4: McGonagall's Request

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The potion over all gives the sensation of luck. A 'happy-go-lucky' fearless boost of confidence that...

Hermione sighed deeply as her quill came to a halt. Stop, just stop. She crumpled up the piece of parchment and tossed it into the wastebasket before placing a new one in front of her. Okay, let's try this again.

Felix Felicis. Liquid Luck. The potion of no regrets, recklessness and idiocy...

Another sigh. Another go. But this time her quill scribbled across the page frantically. She wasn't even trying anymore.

Felix Felicis is the world's most reckless potion, which we learned about years ago and don't need teachers to reteach us things we already knew!

Her loud groan could be heard all through the library. It was returned with many 'shh's and scoffs at her careless behavior. The truth was, Hermione Granger was just having a bad day. Ronald was, surprise surprise, once again, being a prat. After another row, she found herself trying to distance herself from the two boys yet again. Ron because he was insufferable... and Harry because he was just too thoughtful to pick sides.

Ginny had previously found Hermione in the library and had interrogated her for her absence at lunch. But Hermione of course, brushed it off like usual and said she was catching up on homework. She felt bad about the distance that was growing between her and her best friends. But she was growing tired of the moping and the never ending fighting.

There was a part of each of them that left during the war... and another that became a part of them. They had lost their innocence. Their childish laughter and happiness. They had lost so many people. But this was replaced with a miserable depressing feeling. A cold, hallow feeling that seemed endless. Nothing to fill it. This feeling created hatred, anger and resentment. Along with a sadness that no happiness seemed to cure.

Hermione knew this. She had tried to elaborate with her friends on the subject, but they refused to speak about it. Like they always did. Hermione just wished there was someone who actually wanted to hear about the thoughts in her mind. The theories and opinions. The demons and things that made her happy. Someone who enjoys talking about the little things. She wouldn't mind listening to someone go on either. Just someone to talk to who likes to listen.

But suddenly, noticing the time, Hermione sighed for what seemed like the twentieth time in the hour. She stood from her seat and stuffed her things carelessly into her messenger bag. She walked out of the library rather quickly. She had five minutes until her next class, Transfiguration. Her free period was just about up and she was going to have to jog across the castle to get there. With determination in her step she headed off towards McGonagall's Classroom.


Hermione panted as she plopped down at her desk. She tried to hide the fact she was extremely out of breath but was clearly failing. McGonagall seemed to eye her for a moment before speaking, "Stay after class, would you Miss Granger." The class let out a few 'ohh's hearing the Professor's words. A few of Slytherins even snickered. That is until she continued, "You as well Mr.Malfoy." She looked over to the boy in the back, who wasn't even paying attention.

He was previously sitting at his desk, his chin resting on his hand. His eyes emotionless, staring blankly into space. But when his name was called he shot up, his face still blank but the slight trace of confusion set into his features. "I-I'm sorry, what?" He asked, looking at McGonagall.

"You and Miss Granger, see me after class." She said simply.

He looked over to the brown haired girl and caught her eye for a moment. Her chocolate brown warmed his icy orbs for only a moment before she looked away. He furrowed his brow at the feeling in his stomach when he saw she was already looking at him. But he pushed those thoughts out of his mind and swore under his breath. This was the last period of the day so there was no telling what they were in for. Detention for being in the Astronomy Tower was the first thing that dawned on him.

The class dragged on and anxiety was eating away at Hermione. Why did she want to see her? Why did she want to see her and Draco Malfoy? What had she done wrong? Were they seen in the Astronomy Tower? Questions flew through Hermione's head so fast, she could barely think about the subject at hand. Wait... what were they working on in class again?

When the class finally did end, the students left as if it was an evacuation. All running to dinner to grab food. All of them except Draco and Hermione, who stood in front of the Head Mistress' desk. Draco could sense the worry radiating off of the female Gyfinndor. Weren't they supposed to be brave? He wondered.

"Now I'm sure you're both wondering why I asked you to stay." McGonagall said, looking at the duo through her small glasses which rested at the end of her nose, causing her to put her chin up. "Well Mr.Malfoy's grades seem to be dropping, hastily." She looked pointedly at the blonde who kept his head down. "At this rate he won't pass NEWTs even with Liquid Luck." Hermione had to bite her tongue at the words Liquid Luck and sighed, remembering she had that essay to finish. "That is why I've asked you here Miss Granger. I'd like you to help Mr.Malfoy with his studies." The old woman finished.

"That won't be necessary." Malfoy spoke up before McGonagall could even take a breath.

"I do believe it is. Prove me wrong by getting your grades up... Until then, Miss Granger will tutor you. If she agrees that is?" Her old eyes fixated themselves of Hermione.

"Well um..." Hermione sighed deeply. "I suppose I could... Help... I guess." Her voice lacked enthusiasm to say the least.

"Fantastic! This will help with academic credit I assure you. Anyway you two meet up once or twice a week, we need his grade to go up before he ruins his entire education here. Thank you both. You're dismissed. "

As soon as they were out the door, "Great going Granger!" Draco half yelled.

"Excuse me?"

"I said great going. Now you're stuck tutoring me and I need to get my grades up. Bloody brilliant!"

"I'm sorry Malfoy! I was just trying to help!"

"Well I don't need your help!" He snapped. His voice turned cold, like the Draco she once knew. She narrowed her eyes at the boy and look up at him. He was much taller than her, that was for sure. His jaw was set and she tried to figure out what was going through his head... But he seemed emotionless, aside from some anger.  

"Well Malfoy," she poked a finger at his chest, stressing her words before continuing, "McGonagall does. So I'm going to help you. The least you can do is corporate! So, if you get your life figured out I'll be in the Library tonight after dinner. See you around." Her words were sharp, harsh, but not cold. Her eyes pierced into his like daggers, her eyebrows furrowed with frustration. As soon as she finished her spat she turned on her heal. Her ponytail missing his face by a mere inch, and headed down the corridor.

He sighed deeply and watched as the Gryfinndor walked off with the feminine sway in her hips and the determination in her step. Her poised posture she composed so easily and that damned pony tail bouncing with her walk. Draco ran a hand through his hair and fought the urge to call after her with a brief apology. But instead, turned and walked in the other direction, deciding that maybe, having Hermione Granger for a tutor wouldn't be the end of the world.

Though he wasn't thrilled by the idea of spending his evenings in the Library with the bookworm... but it was better them spending them alone. Not that he'd admit it. He decided that after dinner he would go to the Library and do his part. He would show up. He would at least try to work. But he made no promises to the universe. For he was working with a Gryfinndor. A Muggleborn, bookworm, Gryfinndor. Best Friends with the chosen one. Hermione Granger. Merlin... she had so many titles he couldn't even keep track.

A/N: Hey guys! So I hope you are enjoying Isolation so far! I do apologize these first few chapters have been a little slow... But things will be picking up soon! Thank you all so much for reading and commenting! Seeing your comments and votes always bring a smile to my face. Thank you all again! Ship on!

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