Let's hit the road

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( Hey guys, first of all I want to apologise for not writing for so long. I guess I kinda just forgot and with so much drama going on all the time in this fandom it kinda faded away a little. But! I'm back again and I hope you guys will like this new chapter. They will be longer from now on!)

I zone out after his answer, not a single thought in my mind. At least not until I feel a hand on my leg, squeezing gently. "El.." I look at his hand before back up at him and blink a few times, finally getting what he's saying. "What do you mean? Why because of me? Did I do something bad?". He looks straight ahead again and starts to drive slowly. "No, no you didn't do anything. A while ago I lost my brother, and I got depressed. Didn't want to have anything to do with anyone and I didn't leave my house for weeks. Then Harry came by. We've always been good friends and he suggested I go somewhere else for a little while, so we went on a trip and I found a house in this town. After I moved my stuff here I stayed inside for like a week until I heard a party going on in my street. I got curious and I decided to go and see if it was any good. Then when I got inside I went to go get a drink and there you were. As soon as I saw you I kinda stopped feeling sad. It just kinda went numb.''. I nod slowly and keep looking at him. "So.. You wanted to get to know me so you wouldn't feel sad anymore? Is that it? I'm just your little drug?" I gulp softly, not wanting the answer to that. He turned his head to look at me for a few seconds and looked confused. "No. No you're not just a little drug. I mean at first yeah maybe I just didn't want to feel sad anymore. But is that so bad? Wouldn't you do that?". I sit back and look out the window. "I've never really been in a situation like that so I don't know, maybe.". I shrugged slightly and took a deep breath. "It changed, okay? It changed when we had that fight. I got angry with you and when I left angry I actually felt scared. I was scared I was gonna lose you and it wasn't just because of the feeling anymore. I started getting feelings for you and they're still here. That's why I want you to do something.". He stops the car and it's not until now that I realise he has stopped right in front of my house. "Get a bag, put some clothes in it and come with me for a little while. A week or something. Please?". My eyes widen slightly and I turn to him again. "You want me to just leave with you? I don't know you That well. What if this is some kind of trap? What if you're taking me to Harry? He might have just brainwashed you. No fucking way.". I get out of the car and look around before quickly walking to the front door. I hear a car door open and shut behind me and Niall calling my name, causing me to grab my keys fast and struggling to find the right one. "Could you just wait.". I hear him right behind me and I turn around quickly. "Wait for what? For you to hurt me? Or worse for him to hurt me? What about my mom? Who says he won't go after her?" He takes the keys and drops them before taking both my hands in his, pulling me closer slowly. "You need to calm down. I would never hurt you or take you to Harry. You're safe with me. Which is why we need to leave just for a little while. Your mom will be just fine.". I stand there, looking into his eyes while he's talking to me and I feel myself relaxing slowly. "How can I trust you? You're a vampire. You drink blood. Last time I checked I have blood running through my veins. You tell me you have feelings for me but how do you expect me to believe everything you're saying?". I say quietly. My heart is racing by this point, not only because of how scared I am but somehow I'm actually a little excited. I feel so alive. Come to think of it, I always feel more alive when I'm around him. Except for when Harry tried to kill us. That wasn't fun. Definitely wish I was dead at those times. My thoughts get interrupted by seeing him move closer to me. He lets go of one of my hands and gently puts his fingers under my chin, running his thumb over it gently and slowly. I see him swallow before slightly leaning in more and I don't realise I'm actually holding my breath until I hear the door opening behind me and I let out a little gasp as Niall steps back again and I hear my mom clear her throat behind me. I blink a few times, not taking my eyes off of Nialls. "Elena. Dinner is ready. Are you coming?" I hear my mom. I nod slowly and watch Niall go back to his car. I watch him drive off and I turn to my mom who doesn't look too happy. "You're late." I let out a sigh and nod before following her inside.

