9: Back to You

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Four weeks past, yes, four weeks. McGonagall's request long forgotten. Hermione hadn't talked to the Slytherin boy since the night they sat together under the stars. It wasn't long that he stayed. In fact he left rather quickly after she asked him why he had pushed her away. His only reply was,

"Because, people like us aren't friends."

And then he left.

So she kept her distance and tried to move past the hurtful feelings. And he clearly had no objections. But now Holiday Break was right around the corner. The trains left tomorrow and Hermione sat on her bed watching Ginny pack; and listen to her complaints.

"I can't believe you're not coming back to the burrow with us Mione!" Ginny pouted as she put her sweaters messily in her trunk.

"I know, I know. I just want some time alone though Gin." Hermione absentmindedly traced the stitches on her comforter.

"No one wants alone time on Christmas." The red head raised an eyebrow.

"Without my parents, Christmas just doesn't sound... fun anymore. They don't know me Ginny, and all holidays or birthdays do now is make me sad. Plus Ron and I would fight constantly. I'd rather stay here and not make a big deal out of it all." Hermione sighed and pulled her knees to her chest.

"I understand," Ginny walked over to her bed and sat down by her, hugging her, "I'm just gonna miss you."

"I'll miss you too."


Hermione waved to Ginny and Harry from the platform. She smiled brightly at them as the train departed and slowly pulled away from the station. Hermione's smile dropped as she shivered. She pulled her coat around her tightly and began walking back to the castle as it began to snow.

She got to the castle doors and once inside, happily welcomed the warmth that embraced her cold body. She removed her hat and gloves and carried them with her on her way back to Gryffindor Tower.

As she rounded the corner to her common room she sighed as she past McGongall's office, a small pang in her stomach. It had been a month, she should be past this. There was nothing between them so why did it feel as though she was getting over some kind of break up? She shook her head and muttered the password, entering the common room.

Hermione tossed her hat, mittens and scarf on her trunk and hung her jacket on a nearby chair. She sat down on her bed and yelped as she realized she sat on something. She quickly moved and looked at the rolled up letter. She carefully opened it and furrowed her eyebrows.

I assume you've left for the Holidays. So when you return you'll see this...
I just wanted to say, Merry Christmas.

I'm sorry Granger.


Hermione felt her heart rate pick up, why did he have an effect on her? She mentally cursed herself. She gently set the letter on her bedside table after rereading it. She thought it would be best to wait to send a reply since he undoubtedly left for the Holidays. Her stomach growled and she decided she would figure out whether to reply or not after dinner.


Hermione wiped her face with her napkin and stood from her seat at the table. The Great Hall was empty. Hermione had never seen it so unbelievably empty. She had never stayed at Hogwarts for the Holidays, so she assumed it was always like this. But there were maybe ten Gryffindors at the table. It seemed very strange for there only to be about thirty students in the Great Hall at dinner time.

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