The Party. (part 2)

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I drank everything that was in the cup at once and waited a moment until I felt the burning sensation in my troat.

Now my plan was to not get drunk cause me being my nosy self I finally had the chance to look around in his house to maybe get some information. I know that sounds very rude but I really don't care. If I want awnsers I do certain things to get them.

I do have to make sure Niall is drunk enough before I do that though so he will get too distracted to pay attention to me.

Nialls P.O.V.

So the plan was to keep an eye on El  with all the drunk people. She looked extremely hot in that dress so no way that she was gonna remain untouched.

I do really need to drink though. Alcohol really helps to keep control over the cravings and since there are alot of stupid drunks who get easily hurt I was gonna need it badly.

After about ten minutes I had 5 shots. Luckily I don't get drunk fast so I was only slightly tipsy. El was next to me but took only one shot after that little drink. "Why aren't you drinking anything?" I asked her loudly so she could hear me over the loud music. "I will drink later I'm just looking around first!" she said and smiled. I nodded and looked around too seeing all those sweaty drunk body's dance and having fun.

Elena's P.O.V.

Fuck. How can he still be so serious after all those drinks he took!? I sighed and walked to the kitchen to get some water since my throat was all dry. Strangely enough there was nobody even near the kitchen but I just walked in and went to the fridge.

Beforw my hand even touched it I felt someone pulling me back roughly. I was pushed against the wall and looking into two bright blue eyes filled with anger.

"What are you doing here ?!" He asked through gritted teeth.

"I-I was just going to get some water from the fridge!" I said confused as hell.

"Stay out of this kitchen do you understand?!" he said loudly.

"No! I don't understand! what the hell did I do wrong?! This is judt a freaking kitchen!" I tried pushing him away a little because he was really close but he was like a statue.  he didn't even move one muscle.

"I said stay out of here! This is MY house and if I tell you to stay out you stay out! Do you understand?!" He tightened his grip on my arms.

I whimpered from the pain he was giving me. I could already feel the bruises forming and when I looked up into his eyes I saw that they became really dark.  almost red? is that even possible ? there were little vains around his eyes and I just looked at him in shock not able to move.

Before I could say anything everything became a blur and I was outside alone. I started running somewhere hoping it would lead me home but I was stopped by something and felt a little sting at the back of my neck. Everything started spinning around and I felt myself getting really dizzy and tired.   Before I could turn around I felt myself blacking out and falling to the ground.

A/N so sorry for not updating earlier but I was really busy! I hope this chapter is good enough for everyone and I'm seriously really happy that people actually read this! so thank you and I love you!

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