3: The First Encounter

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Hermione sighed deeply as she closed the door of the Astronomy Tower behind her. Leaning back against the door, she rested her head on it. Slowly, she slid down the door and sat, with her knees tucked to her chest. She wrapped her arms around her knees, trying to catch her breath from running up the stairs. She didn't know why she chose this location, perhaps it was because she knew no one would look for her here. She knew Harry would check the Library, the Common Rooms, The Great Hall and any other place he could think of. But Harry would never think of her going here. Hermione Granger, Prefect, Goodie-two-shoes. Never would she go into a forbidden area. Well, at least without Harry and Ron.

But as she sat there she felt the cool breeze whistle through the eves. She felt like she was being watched... but she brushed the thought off, knowing she was just being paranoid... or so she thought.  But as her eyes scanned through the dark shadows around the edges of the room, she placed a hand on her wand. She felt a presence here... she knew someone was here. She could feel it in her gut. Hermione knew the feeling well, when in the woods before they were caught by Death Eaters. The same feeling she got in her second year before being petrified. The same feeling she had gotten so many times before.

But before she could make any kind of a move, a quiet, low, spine chilling voice spoke. "Needed an escape too, Granger?" She jumped up to her feet at the sound. She knew the voice well, but not the tone it held. Draco Malfoy was who it belonged to of course. But normally his voice held ice cold hatred and venom, always spitting his words at her. But this tone, was tired, filled with little emotion, it was almost gentle. His voice was raspy, like he hadn't talked for some time.

"Malfoy?" She asked, her voice just above a whisper. "What are you doing up here?" She asked in confusion. She held no anger or hatred in her voice, or at least she tried not to. So instead her voice was cautious, but still somehow in her own Hermione way, kind.She had seen him over the last month, being bullied and put down. She had heard the nasty remarks thrown at him. She actually pitied him now. Hermione had even once stood up for him not too long ago...

"I'd say the same thing as you. Looking for a quiet place. No one to bother you." He spoke with the same tone, but rose an eyebrow at the end. Almost implying she was intruding. Hermione almost left right then... But he continued talking. "What about you? Weasel raging again?"

"Something like that." Hermine said quietly. She was confused as to why he was being generally tolerable. Maybe because she had helped him? She didn't know, but she stood nervously, not wanting to cause a row between them. They hadn't fought in years. But she most certainly did not want to fight with him. She wasn't sure what he was capable of... and she wasn't sure she wanted to know.

"You look a little apprehensive, Granger." He let out a soft, deep chuckle. One that made a slight chill run down her spine. It wasn't cold or callous, like his bitter snickering with friends. It seemed like a normal human beings chuckle. But she had to remind herself, that Draco Malfoy, was no human being. He was a wizard. An unpredictable one at that... and that scared her. "Thanks by the way." He spoke softly.

She racked her brain to understand his words. But suddenly it fell into place. "You're welcome." She spoke timidly. He was thanking her for standing up for him.

He suddenly rose from his spot on the ground and made his was towards her. She took a step back, her back hitting the door.

He sensed her fear and let out a scoff, "Don't worry Granger, you can have the tower to yourself... I was just leaving anyway." He looked slightly disappointed but he masked it by throwing one last sentence at her, "Looks like the brains of the trio needs some time alone." And with that he shut the door. Leaving her speechless.

No insults. No picking fights. Who was this man? She supposed that was true. He was a man now. No longer the rude little boy she once knew... Sure he wasn't warm or welcoming... She could still see the Draco Malfoy who once was. But now he was different. Maybe he had changed for the better. Or maybe, she just caught him off guard. Whatever the reason for his different behavior, Hermione felt that she no longer wanted to be in the tower.  So instead she turned on heal and headed out the door as Draco had only minutes before her.

Jogging down the corridor, Hermione wondered why she had even gone to the tower in the first place. Why had she not just headed to the place she was going now? As she opened the library doors she realized why.

"There you are Mione'." Harry walked up to his friend.

At least in the tower no one would look for her... too late.

"Oh, hey Harry." She smiled and walked past him, busying herself with books.

"Where did you run off to?" He asked. Hermione pretended to flip through a book, trying to buy herself time.

"Oh nowhere... Just took a walk to quiet my thoughts." She shouldn't have lied. She felt guilty right away. But how could she explain she had been to the astronomy tower? She sighed deeply and grabbed another book, making her way to a nearby table. Harry followed her and sat down in the chair next to her.

He fiddled with the rims of his glasses before speaking. "Hermione... I know Ron can be a bit... Bothersome but-"

"I really don't want to get into this right now, Harry." Hermione sighed deeply. She looked back down at her book and began making notes. Harry gave an apologetic look and sighed, running a hand through his raven black hair.

"Alright... I'll leave you to your books," He gave her a smile, his hand gently resting on her shoulder.

Guilt bubbled in the pit of Hermione's stomach. "I'll see you at dinner." She returned the smile, hoping not to make him feel bad. Harry nodded once, the smile still gracing his features, and he headed off. She felt slightly better that she hadn't hurt his feelings. But she still felt terrible for lying to her friend about the astronomy tower. With a sigh she pushed the thought to the back of her head and continued reading.

But her mind kept wandering to the man in the astronomy tower. Why was he there? Why wasn't he horrid to her? Questions continuously played through her mind, but she was at a loss for answers. Draco Malfoy had stumped her.

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