The Party. part 1!

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I woke up from my phone buzzing under my pillow. I looked at my phone for a while and sighed. Great. Who the hell wakes up at 8 in the morning on a saturday ? That would be me. I still needed to find something to wear to Nialls party so I had to go to the mall to find something.

I got up and walked to the bathroom to brush my hair and my teeth. When I came downstairs my mom was already there eating breakfast wich is a little weird since I mostly wake up before her. "Morning" I smiled. "What are you doing up so early ?" I said as I grabbed some cereal and sat down at the table. "I just had an appointment with someone." She shrugged. An appointment ? On a saturdaymorning ? "But it's really early. " I said looking at her confused. She just shrugged again and looked away from me. What the hell is going on ?

I just tried to shrug it off and dressed before going to the mall.

I sat down and waited for Ally since she was invited too and had nothing to wear. And with nothing I mean that she has a shitload of dressed and nice clothes in her huge closet wich apparently aren't enough.

There she is. I smiled and waves before standing up. "Hi El!! Oh my god we are gonna have so much fun!" She said crushing me in a hug. To be honest I don't really like shopping I mean I like the clothes and stuff but after an hour of walking my feet are sore.

We walked around for a while and tried things on until she had 3 new pairs of jeans and 2 dresses. And I didn't even start about jewelry and shoes yet. I found a nice little black dress though. It wasn't too much or too little to see everything and not too much to see nothing. The perfect casual party dress and for once I was actually happy with what I bought.

Once we had finishes we hugged and went our own ways back home. God why don't I have a car yet! I walked back and went upstairs without looking at my mom. I am pissed that she won't tell me what appointment she had. And above all with who ?! ugh the thought only made it worse!

I went upstairs and decided a shower would be nice first so I quickly got in and showered for a while. When I came back I saw that I have 3 missed calls and a few texts. I looked who it was and saw that all of them was Niall.

Niall : hey!! are you getting ready yet ? You better be coming! and why are you ignoring my calls?

I chuckled and replied.

me : calm down! I was showering idiot! and yes I am coming.

Niall : too bad ya didn't call me before that.. we could've had some fun before the party instead of after it ;)

I seriously don't understand this boy sometimes. it's like he has different personalities or something. One day he is all distant and stuff,  then he's all cute and childish,  then he's acting mature and sexy and then he's a cheeky asshole. Make up your mind! I have to admit.. I kinda find all his weird moods hot..

me : don't make me regret coming Niall

Niall : I will pick you up in a few hours x

See ? that's what I mean! just like it never happened! I just rolled my eyes and continued preparing. After two hours I was in my dress with some make up on (just a little mascara and stuff) and my hair brushed and ready. I walked downstairs and to my surprise Niall was sitting there chatting with my mum. I just stood there for a moment.

"Oh hey sweetheart I didn't see you there! Someone looks pretty!" She said looking at me smiling widely.  Oh god mum.. I heard Niall chuckle and turn around too. Without my mom paying attention he looked me up and down biting his lip. I just raised an eyebrow and sighed waiting for him to get up.

"Oh yea! We have to go! It was very nice seeing you Miss! "Niall said getting up. Well atleast he had some manners. He shook her hand and walked over to me putting on his jacket. I have to say he looks really hot tonight and I didn't even notice I was staring until my mom yelled goodbye.

I quickly walked outside with him following me. "You look really amazing princess." He said smirking at me. "uhm thanks.. I guess. You look pretty good too.." I said looking down blushing. He chuckled again and walked over to his car holding the door open for me. "Miss" He said smiling. I chuckled and got in.

The ride wasn't actuallu that bad. We talked and laughed thw whole time with some music on. Then we stopped infront of this pretty big house with lots of cars parked. "Where are we ?" I asked getting out as he got out too. "Well this is my house ofcourse!" He said grinning and took my hand walking up to it quite fast. He opened the door and all I saw was alot of people dancing and drinking.  Still holding his hand we walked to I guess the kitchen and he let go of me grabbing two cups and filling it with alcohol. I glared at him for a moment before slowly taking the cup and bringing it up to my mouth.

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