They have returned. (Niall Horan vampire love story)

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I was walking through the cold and dark old streets with my mom at night. We were walking towards the path at the beginning of the woods. It was quiet and there was no other soul to be seen near it. Sometimes, when the weather wasn't that bad we would go walk together and talk about things and people and just enjoy eachothers company. I never understood why mom never let me go to the woods by myself. She used to say that it wasn't safe for me and that if i would go alone, she wouldn't be there to protect me. And everytime she told me that, there was that one question that kept burning inside my head. "Protect me from what?".

This was one of those nights. It was cold but there was no cloud to be seen in the nightsky. It was mid November. We were walking in the dark, talking when we heard a branch breaking as if someone stept on it. My mom stopped talking and when i turned around she stood there, looking into the dark. She turned very pale and she stepped closer to the edge of the path as if she was going to jump. Then in all of the sudden she grabbed my arm and we walked back very fast. We almost ran back and i was really surprised at her sudden actions. We reached the house and she closed the door behind us, locking it as if there was a murderer coming for us.

"Go up to your room okay sweety?". She asked me with her angelic voice. I obeyed and walked upstairs to my bedroom and switched into my pj's. I was laying in my bed when i heard my mom talking to someone on the phone i assumed so i sneaked downstairs carefully and listened closely to the conversation.

I couldn't hear everything but there was one thing i heard loud and clear and it made me shiver all over my body.

"They have returned."

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