Chapter 40

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Louis and Harry sat back in their chairs, stomachs full, and groaning.

"That was so good," Louis wailed.

"I'm so full," Harry added.

Louis hummed confirming he was just as full and put his head on the cool glass table.

"Hey, did you bring my work?" Harry asked, ever the good student.

"Uh huh."

"Did Niall tell Mom he was bringing it?"

"Picture and everything."

"Good. Niall is saving our asses. Mom doesn't know anything. She was telling me today that Niall is such a good friend." He waved his hands around. "A really good friend brings you your work so you don't fall behind and checks up on you when your sick," Harry mocked.

Louis laughed sarcastically. "I'm must be the best friend in the world."

Harry laughed too but more genuinely. "You are," Harry sighed. "Lindon probably had a mild stroke that I wasn't in class. His teacher's pet is missing class."

Louis lifted his head up then and gave Harry a worried look. "We have to be careful around him."

"Lindon? Why?"

"He's reporting to your parents."

"What? No way. He's"

"I thought so too, but I guess so. I get the feeling he doesn't know though."

"That he's helping my parents control my life from hours away?"

"God, Harry sometimes your parents-"

"Whatever it is, I've already thought it. Trust me."

Louis groaned. "Well now we have to watch ourselves in class."

"It's okay. I'm so on edge at school anyway."

"That's not okay, Harry. You shouldn't have to be uneasy at your own school."

Harry just shrugged. It felt like giving up. Louis couldn't let Harry be taken over like that. Harry deserved a great and glorious life, and Louis would be damned if his fucking parents were to stand in the way.

"Let's have a boys night!" Louis shouted.

Harry jumped at the sudden volume and but smiled at Louis' smile. "Uh, okay!"


"Niall stop eating all the popcorn!" Liam whined.

"Make some more! I made this for me!"

Harry lowered a hot bowl of popcorn between them, "Settle down."


"Thank you, Harry."

Louis saw Harry from the kitchen and couldn't help the fond on his face.

"I'm happy for you."

Louis turned around to Zayn grabbing chips off the counter.

"Thanks, man."

"You stood by him. When he hated you, when he hated himself. You did a good thing. You loved him anyway."

"I didn't know it. I thought I hated him for a minute there."

"But you didn't. And you never showed your confusion to him. You were good to him. Are good to him."

"He's good to me."

"I'm glad. You deserve it. And Harry deserves good too."

Louis sighed, "I know."

"So don't do that stuff you always used to do."

Louis was surprised by the talk of his old ways. "Like what?" he feigned innocence.

"Liam shared a bit of your past together. Some crazy nights. Broken hearts," Zayn gave a knowing look.

"That's not me anymore."

"I know that. I just need you to remember that."

"Zayn what's going on? Why are you fathering me right now?"

Zayn ran a hand through his hair. "Just be carful. People are noticing. Not you and Harry yet, but you. That you're not the same. They don't see you at parties anymore. You don't have the same reputation."


"They're wondering what's changed. It won't be long until they find out it's because you're whipped."

"I'm not-" Zayn gave him a look and that argument quickly died out. "It's none of their business."

"Agreed. This is just be being a friend and telling you what's going on when you're not looking. I don't want you to be tempted back into that stuff."

Louis sighed, "Yeah, thanks, Zayn."

"Plus it doesn't help when your best friends are together. You hang out with two openly gay men, Louis."

"You want me to stop hanging out with you?"

"No," Zayn shook his head, "I'm saying that if I need to I'll stop hanging out with you."

"You don't want to hang out with me?"

"Zaynie! Come on!" Liam called from the couch.

"One sec, babe!" He turned back to Louis. "Listen to me. I want to see you guys work out. And if Liam and I put that in jeopardy, then we'll take a step back."

Louis nodded, accepting what Zayn was saying. "I get it. But I wouldn't ask that of you guys. Liam's my best friend."

"I'm glad. But the offer is there, just in case." Zayn shoved Louis a little and walked out to the living room.

Louis soon followed with a cup of tea. He sipped it as he sat on the couch and set it on the table. He leaned back and Harry settled himself on Louis' chest. Louis unconsciously wrapped his fingers loosely in Harry's hair.

They rented three movies but knew they'd only get through one and a half. They cooked way too many snacks and knew they wouldn't eat them all (well maybe Niall but...). They settled in for a much needed boys night.

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