During dinner all I could think about was that moment. It felt like it went in slow motion but also really fast and I wonder what could've happened if my mom hadn't interrupted us. Would he have kissed me? Would he just keep looking at me? I started making up all these little scenarios, completely ignoring my mom who was telling some story about work.

After I cleaned up everything I went upstairs and laid down on my bed. Should I go with him? And even if I would, how would I tell my mom. She'd never agree to letting me go with him. I turned around and closed my eyes.

*Nialls POV*

I got in my car and drove away as fast as I could. My heart was racing and I felt so energetic. I got so close. I have to get her away though. I couldn't tell her Harry was the reason. When I left this town to go with Harry I heard about his plans. As soon as he heard I was here for a girl he just had to come visit to see her. He always took everything from me. Every girl I've ever had feelings for, every friend I've ever had. Just took them and either killed them or just tortured them for months. He wasn't gonna do that with Elena though. He had other plans for her. One night at his place I heard him talk to someone on the phone. He said he liked the looks of her and that he could put her to good use. I had told him not to touch her but it just made him like it even more. He said he was gonna come back for her after he got rid of me. I can't let that happen. This time I won't let him. I don't care what I have to do for it but he is not getting her.

I parked my car in front of my previous and now empty house and I quickly got inside. I grabbed my phone and started texting Elena.

Niall: Hey are you there? Really need to talk about the whole going away thing.

She didn't respond for a while and I started to think maybe she fell asleep or her mom took her phone and it was all too late but then she started typing.

Elena: Yeah I'm here.

Niall: Can you please do this with me? Please.. It's just for a little while. We can go wherever you want just not here.

Elena: What am I gonna tell my mom though? Yknow what nevermind. Meet me in front of the school tonight at 1:00 AM. One week. Not longer.

I smiled at her text and and sighed relieved, running a hand through my hair. Thank god.

*Elena's POV*

I put my phone away after sending the text to Niall and I sit up quickly, thinking for a moment before getting up and grabbing a bag from under my bed. I start shoving some clothes in there and some other things like a hairbrush and a toothbrush and when I get done I start thinking of what to tell my mom. I go downstairs and take a deep breath before walking to the living room where she is. I sit down next to her slowly. "Mom?". I look at her. She keeps her eyes on the tv. "Yes sweetie?". I bite my lip and look around. "I haven't been doing very well at school. My grades aren't that great and I'm behind on homework and everything. Ally has amazing grades and she is done with every project and everything and we were wondering if it was maybe a good idea to let me stay with her for like a week or something to catch up on all of it. She'll help me with everything. Is that okay?". I look at the tv, not wanting to see her reaction. "You want to stay with Ally for a week? Is her mother okay with that?". She sits up slightly and turns to look at me. "Yes she is the one that got the idea. It's just for one week. It's really important I can't get behind on all of this.". She takes a deep breath and nods slowly. "Okay. But I'm driving you there. And you have to call me every day.". I nod and go to get my bag.

Soon we arrive at Ally's house and I get out of the car after saying bye and hugging my mom. I wave at her and watch her drive off before I quickly make my way to the school which is not that far away from her house. I check my phone for the time. 12:39 AM. I go sit on a a bench and wait for Niall. My thoughts go back to what happened between us and when I get back to the real world I feel like I've been waiting for too long so I check my phone. 01:16. He should be here by now. I get up and walk around the bench, starting to get nervous. What if he won't show up? What if this is actually some kind of trap and I was right. What the hell do I do then?

"Hey there.". I hear someone behind me and when I turn around I see Niall leaning against his car. I smile softly and sigh relieved before getting my bag in the car. He holds my door open and I get in after mumbling a thank you. "So.". He turns to me when he gets comfortable in his seat. "Where are we going princess?"

(One last thing guys I was wondering if you'd like me to write another story. Since my grammar has actually improved a lot the last couple of years. So if you'd like the next part please comment and also if you want another story comment!)

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