13: Risking It

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Draco stepped out of the washroom taking a deep breath. He slid his long sleeve, gray jumper over his head. Glancing in the mirror he tried to make his hair look half way presentable. He shook his head at himself, what was she doing to him?

For the first time since the war, he cared about how he looked. He cared about what someone thought. He cared about someone. He cared about living. Smiling to himself, he made his way out of the Slytherin Common room, heading towards the Room of Requirements.

As he stepped off the moving stair cases he found himself physically collide with another person. "Woah sorry." She said as he looked up to see a dark skinned man, maybe only a few inches taller than he was. "Mr. Zambini." Draco furrowed his eyebrows in shock.

"Oh... sorry Draco." The man said, "I was just coming to look for you."

"I don't think this is a good time Mr. Zambini." Professor McGongall's voice spoke from behind them. Draco turned to see her, her face stern.

"He has the right to know dammit! Draco, Blaise was killed." He said, his voice breaking.

"What?" Draco practically yelled.

"His mother was too... There is a group of Death Eaters who are trying to... avenge Voldemort." The man seemed livid. His hands flew about as he yelled. "They blame us. You, me, Blaise and many others who helped the Light Side in the end. They blame us that they lost. Their going after us and anyone who we love Draco."

"That's enough Mr. Zambini. Come with me please." She ushered the man away from Draco.

"Keep a look out, Boy! Protect the ones you love, they come after them first!"

Draco swallowed deeply. Not again...


Hermione opened the large door and saw no one was there. She looked at the large old clock on the wall, 1:03. She furrowed her eyebrows. Hermione walked over to a couch and sat herself down, wondering where he may be. Time ticked by. Minutes turned into an hour. Hermione felt her heart grow heavier with every passing minute. Why would he not show up?

She felt her stomach clench, thinking back to the conversation she had overheard just two hours before. She promptly stood up and walked out the door, shocked when she saw the very boy she was waiting for, pacing outside the door.

"Draco?" She questioned.

He jumped a good few inches off the ground but looked at her unfazed.

"Why didn't you come in? I've been waiting for an hour!" She exclaimed, though she wasn't mad, more relieved, he thought she sounded.

"I'm sorry... I just, I couldn't think of how to tell you." He sighed deeply.

"Tell me what...?" She looked worried instantaneously.

"That... that we can't hang out together. Or be seen together. Talk together. Look at each other. What happened these past few days, must stay in those four walls it happened within. Sorry Granger." Draco's voice broke as he looked at his shoes.

Hermione felt like her heart break. She shook her head, feeling tears swell in her eyes.

"Why?" He looked up at her to see her bottom lip quivering.

"Because... I have to protect you." He said simply.

"Because of the death eaters?" She questioned quickly, taking a step forward.

He took a step back. "How did you know?"

"I over heard the Head Mistress talking to Zambini's father." She explained, taking another timid step towards him.

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