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''Morning". I said to him as I looked around. I'm not really in a good mood today so I hope he's not gonna be following me everywhere. Ask me why? Well I was gonna go out tonight with Ally but since my mom still hasn't forgot about last week she won't let me. I started walking to the toilet.

''So what do we have first ?'' He asked as he followed me. I turned around to look at him. ''We have history first, now can I?' I said pointing at the girlsroom wich was now infront of us. He stepped back and I quickly walked in. I put my bag on the ground and looked into the mirror. God I really need to figure a way out to get rid of this guy. I mean yea he's pretty hot and all but I want to find out who he really is and i'd like to do that from a distance and un noticed. Hmm wait a minute.. what if we have to do homework together maybe we'll go to his house and that gives me the chance to get some awnsers. yea let's get this plan going. 

I washed my hands and walked back outside. And ofcourse the first thing I saw was him. ''Let's go blondie, we have class.'' I quickly walked to class and sat down in the back. Luckily he sat infront of me so he couldn't talk to me unless the teacher wasn't looking. I sat back and relaxed, then my phone vibrated.

I grabbed my phone and looked at it. I had a new text from an unknown number. Who would that be.. I opened the text.

unknown : So why are you so grumpy ?

me : who R u ?

unknown : Who do u think ? look infront of you.

I looked infront of me and saw Niall waving with his phone to me. Great.

me : How did u get my number ?

unknown : Ur friend gave it to me ;)

I'm gonna kill that girl. I changed the name to his and put my phone back in my pocket. I saw him turning around and looking at me for a second until the teacher warned him. Then my phone vibrated again. I looked to the screen to see he texted me again so I sighed loud enough for him to hear and he chuckled. I grabbed my phone again.

Niall : I asked u a question ?

me : What ?

Niall : Go out with me ?

me : That's not what you asked!

Niall : Well do u ?

me : No

Niall : Why are u so grumpy ? :/

me : Shut up.

I put my phone in my bag and looked at the teacher. The time passed by quick and before I knew it the bell rang. I walked to my locker and put my books in then walked outside to the tree and sat down against it. I started writing.

''There you are! I was looking for you everywhere!''. I looked up to see Niall walking towards me and sitting down next to me. I felt him staring at me so after about 3 minutes I looked to see him smirking at me. ''Finally I got your attention.'' He said smiling widely. ''And what do you intend to do with it?'' I asked looking at him. ''I'm throwing a party at my place this saturday and I was wondering if you would like to come too.'' ''Uhmm well I'm gonna have to ask my mom..'' I said looking into his eyes. Dammn they're blue.. ''Well call her then!'' He said laughing. I raised an eyebrow and grabbed my phone. ''Fine but she's gonna say no anyways.'' I dialled her number and waited for an awnser.

''hey sweety is everything okay ?'' ''Hi yea everything is fine uhmm can I ask you something ?'' ''sure!'' ''Well do you remember the boy that brought me back home that night?'' ''you mean Niall ?'' ''Yea him.. well he's having a party at his place and I was invited too..'' ''Oh no! You're not going there end of that!''  Niall probably heard and before I could even react he had my phone and was talking to my mother and laughing. I kept looking at him a littl angry because he stole my phone without asking. He hung up and a wide grin appeared on his face. ''See ? I told you she-'' ''She said yes and I will pick you up saturdaynight at eight!' He stood up after giving me my phone back and giving me a kiss on my cheek and ran away laughing. I rolled my eyes and stood up walking towards the exit of the school. Well this is gonna be an interesting weekend..

~~~~~~~ Holy craic what a shit chapter was that! well i'm sorry for not updating but there was christmas and stuff you know the story. I still want to wish everyone a happy new year and I hope this year is gonna be kickass for everyone!! thanks for reading this love you !! <3

They have returnedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora