Chapter Forty-Two

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I was already screaming my dad's name the moment I hit the first floor. I'd worried that with all the occupants, we'd have to go find him when the day room doors swung open and my dad came barreling out, his face as white as a sheet.

I was surprised to see Lucas Fifth, Will, Gabrielle, and my mother follow on his heels. I could just barely see into day room beyond them and had to force away a choking sob when I found the curtain to Evelyn's room open, the bed empty.

"Kyra! You scared the life out of me. What's wrong?" Damien said, frantically patting at his chest.

"Well it's about to get worse," Anton chimed in then looked over his shoulder at me.

I gaped for a second trying to find my words. I hadn't expected such a crowd. " I touched the amulet and saw something. Something bad. Troops are right outside our door and they're going to attack at sunrise."

They all stared blankly at me but my father was the first to believe me and head on the move. "Execute Evacuation Plan C!" he bellowed up and down the hall.

There was no hesitation. People burst into movement with no further prodding. The house exploded into action.

Lord Romanoff came barreling through the oncoming rush of vampires. He stopped at the door of the stairs and my dad pointed at a nearby wall. Romanoff nodded and turned, whipping his hands in front of him and spinning purple energy across the room. An oval appeared in the wall and the portal was up.

Doctors and nurses burst from the day room pushing gurneys and slammed straight into the portal. I was never so relieved to see my dad's careful control in action.

Will and Lucas dove back into the day room, launching into the evacuation. My mother, Gabrielle, and Damien headed for the kitchen to arrange the other troops.

With the Magicks in action, I didn't even hesitate. I ran past the stairs toward the back of the house and out another door.

I felt Anton trailing behind me as we dove towards the woods. We reached the edge of the trees without any interruption but just as we stepped into the underbrush, the ground towards the front of the house shook.

We braced ourselves as the explosion's volume reached us. Anton and I shared a quick glance before speeding through the forest.

"Where are we headed?" he asked dashing along beside me. He was struggling and panting which confused me. That was odd. I was faster than him normally but not by much.

I slowed my pace until his dash came a little easier. "I recognized that clearing," I explained. "There's a tree near there where I broke my arm when I was a kid."

Anton glanced sideways at me as he ran. "You broke your arm?" He asked with a goofy grin.

I rolled my eyes. "Not all of us have been vampires since childhood," I said.

He went quiet after that, following my steps closely. I didn't know how we could do this but I hoped we weren't walking into our deaths. I didn't know why he'd go on this suicide mission but I was happy he was here. Our postcoital bliss has been all too short lived.

The closer we got to the tree the more my heart hammered in my chest having nothing to do with the run. I'd see Carson again. But did I want to?

When we left my dad's I had been worried that he might've been dead but i could feel him through our imprint. I knew he was still alive. After what I'd seen with that bitch Valeria, I wasn't sure I'd see him the same way. But hadn't I did the same?

I glanced at Anton, then shook myself, needing to think clearly for what was coming. I'd need to be at my absolute best. It was good that I'd fed.

Divine Destiny: Serendipity Saga Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now