6: Reversed Positions

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Hermione sat on the couch beside Draco munching a small piece of chocolate. A dramatic sigh left her lips as she looked down at the blonde. It had been over an hour and a half since she gave him the vile of liquid McGonagall instructed her to give him. It was 2:15am, and Hermione was growing more and more worried about Malfoy. Her knuckles were going white from gripping her wand so tightly. Every noise she heard she stood, ready to defend the both of them. She heard two screams since McGonagall left, and lost track of the spells she heard fired. She had no clue what was going on outside the office, but she was glad they were in there.

But it wasn't until the second hour passed that it grew unbearable to watch the boy lay there lifelessly. At that point she mulled over her options for what seemed like forever, when in reality was only ten minutes at most. But the war inside her head was finally won. She carefully reached for Malfoy's hand and took it in her own. She felt brave to even dare to grab his hand at all, but also felt relaxed after feeling his warm hand in hers.

"Merlin Malfoy, you're a bloody git for leaving me like this... All alone. I mean honestly, if you don't wake up soon I might end up eating all that chocolate." Hermione chuckled to herself. "And look at me now, talking to your unconscious body... You'd get a laugh out of that one if you were here- er well not here... you are here... but if you could see us now." She shook her head with a sigh. "Would you just wake up already? I'm lonely and stress eating... it's not a good combination you know!"

Little did she know Draco had heard every word, and had woken up when she had taken his hand. He had to do everything in his power not to show to her he had heard it. He couldn't decide at that point whether he would laugh or hold her. He didn't know why he wanted to... but it was a sudden craving that danced through his mind. But instead he continued to act asleep for another fifteen minutes before pretending to stir.

Hermione instantly let go of his hand seeing his movement. He opened his eyes and once again, his icy eyes bore into hers. "Thank Merlin you're awake!" She managed to get out. Draco sat up and his hand went to his head as a groan escaped his mouth. "Here, eat this." She said quietly, handing him a piece of chocolate.

"Thanks" he muttered before snapping off a corner. "What's happened?"

"McGonagall left us here in the office where its overall safe... I'm not sure what's going on outside... But it doesn't sound too good." Hermione explained.

"How long have I been out?" He asked quietly, his eyes meeting hers again. She looked worried.

"About two hours."

He looked down at her hand which was tightly clutching her wand. Noticing how white her knuckles were going Draco frowned. He reached over to the hand that held her wand and gently loosened her grip slightly. Her eyes followed his hand and her gaze rested on his hand on hers. "At the rate you're going you'll lose the circulation to your fingers Granger..."

Her eyes flickered back to his before going back to their hands. She set her wand on her lap and sighed. "It gets tedious being alone with an unconscious boy and screams coming from outside the door." Her voice was tired, Draco presumed it was because she hadn't slept at all.

"You should rest Granger," he stood, giving her the whole couch to sleep.

"You can stay" she blurted out before she even knew what she was saying. "I mean... I don't need the whole couch... It's just... I've been alone for over two hours I don't want to be anymore." She tried to explain to him but the quizzical look on his face made her feel pathetic. "Sorry it was stupid I-"

"No. It's okay I was just... I wasn't expecting you to want a Death Eater anywhere near you. Especially while you're sleeping." Draco's voice went a bit hoarse. He struggled to keep his voice from breaking. Hermione could tell, and she didn't know why but the way it sounded made her sad.

"Malfoy, you may have a dark past." Her Gryfinndor courage broke through, and she dared to place her hand on his, like before. "But... for what it's worth, after tonight, I trust you," Hermione paused, "mostly." She winked at him and offered her warmest smile at him, which after hearing her words he returned with the best smile he could muster. She then moved over and curled up at the end of the couch, getting herself comfortable.

"I'm sorry..." He said quietly after a minute.


"For not casting that Patronus... You see I just can't do it." He sighed deeply.

"It's okay. A lot of people can't after the war. I understand." She explained and he nodded to her. "I'll teach you-"

"Later. You need to sleep"

She sighed, "Fine... Now, eat your chocolate." She grabbed the container and pushed it into his chest. He chuckled. She closed her eyes, and ended up quickly drifting to sleep.



Hermione bolted upright, now very wide awake with a tight grip on her wand again. Draco, who was previously sitting near her, was now standing, his wand at the ready. Hermione stood, putting herself near Draco. He glanced over at her before looking back to where the racket came from.

'Protect her. This time you have to protect her no matter what.' That thought repeated over and over through Draco's head... and kept repeating even when the door crashed open, revealing a wizard in a dark cloak.

Without a second's hesitation, the man sent a spell flying at Hermione, which she quickly blocked. It was a duel. Draco threw an unexpected Stupify at him, knocking him back. The man sent more spells, which Draco blocked, protecting the both of them. The streams of magic shooting back and forth seemed electric.

Sometime in the duel a spell caught Hermione's shoulder, knocking her to the floor. "Hermione!" Draco yelled. He pulled Hermione so the couch protected them, and gave them something hide behind. As the dark cloaked man was already behind the bookshelf.

Draco sent a Patrificus Totalius over the couch, straight at the man. Caught off guard he could not respond fast enough. His petrified body fell to the floor, but Draco knew he was down and only focused on Hermione now.

Her breathing was ragged and he pulled her close to him, holding her practically on his lap. Her shoulder was bleeding badly at this point. She was stuttering out "Dra-Draco? It... stings" But could make no sentences.

He quietly shushed her "Shhh, it's okay, Hermione, I got you." He told her as he performed an Epskey spell on her shoulder. He didn't know what spell the man had used but it was clearly bad. The bleeding stopped and the wound was reduced but she still stuttered about the pain.

"I'll be only a moment, it's okay." He told her before rummaging through the drawer and cupboards, looking for some kind of potion to help her pain.

"T-talk to me." She croaked out.

"What? Um okay... Uh. It's okay, we took the man down... And soon this night will be over." He smirked when he found the potion he needed and thanked Merlin he did. Rushing back over to her side, he poured the liquid on her shoulder. When she hissed in pain, he continued, "And we'll be back to our boring tutoring sessions. And stuck dealing with each other like usual."

"We're friends aren't we?" She asked quietly. He wanted to scoff. Her bloody shoulder was in pain and she was asking about friendship. We're they friends? Yeah, he supposed they were. But he didn't want to get her roped into the insanity and depression which consumed him. Though he was becoming quite fond of the bushy haired girl... He was a downwards spiraling mess and he really shouldn't to pull her with him.

"We're something like that." He answered. He didn't want to make the girl upset... but didn't want to say yes either. But when her shoulder was mostly healed is when she fell asleep again. He scoffed in the realization that they were in the same situation as before, just flipped. Now she was the one outcold on the couch. He carefully reached for her, and took her in his arms once more, just savoring the feeling of having her there... Knowing it couldn't happen again.

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