20: Compromised

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"I hate to ask. You have already been through enough, but you're one of the strongest fighters I know, Mr. Potter." The old witch placed a wrinkled hand on his. She studied his eyes from behind her glasses.

"Trust me, I'd be glad to help." Harry nodded once before running his free hand through his raven black hair.

"I thought if anyone could understand it would be you." McGonagall stood, holding her hands together in front of her. She glanced across the cozy home to a window. Out in the yard of the Burrow, Ron and Ginny were playing their own rendition of Quidditch.

"Of course. All those kids don't have a place to go. Hogwarts is a home to them, but we have to keep them safe." Harry stood to make his way over to her. "I'm positive Ginny and Ron will be more than willing to help keep them safe as well."

McGonagall nodded, "right then, I expect you all will be coming back soon then?"

"Straight away." He said quickly before his eyebrows knitted in concern. "But, Professor, you said there was an attack and that you're short good fighters. Is Hermione alright?" The dark haired boy scratched the back of his neck as his stomach turned in anticipation for her answer, which took quite a while to come.

"Miss Granger..." The woman looked down at the floor before glancing back to the boy, "is in hiding."

Harry seemed to noticeably pale. "What? Well one of us should be with her! Where is she?" His words flew faster than spells as his worry seemed to grow.

McGonagall rose a hand to shush him. "She's alright. I do not know where Miss Granger is. But due to her... bloodline, I saw it fit that she stays hidden for a while." Her eyebrows rose in annoyance. "No, I do not know where she is. No, you will not go looking for her, nor contact her. But yes, she is alright."

Harry sighed deeply before nodding. He muttered a thank you and after a few parting words, the Head Misstress apparated out of the living room. Harry trudged towards the door, heading to the others to tell them the news.


Hermione wrinkled her nose, the cold making her feel stiff. She bent down to get another piece of icy wood. The wind whistled through the mountains, sending chills down her spine. Despite her coat, she was freezing and hated the icy air against her face.

She had only gone out to get firewood because Draco had fallen asleep. They had gotten down to their last log and she didn't want them to run out. So she ventured out into the snowy terrain outside the tent.

Hermione stopped, pulling a smaller log off the ground when she heard the snow crunch behind her. She whipped around, her wand at the ready in her hand within an instant. Her bushy hair flew in her face as she looked around. Dropping the wood, she pushed it away, continuing to scan the area.

"Okay Draco, that's not funny." She dared to speak, her knuckles going white from the cold.

Suddenly a shot of red light went flying her way, she jumped to the side, missing it by an inch. It hit a tree behind her, causing it to burst into flames. Hermione looked around, but when she saw no one, she ran. She ran as fast as she could, though the snow slowed her considerably.

Another light of green shot past her and she shot a spell over her shoulder, simply having nothing to lose. Nearly tripping on a log under the snow, Hermione recovered quickly, her lungs burning from the cold.

She could see the tent, it was so close, so she screamed, "DRACO! GO NOW!"

Hermione just prayed he heard her as she ran further down the hill. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the tent shrink and Draco grab it. She just reached him as another bolt of light shot past her.

"Now." was all she could breathe, before the world twisted around them.


Hermione's feet hit the ground and she opened her eyes. She let the fresh air fill her lungs as they looked around. Draco clasped her hand tightly, taking in the scenic surroundings. There was a thin layer of snow under their feet and the lake had formed ice around the edges.

Her breathing was fast as she recovered from her sprint. Draco put a hand on the side of her face, "are you okay? What happened?" his voice echoed over the lake. He mentally noted to be quieter.

"I- I don't know." Hermione looked up to him, "I went to gather firewood and I heard someone following me." She tried to explain between heaves of breath. "You saw the tail end of that."

"How did they find us?" He exclaimed, his voice ridden with frustration.

"I don't know, Draco!"

Draco shook his head before hugging her tightly. "Damnit." He paused, thinking for a moment, "We shouldn't stay here, our locations could be compromised."

Hermione nodded into his chest before pulling away. "At least you got the tent in time."

Draco sighed, pacing away from her shaking his head.

She frowned before looking out across the lake, "it's beautiful just as beautiful as I remember it." Hermione turned to him, hoping to bring him out of his anger. "Just colder."

The blonde nodded, "we need to get going, Hermione."

She nodded with a sigh.

"Where to now?"

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