Chapter Eight

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Carson pulled the Evora in front of a building with an eloquent shop front. A dark red canopy spread out above the door like an autumn sunset. The front of the building consisted of a wide row of glass, separated by a set of glass double doors with swooping script reading "Amo La Cucina" in black lettering. The inside of the restaurant was foggy and difficult to see through.

"Why is it so dark?" I asked Carson as we left the vehicle, Will following on my other side. Carson grabbed my hand, his fingers entangled in mine.

He chuckled a short laugh. "I'm willing to bet that the restaurant as UV resistant glass," he said, looking over the building with a careful, practiced eye. He was looking for something, anything that may be out of place.

"UV resistant?" I asked, looking at the dark, plated glass.

He nodded. "The owners of the restaurant are Magicks. They likely have the glass-plated to prevent harmful sunlight from crossing its threshold."

He held the door open for Will and I with one arm, following closely after us.

The room within was packed with people. Several individuals dressed in black and white zoomed past us, carting trays full of food and beverages. Every table was filled with diners enjoying meals and speaking quietly with their associates. We stepped onto shiny white tile as we entered, surrounded by areas of plush crimson carpet. The tabletops were black marble, lined with gold trim.

The door behind us opened again, Anton and Kellic giggling as they entered. Kellic nearly ran into us, preoccupied as she was. Anton drew her up short with a gentle hand on her arm. He had sensed me before he'd even entered. The bond between us made it hard for one of us to not notice the other.

He smiled up at me as his conversation with Kellic came to a close.

Before any of us could speak, a man in a sharp black suit and white button-down shirt greeted us, a white towel bent over his forearm. "How may I help you tonight?" he asked. He was clean shaven, his skin dark and clear. His eyes were a crystalline blue that reminded me of Lady Evelyn Stark. His gaze roved over us and it seemed to only take a moment for something to click within him.

"We're supposed to be meeting some individuals," Carson replied, taking my hand in his. He searched the room but whether he was assessing any threats or looking for my father, I wasn't sure.

The server immediately bowed, deeply tucking himself over his waist. "I am so sorry, m'lord," he chimed. He weaved into the crowd of people and Carson tugged me along behind him. Evidently, we were supposed to follow him.

The restaurant was bigger than I had first thought. He dove between other servers attending their customers, dodging pulled out chairs, and careless, inebriated diners, leading us deeper into the depths of the building. We rounded a corner, approaching a long, elegant staircase, its lower steps fanning out into the dining hall. A red rope was stretched across the stair's railings, forbidding trespassers. The man, lifted one end of the rope, allowing us all to pass and make our way up the steps before looping it back into place and following along behind us.

Carson entered onto the second floor first, pulling me aside to allow the server to move past us again. Will, Anton, and Kellic followed suit, moving themselves to the side of the path. The second floor held a balcony railing, which a quick glance showed peered over and down onto the dining hall below. From here, the room turned into a square filled with various people moving around this way and that, as if it hadn't been dizzying enough scrambling through it.

Across from the railing, hung a long, velvet curtain, dividing the balcony from a room beyond. The server stepped forward, pulling the curtain aside and revealing the room within.

Divine Destiny: Serendipity Saga Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now