26: Plans

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"I hope you realize how many rules you broke in the time you've been at this school, Mr. Potter." McGonagall sighed deeply, sitting herself down at her desk. 

"Yes, Head Mistress and I realize we should have notified the Ministery but we know how to handle this-" Harry started. 

Hermione sat in her chair next to Draco. She listened to McGonagall lecture Harry and Harry lecture McGonagall. But all she could think about was the potion. She had to start as soon as possible. 

"I'm sorry to interrupt." Hermione cut in, "and I'm sorry we didn't tell you Head Mistress. But this is extremely important if we want to keep Bellatrix from killing more innocent people. Please, let us do this. If it's too dangerous for the school then we'll leave." The bushy haired girl stood. "We need to destroy this and I need to make a Vitriol with basilisk venom to do it." 

McGonagall paused, thinking through her decision before answering. "I will help you, but you will make the potion in the Room of Requirements and run all plans by me." She sighed before turning to Harry, "that includes your trip to Azkaban Mr.Potter." Her firm voice ended as she grabbed a piece of parchment and began writing a letter to the Minister of Magic in a request for his presence in her office later today. 


"It's better to have her on our side anyway," Hermione spoke quietly to Draco as she stirred to potion. Draco just shrugged and continued watching her make the finishing touches on the potion as he cleaned up all the ingredients. 

Up until then, they had both been slaving over the potion working together to make sure everything went perfectly. "There." She sighed, "that's all we can do for two weeks." The Gryffindor girl stood, previously forgetting they were alone. "I wonder how the others are doing with the Azkaban plans." 

"Well, McGonagall getting the Minister involved will make things easier," Draco commented as he finished putting away the last of the items using wandless magic. 

"Yes, I suppose that'll help." Hermione took a moment to appreciate the room she had conjured for their potion making. The room was lined with books and such, with a large glass chamber in the center. That's where the potion sat, only unlocked with a special password for safe keeping. They both decided that no one would guess 'Crookshanks'.

Hermione looked over to Draco, who was already looking at her. She felt a blush spread across her cheeks. He had one of those looks, the sweet kind, the one she's only seen a few times. "What?" She asked playfully, suddenly noticing the room change around her into the room they once sat in all those weeks ago. 

Draco made his way over to her before hugging her tightly. She smiled slightly, pulling him closer as they hugged. "It's nice not to be completely distraught with worry, even if it's for a moment." The boy mumbled into her hair. 

She nodded in agreement before looking up at him. His blonde hair was getting just a bit too long and fell over his eyes. The smallest bit of stubble was formed over his chin and on the lower half of his face, clearly from not having time to shave as of late. 

Hermione pushed her toes into the ground and used them for some extra height before carefully pushing her lips to his. Draco swore that his heart had landed in his stomach. The Slytherin kissed her back, gently even though he had missed the feeling and wanted to be the opposite of gentle. 

His hand went to the side of her face while the other rested at the small of her back. He pulled her closer, wanting the moment to go on forever. Hermione laced her fingers through his hair and enjoyed the closeness for a moment more, before slightly pulling away. Draco rested his forehead against hers, allowing the silence to rush over them, like a blanket of fog. 

"What time is it?" She whispered, noticing that it had become dark outside.

"Late." Draco replied, knowing it was well past eleven, for that was what it said the last time he looked at his pocket watch. 

"We should be getting back..." Hermione sighed, not wanting to do anything of the sort. 

"Why not stay?" 

The words caught her off guard and she looked up at him as if he had Pigmepuffs' coming from his ears. 

"Or not..." Draco felt embarrassment twinge inside him, wishing he could swallow his words back up. 

"You mean it?" Hermione asked, her eyes wide. "You want to stay the night... together?" 

"Merlin when you say it that way," Draco cocked a brow at her, desperate for a smooth recovery, "then definitely." 

"Perv," Hermione added playfully. 

"Nothing of the sort, just sleeping, maybe some talking as well if that's not too far." Draco's grin grew and Hermione couldn't resist. 

The room changed again, this time leaving them with a bed at the far end, accompanied by a couch and fireplace with a large window overlooking the Black Lake. Hermione couldn't help but smile, "you are a charmer." 

"I try." And with that, Draco placed another kiss on her lips. 


"I do appreciate you coming in Kingsley." McGonagall handed the Minister of Magic a cup of tea and sat down in a chair opposite him. "Especially where it is so late." 

"Of course Minerva, though I would like to know what it is that is so urgent in regards to the Death Eater riots." Kingsley Shacklebolt sipped his tea before raising a concerned brow. 

"Well, you see, Mr. Potter and his friends have been doing some investigating once again." The older woman sighed, "and they seem to have found some very critical information." 

"Dear Merlin, what's he gone and done this time?" 

"They're working very hard to make sure that Bellatrix has no knowledge of them looking into these things." The Witch tapped her cup with her finger. "Which is why I want to make sure that everything they do is completely under the table. No one aside from those kids, myself and you are to know about what is going on, are we understood?" 

"Minerva I don't like where this is going." 

"Bellatrix Lestrange has made at least one Horcrux and they are working to destroy it as we speak."  

Kingsley choaked on his tea.  "What?" 

"And there might be more. We need Bellatrix's diary, which is currently in her old cell at Azkaban. Can you get them in without anyone knowing?" 

"Merlin, Minerva I'm going to need something stronger than tea." 


"You awake?" 



"Yeah... did I wake you?" 

"Yeah, but it's okay, I don't mind." 

"I'm sorry." 

"I said it's okay, silly. I get them too, you know that." 




"Can I say something that's probably insane?" 

"Of course." 


"Hermione I..." 


"Yes, Draco?" 

 "I... I think I love you." 


"I think I love you too, Draco." 

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