prove he was who he said he was, they went inside. Harry and Hermione followed close behind. 

After climbing 12 flights of stairs, they made it to the wing where they used to keep the Death Eaters. It had been cleared out ever since the war due to the darkness of the witches and wizards and were now abandon. 

"This is it Minister, cell 1208." The guard who led them up said, his voice low and raspy. 

"Thank you, Woodmen, wait for me by the stairs would you, I have some... private Ministry business to attend to," Kingsley said smoothly, the guard just nodded and headed over to where the stairway was. 

Once he was out of direct sight, he nodded to the duo under the invisibility cloak. Hermione clutched onto Harry's hand as they walked into the old, unlocked cell. She already hated the place and pitied anyone who was here. The stones were hard, some with old blood splatters on them. The bars were rusted but strong and the air was thick with must, sweat, and blood. 

"Come on it must be in here somewhere." Hermione looked around. A cot, no windows, a bedpan, and a barred door. Nothing more. A truly horrible place to be banned to. 

"Shame accio doesn't work in this place," Harry muttered cringing at the cobwebs. 

"Shame this whole place is necessary," Kingsley added as he helped look near the door, keeping a close watch. 

Hermione felt each stone, hoping to find one loose. She was just about to give up on them when she noticed one move under her hand. "Here." She whispered, pulling the stone out. Harry walked over to her and she handed it to him. 

"Nothing." He furrowed her eyebrows. 

"Wait..." She reached into the empty hole. To the left, there was another opening behind the stone next to it. She smirked as she pulled out a thin leather book with a snake lock on it. "This must be it." 

"Good, put the stone back and let's go," Kingsley told them, and they did. Hermione pushed the stone back into place and they both concealed themselves under the cloak. 

"Alright then, thank you, Woodmen. You know with all this Death Eater business the board decided I should have a personal look around, I appreciate it." Kingsley smiled at the man who nodded, "you can expect a generous raise, sir." 

"Really? Wow, thank you, Minister." 


Hermione sighed as her feet hit the ground and she smiled as they found themselves back at Hogwarts. She felt the cool winter breeze pass over her but she didn't care. She was just thankful not to feel the darkness of Azkaban over her. 

"Thank you, Kingsley," Harry shook the man's hand, "we're so close to ending this." 

"Just keep me in the loop, Harry. You too Hermione. I'm glad you're both safe. Now go, end this." He told the two Gryffindors. "I'm going to go tell Minerva everything is alright, I suggest you gather your friends at dawn and bring them all to her office. Talk about next steps and such." 

Hermione nodded, thanking him as she and Harry headed towards the dorms. "I should go get Draco." She told Harry. 

"You really care about him, don't you?" He asked her, stopping her before she could run off. 

"I do." Hermione looked to her feet, nervous about what he was going to say. 

"I'm glad you found someone, Hermione. Even if it is that ferret." He smiled, nudging her on the arm. 

She smiled and hugged him, "thank you, Harry. Thank you for always supporting me. I don't know what I'd do without you." She said into his shoulder. 

"Probably just fine, but I'm glad you keep me around." He smiled, earning a laugh from her. "Now go on, go get your bouncing little ferret and meet us at McGonagall's at seven, okay?" 

"Sounds good." Hermione gave him one last smile before heading off towards the Room of Requirement. Diary in tow. 

She trotted up the stairs, past the endless sleeping paintings. She noticed that it was already 4 am. She wondered how it had taken them so long at Azkaban. Though Hermione had to admit, it felt like years that they were there because of the horrible feeling she got there. 

Hermione made the final turn to the Room of Requirements. 'Where I can be with Draco,' and the door appeared in front of her seamlessly. She twisted the knob and peered inside. The bed was unmade but empty. Not a sign of life in the room, even the fire was out. The Gryffindor frowned and looked around a bit further, but no sign of Draco. 

A pit started forming in her stomach. Where was he then? Fear caught fire through her and before she knew it she was running. She headed straight for the only person she knew to tell. McGonagall. She ran so fast her legs burned. Her head was reeling. 

Down the moving stairs. Go, Hermione, keep going. Don't stop until you find him. Almost to McGonagall's, she skidded on a wet spot, undoubtedly from her sopping wet clothing on the way up before. She crashed into the floor, but she got right back up. She wasn't stopping now. 

When Hermione finally got to the entrance to McGonagall's Office she saw Kingsley waiting outside. She ran up to the door but he put a hand out before she could enter. "I'd wait if I were you?" He told her. 

"What? Why?" Hermione breathed. 

"Draco Malfoy is in there, she's giving him some news, I don't know what." He told her, "I went in but she shooed me away rather quickly." 

"Did you see anything? What happened?" She asked frantically, 'what ifs' running through her mind. 

"Not much, Hermione. Is everything okay?" 

"I- I think so. Yes." The Gryffindor sighed, begging her heart rate to go down. He was safe, that's what was important. Nothing else really mattered. 

Hermione sat with her back to the wall, waiting for them to come out. After twenty more minutes, Kingsley sat himself down too. They sat in the silence as Hermione's brain came up with every possible scenario. All she could think was 'what happened?' and it killed her not to know. 

Another ten minutes and the door to her office opened. Hermione shot up to see McGonagall standing there with teary eyes. "Head Mistress, what's going on, what's wrong?" Hermione asked, her heart pounding. 

Kingsley stood and looked between the two women. 

"You best go into Mr. Malfoy. He's going to need you right now, Miss Granger." McGonagall told her. No hesitation, Hermione was up the stairs within an instant. "The mission was successful I gather," She looked to the Minister. 

"Yes, but Minerva, what's happened?" He placed a gentle hand on her arm. 

"I just got word from you Aurors while you were gone, Kingsley..." She wiped away a stray tear.  


"Narissa Malfoy took her own life." 

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