19. Plans

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Professor McGonagall knitted her thin eyebrows together as she looked to the few students and teachers still in the hall. She pinched her nose as she watched the remaining people bicker and yell.

"We thought it would be safe this year?"

"How could you let this happen?"

"Is everyone okay?"

"It's not the school's fault! It's the bloody Death Eaters!'

Earning a look from Professor Flitwick she nodded.

"ENOUGH!" Her sharp voice rang through the Great Hall, everyone's eyes were on her now. "As you know, the attack was unexpected, like any other. I have talked to the Minister of Magic. Our wounded have been sent to Saint Mungo's and the rest of you staying over Christmas Break are being sent home. The students on the break will remain home and you will recieve a letter when we are absolutely confident positive you will be safe within the castle walls again." Her voice was firm as she spoke to the students.

"Professor?" A voice asked.

The old Mistress turned to meet a pair of young eyes.

"What about the people who left during the fight?" An eleven-year-old boy with wide eyes looked to the professor.

"They'll recieve an owl too, don't fret."


Hermione fluttered her eyes open. She looked to the fire in front of her, still blazing. Ruffling her hair back she looked around, noticing Draco had left his seat beside her. They were previously sitting together, her head on his shoulder when she fell asleep. But his shoulder was now replaced with a pillow against the chair.

"Draco?" She called out quietly, her voice groggy with sleep.

The Gryffindor stretched her legs in front of her before standing and making her way into the small kitchen. "Draco?" She called again, her voice normal once again as she rubbed a hand over her face.

"Draco?" She called again a bit louder, concern creeping into her voice. "Hello?" Hermione's voice rang out as she searched every room in the tent. "Draco?" Her voice was yelling now. Fear spread through her like wildfire. Did he leave her again? Her heart raced as she continued to call out for the boy.

Draco came running through the entrance with an arm full of snowy wood. "Hermione? What's wrong?" He looked pale with worry, his eyes wide with panic.

"Merlin, you scared me!" She exclaimed, walking over to him. "I thought you left again you idiot!"

Draco plopped the wood down by the entrance and sealed it once again before making his way over to her, wrapping his arms around her tightly. "Not again, don't worry." He whispered as she hugged him back, her hand grabbing onto his coat. He pulled away, "we're going to need to leave here soon." his voice was soft but firm. "Now that you're here, we're going to have to keep moving around to ensure they don't find us."

"This place seems safe enough." Hermione looked up at him with a quirked brow.

"You used magic to get here didn't you?" He matched her tone, waiting for the brunette to catch on before bending over to pick up his previously forgotten wood. Heading over to the fireside, he set it down, throwing a log on.

"And magic is tracible." She nodded, following him before sitting down in front of the warmth.

Draco nodded, sliding his jacket off. Hermione watched him walk over to the bookshelf, where he pulled out a folded slip of worn paper. After making his way back, he sat next to her, placing the paper on the table before unfolding it.

Before them, sat a large map, drawn on parchment. The paper had yellowed and had clearly had been repaired by magic a number of times. The map showed all of Europe and was clad in 'X's marking different locations.

"This was what we used when my mum and I went into hiding," Draco explained to the girl next to him, "the x's are safe spots to hide." He ran a long slender finger over the map before pointing at the farthest place north. "We're here." Hermione nodded as she looked to where they were, near the northernmost point of Norway, she noted to herself.

There had to be twenty or thirty x's across the map, someone had clearly spent a great deal of time working on the map, she thought to herself.

"There are some group spots in Finnland, Irland and back home. But who knows who could be there. We should steer clear of those," He gestured to the marks on the map that were little stars. There were only about 5 or so of those. "We'd be smart to go to Sweeden from here, maybe Poland."

Draco continued speaking but Hermione eyes were scanning over the map rapidly. As if it was a puzzle just for her to solve. Her finger flew down to an x on the map. "There." She said firmly. "Greenlake, Austria." Draco looked over to her, an eyebrow raised as if to question her decision.

"It's farthest away from the rest of the spots, plus, I know that place, it's a hidden gem." Her gaze moved to nothing in particular, "my parents took me there for a holiday once. The lake gets a fair amount of traffic but not this time of year. Besides, there's plenty of spots that practically no one knows exists."

He nodded, "its a plan then. We'll leave at dawn tomorrow." Draco pecked the top of her head before folding up the old map and placing back in the bookshelf where it was previously tucked away. He turned, looking to where Hermione sat, her eyes flickered up to meet his and she smiled faintly.

"Hermione?" He spoke softly.


"I'm glad you're here."


"I hope you have a plan, Minerva." The old Professor furrowed his bushy eyebrows at the Head Mistress.

"Don't under estimate me, Horace. Once the children are safe-"

"Well, what about the children who are staying? We have about twenty-five students of all ages that have to stay here!" Slughorn puffed, shaking his head as he spoke.

"I know that. Trust me I do, but most of them have either already been in a war or will be able to help keep the younger students safe." She explained, pushing her glasses further up her nose, "I cannot send home students who have no home to go to."

The duo hustled down the hallway towards her office, heading to see the rest of the teachers and staff.

"Most of the Slytherin house is staying because they lost their family in the war. A handful from every house will be remaining here. It was essential to get the ones who had a place to go out. But some of these children will be living here over the summer now, Horace. Part of the deal with the Ministry. I am not letting those children be sent to an orphanage or live like Mr.Potter did until he was eleven."

They made it to her door and she muttered the password before the walked up the stairs.

"It is our duty to make sure they all live to see the summer."

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