24. The Beginning of the End

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Hermione laid on her bed in Gryffindor Tower. She stared blankly at the ceiling, silently enjoying the warm feeling of a familiar bed. The fluffy comforter ruffled as she turned on her side, looking out to the stormy weather. She wondered what Draco was doing and if he was still upset. She had stayed up the whole night before reading, hoping to find something useful. But the bushy-haired girl was quickly reminded by the pile of books on her nightstand, that she had made no progress. 

Hermione had only fallen asleep an hour or two before dawn and according to her clock, she slept in late. Not that it mattered, however, no classes - no reason to get up early. But when there was a sudden tap at her window, the Gryffindor's hand was already on her wand. Her eyes flew to the window, but all that was there was an owl with a note. 

Scrambling out of bed she opened her window, letting the bird inside. He dropped the letter on her lap and flapped his large wings, going right back out the window, without waiting for a reply. Hermione curiously pealed the letter open and found neat penmanship, one of which she knew well. 


I'm sorry for how we left things yesterday, but I think I'm on to something. By the time you read this, I'll have left. Not to worry though, I'll be back. Don't look for me. I'll be at the Gryfinndor portrait this time tomorrow. 


Hermione sighed deeply, a pit forming in her stomach, "bloody hell." She whispered under her breath, noticing the bad habit she picked up from Ron. 


Draco felt the rush of nausea as he landed. He had become quite skilled with apparation, but no matter how good he got, he always felt the sickening pull as he traveled. But as nausea from apparation dissipated,  full nerves replaced them. He looked up to the manor ahead of him, begging himself not to back out. 

His long strides got him to the front door rather quickly. Should he have called first? Maybe, maybe not. Either way, all he could think of was what he should or shouldn't have done. Shaking his head he gulped down his nerves and knocked on the door. 

Only seconds later a house elf answered, "Master Draco! Poppy is ever so glad to see Master Draco!" the little house elf squeaked. 

"I'm here to see my mother," Draco said kindly. His voice was filled with much more compassion than it had in recent years, he noticed. 

"Of course! Mrs. Malfoy is in the Sunroom having her morning tea! Poppy would be happy to bring Master Draco to see Mrs. Malfoy!" She exclaimed happily before leading Draco inside down the hall. The passed the kitchen before entering the Sunroom where Narissa sat in a chair facing the garden. 

"Poppy who was at the door I-" Narissa began before she was cut off.

"Mother..." Draco spoke quietly, in hopes not to spook her. 

Narissa jerked her head around, nearly spilling her tea. "Draco!" She set her cup haphazardly on the table before leaping up to give him a hug. "I've been so worried about you with all that's going on! Are you alright?" 

"Yes, yes Mother I'm fine." He spoke as she gestured for him to sit. "I assume you've heard about everything?" He furrowed his eyebrows as he took a seat, looking over to his mother as she did the same. 

"Some, concerning isn't it?" She matched his look, her eyes ridden with worry. 

"Very... Um, Mother the reason I'm here in the first place... well, has anyone, you know, come after you?" Draco looked down, twisting his hands in his lap. 

"No, thankfully, I wrote to Hogwarts, but an owl returned it the next day. You had me concerned, Draco." Narissa worrylines were prominent now, Draco felt a pang in his heart. 

"Yes, I've been, well... on the run, as of late." 

"The Death Eaters?" 

Draco nodded. 

Narissa frowned, tears brimming in her eyes, "Oh Draco." 

"Mother, it's okay it's just, I need to ask you something, about Bellatrix." Draco's heart was pounding. 

"Anything Draco?" 

"Do you think she could have made a Horcrux?" The boy's eyes met hers.

"What do you mean? Bellatrix died in the war Draco-" 

"No, she didn't Mother. She's the one who's after me." 


"You do realize that Slytherin's are not allowed in the Gryfinndor Commons." 

"Yes I do but if you could just let someone know I am here and-" 

"Really do I look like an owl to you-" 

The portrait door swung open, revealing a firey Ginny Weasely. "Give it a rest, both of you." She sighed, "Just come in, it's break, no one cares." She allowed Draco through the portrait hole, earning a thankful nod. 

"You really worried her you know? Leaving like that." She sighed, leading him towards the stairway. 

"I had to... but I have information." Draco looked down. 

"Well, its a start." The red-head nodded, "HERMIONE!" Ginny screeched, causing Draco to flinch. 

The girls' dormitory door opened, revealing a disheveled Hermione, "Ginny you don't have to scream I- Draco." The bushy haired Gryffindor trotted down the stairs before hugging him tightly. 

"Sorry, I'm early. I just got back from the Manor..." Draco kissed her head before looking down at her. "My mother knows where one of the Horcruxes are." 

"One of?" 

"My mother isn't sure if there is more, but there is definitely one. Maybe more." Draco reached into his bag, urgency coursing through him. 

"What is it?" Ginny questioned as he pulled something from his bag, his hand clamped around it tightly. 


A/N: Guess who's back? That's right Isolation is back. I have planned until the end of the book and I think it'll be about 6 more chapters or so. Thank you all SO much for all the love and support on this book, you have no idea how much it means to me. When I started writing it, I never thought this many people would want to read it, so thank you so much <3 Please hang in there and know that I'll be updating very very soon! 

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