Old friends

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"Hello love." He said looking into my eyes. His were almost as green as mine and he had dark brown hair swept back. He was also pretty well built from what I could see.

"Uhh.. h-hi." I said stepping back a little. "Lost?" He asked leaning his head to the side a little. "Uhm no I'm looking for my friend he walked here." I said looking Round but never losing him out of my sight. "Have you seen a guy walking here ?" I asked. "What does he look like ?" He smiled. "uhm well he's just a little taller than me, short blonde hair up.. oh he's wearing a black jacket" I said still looking around.

"Why don't we go and look for your friend together? I'm sure you wouldn't like to be all alone and it's not safe here for a beautiful lady like you." He held his arm out for me to take and smiled at me showing a little dimple.

Okay so this guy wants me to go with him looking for Niall who he doesn't even know in the middle of a forest with nobody else just because he has a good heart ? yea I don't think so.

"uh well thank you but.. I'll be okay." I said a little uncomfortable with this situation.

"Oh come on I don't bite I'm just trying to help you love." he kept smiling. I just looked at him thinking. "Harry." he said. "huh?" "My name. it's Harry." I nodded and slowly took his arm. "There we go!" He smiled widely and started walking with me further into the forest wich I didn't know was this big.

He just went on and on talking about how he loves walking and all I could do was just look to maybe find Niall somewhere. But do I want to find him? He is really angry with me right now and he should.  I don't have the right to dig into his family history. And although I want to know stuff I admit I might have gone a little too far with this.

And every time I pictured him all I could see was that scary face. I don't think I can ever forget that easily.

Then I saw a big house just standing there in the middle of this forest.  Or more like a mansion it's huge. And Harry just kept on walking closer to it acting completely normal like he comes here every day.

I started walking a little slower hoping he would take the hint and turn around but it actually made him walk faster.

"Uhm Harry?" I asked looking at him. "Yes love ?" He smiled. "I don't think we're gonna find my friend here." I said looking at the house and around it. "Well lets just go and see what happens yea?" He pulled me with him slightly tightening his grip and walked up to the front door with me. "Now be nice." He said still after all that time with that weird smiles holding me. "I-I don't really think this is a-" I wanted to say before Harry interrupted me knocking on the door.

I heard some noises and then the door was opened.

There infront of me stood Niall looking angry at me before he saw Harry and looked a little confused. "Nice to see you again mate!" Harry smiled at him and gave him a little hug still holding me in my place. I just looked at them really confused.

What the hell is Niall doing here, how do they know eachother, why is Harry holding onto me like I'm gonna escape as soon as he lets go wich I probably would and where the hell did I get myself into now?!

After they let go of eachother Harry stepped in the house pulling me with him. I really want to stay outside but as soon as I tried pulling my arm back he tightened his arm around mine hurting me and forcing me to follow him so I don't really have a choice.

I looked down trying to avoid having to talk or look at Niall who followed us after closing the door. For a minute I was afraid he would lock it but luckily he didn't.

Harry turned around facing Niall with me looking up now.

"What brings you here Harry ?" Niall asked after a minute or so. "I just thought why not come back and visit my half brother." Harry said. I gulped a little earning a slight chuckle from Harry.

"Why did you bring her here?" Niall said pointing at me narrowing his eyes at him. "Well I happened to hear your conversation with eachother earlier and she looked like a nice girl."

"You should've left her where she was.  She would've been better off there Harry you know that." Niall said taking a little step closer to Harry. "Oh I know but I just want to have some fun mate I mean look at her." Harry looked from me to Niall.

Niall didn't even glance at me once pretending I wasn't even there. But I deserve that so. "I'm giving you one chance Harry. Go away and take her with you." Niall said looking at him angrily. "Or else what?" He laughed.

They have returnedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora