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Nothing really exited ever happened in this small town. I only had a few friends at school but not in my personal life. I always kept everything for myself because i never thought anyone would care. Sure they sometimes asked me how i was and stuff like that but they never really seemed to be interested in the awnser. I always walked to school since it wasn't really that far away from my house but i was always alone. I guess that doesn't really matter because in the morning i like the silence but wouldn't it be a little nice to have someone to talk to about a stupid dream or something ?.

My mother woke me up in the morning. "Sweety are you coming downstairs ?! I made you some breakfast !". I already woke up but i always stayed in bed for a little while before getting up thinking about the dream i had this night. This night it was a really weird one but i guess my whole life is weird so i didn't really think something of it. 'probably just because we watched that weird vampire movie last night'. I just thought to myself. I put on some black jeans with a red tanktop and walked downstairs.

'Goodmorning sweety. How was your night ?''. My mom asked me when i opened the door and entered the kitchen. "It was fine. Just had this weird dream about vampires because of that movie from yesterday". I smiled at her. She looked a little confused at first but then smlied back at me.'Okay well i have this little appointment so i will be gone for a while but i'll be back before dinner yeah?' She said to me. 'yeah sure. See you tonight then?' " Yes but don't go out while i'm gone okay? We don't want you to get hurt or something" She said while giving me a little kiss on my cheek before walking out. "And stay out of the woods !!' She yelled before closing the door. I sighed loudly and brushed my teeth before putting on my leather jacket and converse and walking out the door. I locked it and looked up before i started walking. 'So i guess no sun today' i said to myself.

I always walked past the woods because that was the fastest way to my school. I didn't go into it i just walked near it. I started thinking about my dream again.

I ran and ran through the forest alone, scared of what was following me. I kept running but i could hardly see anything through the fog and the darkness and i heard him getting closer by the second. I ran as fast as i could and i didn't stop but my legs were killing me and i couldn't breathe anymore so i stopped running. I looked around me and heard branches snap behind me and everywhere but i couldn't see anything at all. I kept turning around and then i just closed my eyes, hoping it was just a stupid nightmare. When i opened them again i saw a dark figure walking towards me. I backed up against a tree and i was scared to death. I wanted to scream for help but everytime i opened my mouth nothing came out of it. Like my voice was lost or something wich scared me even more. The figure was now standing inches away from me and all i could see were two bright red eyes. Right before he was gonna bite me i woke up.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when i heard something crack in the direction of the forest. I looked but i couldn't see anything. "Probably just some stupid fox or something.' I said to myself and i saw my school so i walked towards it. I was greeted by some of my 'friends' and we walked inside the school. The whole time i couldn't stop thinking about he dream and i hardly payed any attention to the teachers or the other people.''So what do ya think ?'' Ally asked me. She was the only person who was really nice to me but she was a little shallow so we didn't ever talked about our lives outside school. But everyone knew her and she knew everyone. ''What do i think of what?'' I said to her confused. ''Jeez, do you ever pay attention? What is going on in that thick head of yours?'' She said looking a little mad at me. "I'm sorry okay? I just had a weird dream last night and i'm pretty tired." ''A dream? About what? " She asked me curiously. "Nothing really. It was stupid. Probably because i watched this weird movie last night.'' ''Well okay then. Now back to what i was asking. Will you come to the party tonight at the Grill?'' (wow vampire diaries thing sorry but i couldn't think of any other name. just picture it the same way as in the vampire diaries :) ) " Uhmm i'm gonna have to ask my mom that but i probably can go.'' I said smiling. Finally some fun in my life. ''Okay well text me okay?'' She said to me and i nodded. The bell rang and everyone went to their lockers to get stuff. It was really crowded but i managed to get to my locker and get my jacket and some books. I walked out of the school and went back home.

When i came home my mom was already there so i asked her the question. "Hey mom? There is this party tonight at the gril and i really wanna go so can i?'' ''hmmm.. Fine. But at one condition. Your friend is picking you up and dropping you off here and NO drinking, got it ?'' My mom said. ''Ofcourse not. thank you mom!" I said and gave her a kiss on the cheek and ran upstairs to find some clothes to wear. I texted Ally and showered. After dinner she picked me up and we went straight to the bar the minute we got in. We both ordered some shots. I know my mom said no drinking but, who the hell cares! I'm 17 and i deserve to live a little. We danced all night (see what i did there? no? okay fine.) and drank alot. I was getting a little tired and Ally seemed to be with some guys so i just decided to go home by myself. I know. Big mistake.

I stumbled past the woods and stopped at the beginning of it where the little path started. ''I can protect myself mother'' I said to myself and started walking into the forest. It was completely dark but i just kept walking and walking untill i couldn't walk anymore. I was really drunk and tired so i collapsed in the middle of the path. I had my eyes closed and i kept waiting and waiting for the ground to hit my knees but it never did. I opened my eyes and say someone holding me up. It was a boy. That was all i could see but he smelled really nice so i didn't really cared about this stranger holding me in the middle of the woods. ''You know, you shouldn't be here all alone in the woods you know.'' I slurred and he chuckled. ''Well i could say that to you too princess"'. He had a beautiful accent. "Are you irish?'' I slurred again. "Yes princess i am, but that is not important right now. We need to get you home." He said. He was carrying me bridal style through the woods and i still couldn't see him but i liked being in his arms so i just closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around him. ''Why do you keep calling me princess?'' I asked before drifting away into sleep.

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