Chapter Thirty-Nine

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I didn't think Sage noticed when I slipped into her consciousness but Seira was there with me watching through her eyes.

"Kyra," she greeted quietly. I hadn't noticed the tattoo down her cheek before but it seemed to glow now. It was a circle surrounded by lines that spread in all directions and it was bright blue-white in the darkness.

"Seira," I greeted in return, watching her carefully. She was the closest to me she ever had been, occupying space directly beside me. I had begun to expect her alien presence and it seemed to help me cope with the fact that she existed and continued to appear in my life.

"If you want to see what's at stake, watch," she commanded, turning her attention to what Sage was doing.

I did the same and like I always had with Sage and Achillia's visions, I sank into Sage as though I were her and she were me.

I sprang into the sky, far above the chaos below. The Greek and Trojan troops were in full disarray now, colliding with one another in clashes of explosive sound.

The Champion trials hadn't gone well for me. It was Ares who had suggested them but I figured that was only under Eris' guidance. She was the one who truly benefited from the outcome and she had become infinitely more dangerous as a result. She flew opposite me on opaque golden-violet wings and she reveled in it. I could hear her yips of excitement even from my distance.

She and I had each fought lords from one of the vampire houses. I had done well until my fight with the Incubus lord. He had gotten in my head, twisted my thoughts, and broken down my resolve. For Eris though, the thoughts hadn't seemed to infiltrate her convoluted mind and she had overcome him easily.

That was supposed to have been the end of this war. Zeus has finally agreed to it, with the victor winning the current conflict. Eris, however, seemed to have different plans as she used the Chaos Amulet to turn her soldiers into vile nearly indestructible entities.

Even now, three giant single eyed creatures lumbered across the field of battle, wiping out the Greeks in droves. It took the cyclops only an arm swing to send human bodies scattering over the field.

Eris laughed gleefully, watching her creations decimate the Greeks in the thousands.

Zeus had called me to the forefront of battle after the first creatures had appeared. We had hoped that the monsters who existed were the last of their kind but with the Chaos amulet, Eris was calling them into existence faster than they could be defeated.

A lightning bolt arced through the sky, exploding onto one of the Cyclops. It jerked as the electricity entered its body, shook itself, and resumed destruction as though nothing had happened.

"Harmonia," Zeus called, lowering to my height. I peered over at him, knowing we'd both have to land soon as the roars of thunder grew farther apart. With the aid of a storm, we could both pull qualities from the sky but without it, we were returned to our normalcy.

I nodded at Zeus, knowing without further instruction that he wanted me to center my focus on the unstoppable monsters below.

I fell back, touching down on a sloping hill behind the line of fighting. I took a moment, pulling strength from the clouds above before hurling myself into the air once more.

I hovered forward and pulled the necklace from the pouch at my waist. The sapphire blue gem slid out last and I pulled the silver chain over my neck until the gem rested on my chest.

I felt the tug at my consciousness immediately. Zeus and Hera had hoped I would find myself on the winning end of the trials because with the extra mental influence the other vampires' abilities would have provided, I should've been able to fight off the changes the amulet forced on my psyche.

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