5: What Started It All

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The Gryfinndor Common Room was packed. Obnoxious laughter ringing throughout the room. Some music playing and the lights dim. It was a party. With the drinking of Butter Beer and Pumpkin Juice. Fellow house members danced or played pranks on each other. One prank in particular involved The Boy Who Lived a plentiful serving of whipcream and his victorious, smirking fiery, red headed girlfriend. But Hermione Granger was nowhere to be seen.

As she walked down the corridor to the Library, she actually didn't mind that she had to tutor Malfoy. Because she hated parties. The noisy students, ungodly pranks... parties in general were horribly annoying to her. She always got roped into being at the weekend bashes by Ginny. Where she would then proceed to sit and read, and try not to hex someone to next weekend. But tonight, she had a free pass. Yes, she would have to deal with Malfoy, but it was better at a party at this point.

As she entered the Library she looked around, hoping to catch the Slytherin's platinum blonde hair. But she nothing of the sort. Instead, she was greeted by an empty, silent Library. Not even Madam Pence was there on the Friday night... and she was the librarian for Merlin's sake! Hermione sighed deeply and looked around, hoping Malfoy might be at the tables in the back.

As she walked that direction, they only thing she could hear was her feet, padding down the aisle. Along with the repetitive sound of the ticking clock. As she got to the tables in the back near the windows, she was frustrated to see them empty as well. She heard a shuffle from somewhere behind her and out of instinct whipped her wand out in that direction. The shuffle was heard again and Hermione cautiously moved stealthily in that direction. She was now in war mode, it had taken her over and she was ready.  Just as she rounded the corner she pointed her wand at the figures neck, pressing it to their throat.

"Bloody hell Granger!" Shock was plastered to Malfoy's face as he put his hands up in surrender. "I mean I know you hate me but I didn't think you'd kill me!" Hermione was brought back into reality and wasn't sure if Malfoy was kidding or not.

"Sorry," she muttered, letting her arm drop to her side. "I just heard something and... acted on impulse." She sighed. Malfoy nodded, clearly understanding what she meant. "I don't hate you either... You spooked me, you bloody git!"

Malfoy let out a noise that sounded somewhere between a scoff and a laugh. She rolled her eyes and gestured a hand towards the tables in the back corner. Now silent, they walked over to the table and set down their messenger style school bags. Hermione pulled out a few books and looked over at him pointedly. Draco sighed loudly. But she raised an eyebrow and said, "What do you want to work on first?"


"Fluxweed" He answered proudly.


"What? How could that be wrong?" Draco nearly yelled.

"Fluxweed," She stressed the word matter-a-factly, "Is in Pollyjuice Potion, not the Antidote for Veritaserum."

"You've got to be kidding me! How could I have switched that?" Malfoy slammed his book shut. Hermione was just thankful they were the only ones there so they could talk at the voice level they wanted without being shushed... and with the Slytherin's frustration she knew they would definitely be shushed.

"It's an easy mistake." She tried to calm his anger.

"Yes but it's also 6th year work, Granger."

"Well at least you're trying now!"

"Whatever... Are we done for the night?" He asked suddenly.

Hermione furrowed her eyebrows and looked to the large round clock upon the wall. It was nearly midnight and curfew was in a matter of minutes. Lucky for them it was the weekend and curfew was until midnight where on weekdays in was at only nine. With a nod they both stood and collected their things.

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