Lost and found

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I was now just speed walking looking around trying to see what I could since the tears were streaming down my face. This is all my own fault. If I hadn't been minding someone else's business I would just be sitting on my couch at home right now with my mom, who I think must be freaking out right now too. But instead I was here, in the middle of a forest I'm not even supposed to be in, running away from a vampire.

As I heard some noises somewhere I started to run again whiping the tears away. Then suddenly someone grabbed me and I screamed thinking it was Harry. But when I looked I saw Niall.

"Niall?" I started to cry again. "How are you alive I thought you were dead!" I said holding onto him tightly not only because I found him but also because I felt dizzy. He held me up gently and looked at me. "I'm already dead he just temporarily killed me but.. How are you alive? Where did he take you? More importantly where is he now?" He asked. " I-I don't know.. I think he's looking for me somewhere.. I don't feel very well.." I shook my head a little.

He picked me up gently and started walking. Suddenly I felt like this happened before, and it did. I looked at him and it was the same as when I was drunk and he brought me home. Slowly I started drifting off. "Sleep.. You're safe now.. I promise." Was the last thing I heard before darkness took over.

I woke up with the worst headache I've ever had and I was afraid to open my eyes, not wanting to see where I was this time. So I was just thinking for a while. A lot of vague pictures was all there was in my mind. Just one thing was clear. Niall.

Then I opened my eyes and looked around, surprised to see I was in my own room. On my nightstand was a glass of water and some medicine which I assume were painkillers so I took them and slowly got up. I walked downstairs and looked to see my mom making some breakfast. She looked up and smiled sweetly. "How was your sleep sweetheart?" I sat down slowly still looking around. "It was okay.. How long did I sleep?" She sat down with me. "You were asleep for three days. You did wake up sometimes to go to the bathroom or eat and drink. Can't you remember?" I tried to think of it but nothing came up so I shook my head slowly. "Niall?" I asked looking up. She seemed to make a face of disapproval before she answered. "He brought you home and explained everything. But you don't ever have to worry about it again he's gone now." She stroked my hair gently. Gone? "What do you mean he's gone? Where is he?" I asked starting to panick a little. "He won't be coming to school anymore and he will never come near here anymore so you're safe now." "Do I have to go to school today?" I asked starting to make up a plan in my head. "Yes you do darling and you're gonna be late so I suggest you get dressed now and go. I have a note here for you explaining your absence." She gave me a piece of paper. I took it and walked upstairs thinking of how I could see him. What if he went back to the forest and tried to take on Harry? He could kill him..

I got dressed as fast as I could and gave my mom a kiss on her cheek before running out. When I got to the entrance of the forest with the school in sight I thought for a moment. I took the piece of paper in my hand and felt it crumble before I dropped it and stepped on it. I made sure nobody was near before I set my way into the forest once again, ignoring everything that should've stopped me including my own thoughts.

Okay so I'm extremely sorry for not updating for such a long time I promise I will update more soon again and to everyone who commented and voted thank you so much I love you guys again I'm really sorry

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