10: Her Savior

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Hermione took a deep breath, filling her lungs with chilled, crisp, winter air. After her run in with Draco she headed left to her Common room and crashed, getting some much needed rest. But even when the next morning came, her emotions were still confusing. So she headed out into the courtyard, letting the cold embrace her, as if it could numb her emotions. She wanted to cry and yell and hug him all at the same time.

She ignored her question as to why she felt the way she did and focused on the problem at hand. She hadn't heard anything from Draco since he left her in the corridor last night. She couldn't help but worry about the boy. He did look good when he ran off. She wanted so badly to go after him, but she was too scared. Her head was spinning. Hermione had to do what she was best at. Think. Just clear her head and think. 

A few snowflakes fell from the colorless sky above. She looked at the forbidden forest and noticed how dead everything looks. Other than the evergreens, everything was bare, with nothing more than a few stubborn brown leaves, refusing to fall. Hermione shivered, wondering what the Slytherin was doing now. 


The brutal wind whipped against Draco's face and he clenched his teeth and his eyes watered from the freezing air. He came to an abrupt stop, his body jolting forward. He looked out across the Black Lake towards the castle. He sat on his broom, the frozen water below him. He leaned back, a few snowflakes hitting his face. 

He hated this. 

Why could he not get her out of his head. She was just some stubborn girl from his past. Maybe he had a crush on her when he was younger but what did that matter. She was just Granger. He had to admit, he cared about her, deeply, but that's why he had to keep her away from him. He was dangerous. Everything about him was. She was pure and innocent and he didn't want to corrupt her with his life. 

He flew slowly back towards the courtyard and noticed someone walking alone. He sighed deeply as he saw the bushy curls flowing from a knitted hat. He knew it was her. Draco flew over her and headed for the Astronomy Tower, where he would get off his broom and find a place to hide out other than the Slytherin Common room. 

Hermione saw the boy with platinum blonde hair fly above her and she couldn't help but be revealed, knowing he was at least physically okay. She saw him head towards the Astronomy Tower and land. She assumed he either didn't see her, or was avoiding her. Probably the latter, she assumed. 

She pursed her lips and continued walking. She past the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest and felt a weird feeling in her stomach. She was already cold from the air but she felt like her heart had gone cold. She took her wand out of her jacket and looked around, suddenly feeling unsafe. As she neared the forest she felt the feeling get stronger. 

A gasp left her lips. She suddenly wished she had just gone back to the castle instead of investigating. She carefully backed up, hoping the cloaked figures wouldn't notice her. But sure enough, they did.


Draco watched her walk from up by the Astronomy Tower. He felt warm just seeing her, even though he was still in the cold. As she disappeared behind  a few trees he sighed, the cold returning. So he grabbed his broom and headed towards the door to go back inside. 

"Expecto Patronum!"

He knew that voice. Draco heard her scream the words as if it were for her life. He ran to the edge of the tower and jumped without hesitation, swinging his broom under him and landing on it. A trick he learned two years ago that he was quite proud of.  

The Slytherin flew fast, as if he was trying to catch a snitch. He spotted her along the tree line, casting spells at something within the forest. He swooped down and landed roughly, leaving his broom on the snow and running over, want in hand. Draco ran to the girl who was doing her best to fight off half a dozen Dementors, but his legs simply couldn't get there fast enough. 

He watched as a skeletal cloaked figure came from behind her. Peering over her and catching her off guard, the Dementor was able to close in. Sure they couldn't kill you, but if they had the chance, they could do far worse. Suck the happiness and life right out of you. 

"Hermione!" Draco yelled, she turned to look at him but he was too late, the Dementor had latched onto the girl. He watched in horror, not knowing what to do. He had to try the spell... but he couldn't do it! Could he?

He tried to think of something happy. Happy? He didn't even know what memory to use, he didn't have any! What was happy?!

"You can stay" He heard her blurt out. "I mean... I don't need the whole couch... It's just... I've been alone for over two hours I don't want to be anymore." She tried to explain to him, he looked at her in shock "Sorry it was stupid I-"

"No. It's okay I was just... I wasn't expecting you to want a Death Eater anywhere near you. Especially while you're sleeping." Draco's voice went a bit hoarse. He struggled to keep his voice from breaking. 

"Malfoy, you may have a dark past." She put her  hand on his, like before, he swore his heart stopped. "But... for what it's worth, after tonight, I trust you," Hermione paused, "mostly." She winked at him and offered her warmest smile at him. He smiled back at her. She then moved over and curled up at the end of the couch, getting herself comfortable. Merlin she was perfect. 

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" Draco yelled, a silvery blue light sending the demon backwards into a tree, off of Hermione. A silvery Arctic Fox ran around them playfully, but Draco didn't even care about the fact he cast his first Partronus. 

He slid to his knees, holding Hermione in his arms. She was breathing, but pale, cold and seemed to be unconscious. Noticing the Dementors coming back their way, he let out a sharp whistle, causing his broom to fly over to them. He picked up Hermione and held her in his arms. She was light and quite a bit shorter than him, allowing him to carry her easily. He jumped on his broom, setting Hermione in front of him and holding onto her tightly. He kicked off, heading back towards the Astronomy Tower. 

Dementors flew along side him, but he narrowly made it to the Astronomy Tower. Draco jumped off his broom, carrying Hermione close to him. He ran inside the castle and down the stairs. It wasn't until he saw Head Mistress McGonagall that he finally collapsed to the ground, careful not to hurt Hermione. 

"Dementors..." Was all he managed to say before he passed out. 

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