The new guy.

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I woke up with a huge headache. I really didn't know how i got home. I tried to remember last night but the last thing i knew was that i was standing in front of the forest. I got up and walked downstairs to get something for this pain. Ofcourse when i walked into the kitchen my angry mom was standing there.

''I already got you some aspirin and water, it's on the table and i'll get you some cereal.''. I sat down and took the aspirin and the water. My mom sat down too and looked at me very angry. ''I thought i told you not to drink? I don't understand why you don't listen to me anymore El. We used to be so close and now you just act like one of those teenagers who drink all night and party and stuff like that. I mean what if you woke up next to some guy you don't even know. You can be very thankful to Niall otherwise you would be raped maybe or hit by a car.'' She stood up and started to cook something. ''Mom i'm seventeen. You can't act like i'm your baby anymore and don't say that i act like one of 'those' teenagers because i'm not. I don't have sex with every guy and i don't drink all night. We only had a few shots and who the hell is Niel?''. ''It's Niall and he brought you home last night. He said he found you outside the bar and you were drunk so he drove you home so you can be very lucky and by the way who got you those shots hm?'' ''MOM! Can you maybe stop freaking out the whole time, my head is killing me and you can't change it back okay. It happened and that's it. End of story. Now i'm very sorry i scared you and all and i'm happy that guy whatverhisnameis saw me and brought me home but can i please go upstairs now and sleep so i can maybe explain myself later?''. ''Fine. Go upstairs and don't you ever yell at me again. This conversation is not over yet.''. I walked upstairs and got in bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow i was asleep.

I ran and ran through the familiar forest. It was pitchblack and there was fog everywhere. I tripped a few times because i couldn't see where i was running but i got up quickly everytime and just kept running. I could hear his footsteps coming closer everytime but i ignored it and just kept running. Suddenly the ground dissapeared and i fell down deeper and deeper into the woods. I didn't know where i was so i just stood there, waiting for the footsteps to pass the path where i fell off. Suddenly it was quiet. There was no sound, no footsteps but then i heard something behind me. I ran again but i was soon thrown against a tree. My back was killing me and i cried. I felt something cold on my lips and when i touched it i saw the blood. My nose was bleeding and the man came closer. Then i saw who it was. It was that guy from yesterday who brought me back to my home. Only he had  bright red eyes and i saw something weird in his mouth. He came closer and closer and he was now inches away from my face. He looked at me then at my neck and he took my hair away from it. He then lowered his head and i felt his soft lips on my neck but there was something else. And then i felt two sharp little knives in my neck. Only it weren't knives, it were his fangs.

I woke up all sweaty and it was dark outside. I guess it was midnight. I grabbed my phone and checked. It was 02:34 AM. I sighed and walked to my bathroom. ''I need a shower.'' I said to myself. Dunno why but sometimes i just said things outloud. I took a shower and went back to bed. I woke up the next morning from my mom. ''You have school El, get up.'' She said. I got up and put on some blue jeans with a black t-shirt that said : IF YOU DON'T HAVE COOKIES, DON'T TALK TO ME. I brushed my hair and my teeth and went downstairs. ''How about we go for a walk after dinner yeah?'' My mom said as i ate my breakfast. ''Uhhmm yea sure.'' I said and went to school. When i got there Ally was standing outside waiting for me. She had the brightest smile and she was jumping up and down until i got there. ''OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG EL LISTEN!'' She yelled at me. "Alright alright alright but can you please say it normally, my head is not completely normal yet okay?'' I said holding her shoulders so she would stop jumping around. ''Yeah whatever by the way you have some serious explaining to do about that night but listen. There is this new guy who just moved into town and he's going to our school and he's gonna be in our class! Isn't that cool?'' She said all exited and i could tell she was trying not to scream. ''Uhmm yeah i guess and i'll explain everything in class okay? I mean, it's not like we'll miss anything with that sleepyhead teacher of ours. We walked inside the school and got ready for our first class.

''So tell me, where the hell did you go? I thought that i was going to drive you home and then you were missing!'' She whisper/yelled. ''Well i was waisted at the bar and i wanted to go home because i was tired but when i saw you talking to the other guys i didn't want to disturb you so i decided to walk home by myself and-'' ''Excuse me ladies but are we interupting you two? You know what i don't feel like doing all of this today so why don't just skip everything. Ally, stay where you are and miss Elena, you can go to the detention class now.'' ''What?! But why me?!'' I yelled at him. ''Just go now! Before i send you to the headmaster.'' ''Fine.'' I said and i got up from my seat and went for the door. ''And when the bell rings, come back to this classroom.'' I didn't respond and just closed the door harshly. I looked through the little window in the door and looked at Ally who was looking at me too with her evil grin. I looked angry at her and turned around to walk away when i bumped into something or someone. ''Omg i'm so sorry i didn't know where i was going.'' I said looking down. ''it's no problem really, uhmm is this the history classroom?'' He said. I knew that accent from somewhere but i couldn't remember from what. I also recognized his perfume. I looked up at his beautiful ocean blue eyes and we just stood there for a while, looking at eachother. ''I'm Niall.'' He said smiling with his hand out. ''It's Elena but you can call me El. Uhmm do i know you from somewhere?'' I said blushing and shaking his hand. ''Yeah, i kinda brought you home that night when you were drunk.'' He said blushing. So that's him. ''Well i guess i'll see you later then and thank you for bringing me home i guess.." I said as i turned around. "It's no problem really. I'll see you later.'' He said as he walked to the classroom door. I walked through the hallway to the detention classroom when i realized. What the hell was he doing in that forest at night.

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