Chapter Forty-Six

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Like a bullet from a gun, Kellic rocketed across the ground and collided with Kenos. Her hand went to the hilt of the blade and slammed Kenos' hand against the ground. The girl's white-haired head rocked back, cracking off of the grass as Kellic's other hand clutched her throat.

Kenos gurgled nonsense sounds beneath Kellic's iron grip but she didn't let up. She tried to fight her off but Kellic batted her blows away like they came from a child.

Kellic's nails dug into the skin of Kenos' neck, drawing blood that welled down into the dirt. First, Kenos' face went bright red, then purple, the blue as she became more and more deprived of oxygen.

I realized something was amiss—even in my addled state—before Kellic did. Kenos went rigidly still but it wasn't from death or unconsciousness. Her fists clenched into the dirt. Her glowing eyes flicked to me, then up to the sky.

They were laying perfectly in the sunbeam that split down from the canopy of leaves. Kellic's skin was already turning pink. After only seconds more it turned red before igniting entirely and setting her arms on fire.

Kenos smiled.

But Kellic did what she'd least expected.

She didn't let go.

She wrenched the blade free of Kenos' weakened grip and lifted it high, pointing its glowing tip at her chest.

Then, with little effort, she impales her.

The clearing exploded.

Light and sound blew away all my senses and everything went dark.

The void was filled with color for a change. I didn't sit peacefully in the circle as I had before.

Achillia and Sage and several dark figures swirled around me but until my mind caught up to where I was, there was absolute silence.

Slowly, sound came to me. Singing. Someone was singing.

My head was propped in someone's lap and the void was no longer a void. We were in an elaborate palace.

I blinked up at the high arched ceilings. Sunlight poured in through wide decorative windows around the room. I could hear birds chirping in the distance.

"Good morning, sunshine," Achillia said, leaning over me. She, Sage, and a dozen other figures sat around me in a circle, their hands extended over me. I didn't recognize the others but they all had those eerily familiar features. It was like looking at myself a dozen times, though the clothing and hair represented numerous different regions and eras.

The hands around me all emanated a blue-white glow and their energy deeper into my skin around my abdomen.

I tilted my head up and found that I was leaned against Seira. Her fingers were twisted gently into my hair massaging my scalp as she sang quietly. Her voice was perfect, something lullabies were made of.

"Seira?" I breathed and my voice was a raspy whisper.

She smiled down at me. "Hello, Kyra."

I tried to sit up and several pairs of hands restrained me gently. "What's going on?" I asked.

Seira gave me a look that reminded me of a mother chastising a sick child for rising prematurely. It was pleasant but concerned.

She sighed. "You succeeded," she said. "It wasn't exactly as we'd hoped, but you kept Kenos from executing her plans."

I peered around the circle. Achillia and Sage were the only other faces I recognized and they watched me with that same worried gaze.

"I-I didn't do anything," I replied.

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