the talk

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All classes seemed to go by so slowly. I didn't actually talk to Niall much except for when I helped him out with stuff he didn't understand.

Ally tried with him a couple more times but since me and him were seated together in every class she saw after a while that it was no use to try and sit with him. Besides it is useless. This isn't a game he is not a toy.

She can try whatever she wants I can't stop her and I'm not gonna try and keep him with me he can make his own choices.

And finally after what seemed like forever the last bell rang and we were all dismissed. I walked to my locker followed by Niall who has strangely been quiet since last class started.

We walked outside together. "So where do you wanna walk ?" I asked looking around. "Would you like to walk in the forest ?" He asked looking at me smiling a little. I thought for a moment. "Sure." I smiled. Screw my mom. And if something happens atleast I won't be alone.

Because there were quite many people everywhere we didn't really talk on our way there but just looked around.

After some time we were finally there and I had to look around before I walked in seeing if maybe my mom was somewhere.

I do find myself walking a little closer than normal to Niall. When you've been told to stay away from something from the day you can remember you are definitely more careful.

After about five minutes of walking he decided to start talking.

"So uhm can I ask why you wanted to know my last name yesterday ?" He looked at me. Well what the hell do I say now ?

"Did you know you have an old family member who looks exactly like you?" I looked at him too. Might as well just ask. "A what? What are you talking about?" He looked a little confused and surprised.

"Well-" "How do you know this stuff?" He stopped walking and just looked at me. "Well I just did some research and-" "research? research for what?" He interrupted again and raised his voice a little. "I just needed to know stuff." I said quietly hoping it would keep him a little calm.

"Need to know what? My family is none of your business so stay out of it. What do you do this to all the people who get to know you?" He said angrily. Then it happened again. His face it changed again just like it did that night in the kitchen. It looked exactly the same. Only there was no stuff here to be allergic to so all I could do was look scared and shocked. "Y-your face.." I said slowly and stepped back a little.

He quickly turned around and walked away further into the forest. And I had no idea what to do and I was already a little scared so I followed him. Well the path he walked on cause he was nowhere to be seen I just walked and walked and looked around too scared to call for him since he was angry with me.

After walking for what seemed like a long time my legs were hurting badly and since I am in the middle of a forest it isn't exactly a light place.

I heard a noise so I turned around to find nothing but a little stupid squirrel.

And when I turned around I bumped into someone. I looked up to see a pretty tall guy looking down at me smirking a little.

"Hello love."

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