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*Nialls P.O.V.

I woke up and slowly sat up rubbing my neck. Harry always fucking did this to me. whenever we had an argument or he disagreed on something he'd just snap my neck.

I got up and looked around. What am I doing in the middle of the forest- Shit!

"HARRY WHERE ARE YOU?!" I started running around looking for them. " I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU TOUCH HER I WILL KILL YOU!!" I looked around me when the wind changed and I smelled something all too familiar. Blood.

I followed my nose untill I got to a tree. There were bloodstains on there. I touched it with my fingers and brought them up to my nose. This is fresh blood..

Then I heard some voices in the distance. When I got closer I saw El's mother with two officers. Maybe they have something that could lead me to her. I walked over to them and smiled slightly when her mother saw me.

"Niall? What are you doing here?" She asked.  "I was taking a walk through the forest.  is everything okay ? You look a little pale." I lied. "Sweetheart you should stay out of this forest it's dangerous out here. And my didn't return home yesterday. She should be home after school." She said looking around. "Do you think she went in this forest?" I asked. "There was a young man in the morning who said he saw her walking in here with a boy." Shit. "What did he look like?" I asked already knowing the awnser. "He was tall and had brown hair like this." She said showing with her hands how long it was. "Why do you ask?" "I thought maybe I know him. Did you find anything yet?" She got something out of her pocket and gave me a little note. "What is this where did you find it?" I asked reading it. "We found it on a tree somewhere near here." She said.

I nodded and said bye quickly as I put the little note in my pocket un noticed.

I ran as fast as I could to the spot where me and El first met. I had a little flashback as I stood on the exact same spot.


I stood behind a big tree, watching her yet again. But she didn't look like she was herself. She seemed a bit out of it this time.

I watched as she stopped before the beginning of the path that leads into the forest, mumbling something to herself before she started stumbling on the path coming closer to me.

She stopped only a few feet away from where I was and before she had the chance to let herself fall down I got to her and held her up looking into those beautiful green eyes for the first time.

~End of flashback~

I smiled a little at the thought of how drunk she was that night and looked around hoping for a glimpse of her beautiful face.

I got the note out of my pocket and looked at it again even though in my head I knew exactly what it looked like and what was written on it.

"Where it all started."  Was all it said. And I know exactly who wrote it.

~ Guys I'm so incredibly sorry for not updating in a while there was just so much going on in this fandom as we all know!  I know this chappy may seem a bit boring but I hope it's enough for now and I will update very soon. love you! x

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