Chapter Thirty-Six

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In one swift moment, the entire arena erupted into chaos. The explosive had crumbled the exterior of the arena, raining molten steel and concrete down on the unsuspecting spectators.

The council had been blown in all different directions, but I saw six of them rise from the wreckage. Lady Stark and my father were the first I saw as they were closest to me. I breathed a sigh of relief at that.

An arm looped around my waist, dragging me to my feet. It took me several long moments to truly see Anton's ash smeared face rise beside me. Will stood ready at his side, glaring at the billowing dust below the broken wall.

Anton righted me just in time to see enemies pouring through the makeshift entry.

Humans, Nosferatu, and dozens of shaggy, fur covered bodies poured into the room. Some of the humans lifted rifles to their shoulders, others braced for hand to hand combat which I found odd. They should know that physically, we outclassed them.

The unexpected wave of Nosferatu came soaring overhead, floating on their dark nexus of energy. They rained caustic fire down on us from above.

Two wolves were the first to reach our location. Will jumped on one, Anton—after ensuring I could stand—leapt after the other. Snapping jaws clicked in the open air as Will's thick arms wrapped around one neck and twisted with an audible snap. His wolf fell lifeless to the side.

Anton dug his fingers into the mane of the other, a red haze glowing from them. Fire danced along the fur at its neck, exploding into a raging flame that was unquenchable as it engulfed the second wolf.

Three more unarmed humans leapt in our direction, keeping both Anton and Will busy as another human shape dropped onto the floor beside me.

A head of white-blonde tilted up to me, rosy lips split into a twisted smile. "We meet again young Princess," Valeria sneered.

"You!" I hissed, overcome with rage. I launched at her, not considering my mangled right arm until it didn't heed my call.

She sidestepped me and without my other arm to aid me, I lost my balance and staggered. Dammit. I wasn't equipped for a fight with this woman right now.

I lifted my left hand and called on my diminished magick. It leapt at my call and electricity exploded down my left arm. I lifted my fingers and let a slender spear of energy zoom from me to her. She wasn't fast enough to dodge the sudden shot and it sank into her skin, causing a shiver down her body.

Her arrogant sneer turned furious as she leapt on me. My head slammed off of the floor, sending dizzying sparks of darkness across my vision. She lifted one hand, holding my shoulders down with the other and cracked her fist into my chin.

Again, my vision exploded with inescapable darkness. I shook it but I'd only barely began to see again when the next blow slammed into me.

"You bitch!" Anton roared, leaping into her back. He slammed his knee into her spine and latched his hands around her throat, flames dancing in his fingertips. The fire seared the flesh along her neck even as she struggled to buck him off. He squeezed though, keeping her from a good angle.

Her face turned first red, then purple, then blue, as his fingers tightened on her windpipe.

Then the unexpected blow neither of us had seen coming sent him skittering across the arena floor away from us. Valeria struggled to her feet, rubbing at her tender skin.

I crawled to my knees, fighting against my useless arm before climbing to my feet.

And coming face to face with the love of my life.

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