Chapter Four

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A growl rumbled from the man's chest, a sound that no typical human should be able to make. "You'll regret that," he hissed, advancing slowly on me. He was tall, really tall and I took a solid step back, leaving room between us.

A quick bite, some quick pleasure. Is that so much to ask for?

His lips spread in a conniving grin and I could tell that he wasn't simply going to let his dinner escape. I moved into his way, blocking him from the exit.

"I don't think so," I told him, barely sparing him a glance. The bathroom was small as far as fighting went. I really didn't want to have to attack him here. "You will leave my club and get as far from here as possible. And don't come back," I demanded.

The idiot chose the worst path he could have.

He lurched forward, his hands grasping the front of my shirt in a powerful grip. He yanked me closer, trying to stab his fangs into my neck.

Okay, if this is how you want it to be...

I slung my arm away from me, snapping his hands from my clothing and backhanding him across the face. I could tell the blow had stung. Tears welled in his eyes and he stumbled away from me, glaring at me over fingers he had pressed to the wound.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" he shrieked, launching at me.

I slid forward, tucking my legs beneath me. He soared over my head and behind him, I carefully righted myself. I slammed one booted foot against his spine, knocking him forward and sending him crashing into a floor length mirror behind me, shattering glass across the floor of the bathroom.

"Do you even know what I am?!" he roared, lifting himself from the debris and turning to me again. He hurled himself at me again, really not getting the hint.

I danced away from him, keeping careful distance between his hands and my body. He was getting angrier every time he missed. He knelt to the ground, barely catching himself before crashing into another stall door. I whipped my leg out easily, cracking my boot into his chin and sending him flipping forward. He crashed through the stall door, sending it flying open and careened off the edge of the commode within. I was sure that had to hurt.

He hadn't even turned when he leapt for me this time. His fist came hurtling toward me, faster than I had expected. I lifted my hands, catching his knuckles as they near missed my face. I twisted his hand backward, forcing pressure down the tendon in his wrist. He slumped down in front of me, whimpering at the pain.

"My name is Kyra Lucius. You should really find out whose territory you're trespassing on before you try to rape and drain a girl in my bathroom." The widening of his eyes told me that he had some inkling of who I was. Terror flashed across his expression and if I hadn't caught him doing what he'd been about to do, I might've felt bad for him.

I gathered energy from the air, pulling it into myself and forcing it down to my palm, gripped tightly around his fist. I only barely made the electric blue lightning visible as it seeped from my skin and into his. He jerked, once, twice, three times before falling unconscious to the tile floor.

I stepped away from him, fighting the urge to give him another kick for good measure when the bathroom door burst open. Carson and Anton came tumbling in, almost comically fighting for the point position. Carson made it to me first, looking over the contents of the room. It was coated in glass that had sprayed in all directions when the man had collided with the mirror. The stall door I'd kicked him into hung haphazardly from its hinges and he had cracked the toilet bowl within. He was splayed across the ground now, his cheek pressed to the tile beneath. I leaned against the sink counter, looking over at both of them.

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