Chapter 46

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"What?" Louis was suddenly wide awake.

"I'm breaking up with you. If you could drive me home that would be great." Harry kept all the emotion out of his voice so he didn't betray to Louis that his heart was breaking.



"No. You're not leaving. You're not breaking up with me."

"I am, Lou."

"No you're not. I tried that. I tried to break up with you when you were in the hospital," Louis laughed, "God that makes me sound like a terrible person!" He waved his hands in dismissal, "Anyway, I tried that, and you basically told me hell no. So hell no."

"You don't understand."

"No I don't. I don't understand what could make you want to...Wait. Is this because I punched somebody? I'll go apologize, even though he doesn't deserve it. I'll beg his forgiveness if that's why you're doing this."

"That's not it, Lou."

"Then why?"

Harry ignored him and got out his phone. He dialed a number and put the phone to his ear. "Zayn? Can you come get me?"

"No!" Louis jumped out of the bed and grabbed for Harry's phone. Harry kept a hand between them and kept talking.

"At Louis'. I didn't drive."

"Zayn! Don't, please, Don't!" Louis yelled, hoping Zayn would hear him.

"Zayn I need you to come get me, please," Harry said flatly.

Louis felt the tears start to form. "Don't do this, Harry. Stay. Please, stay."

"Just hurry, Zayn." Harry hung up the phone and let his arm drop from Louis' chest. "I'm sorry, Lou." It was the only sincere thing he's said so far.

"Don't go. Please, stay. You made me promise to stay with you," Louis was crying hard now. "I shou-should've made y-you promise, too," he sobbed.

Harry turned his back on Louis so he wouldn't see him hate himself right now. "I'm going to go wait outside." Harry started towards the door, but Louis ran ahead of him and put his arms across the front door.

"No. Don't go. Please. I don't understand what I did."

"You didn't do anything, Lou."

"Then why?!"

"Don't make this harder, Louis."

"It should be hard! It shouldn't be easy to leave the person you love!"

Harry almost lost it. It hurt that Louis thought this was easy for Harry. But if he broke he'd never be able to let Louis go. So he steeled himself and told the hardest lie of his life.

"I guess that's what makes this so easy then. Because I don't love you."

Louis' mouth fell open in shock and he stopped breathing for a second. "What?"

Louis was really going to make Harry say it again. "I dont," Harry breathed resolutely, "I don't love you."

Louis' arms fell beside him and he shook his head. He started walking towards his room, but only made it a few steps past Harry before he fell to his knees and started crying again. Harry could hear Louis' sobs and dug his nails into his hands so he wouldn't run to him and hold him tight. Harry felt a tear fall and almost turned around, but he heard a honk outside.

Harry opened the front door and then did look back to where Louis was on his knees with his hands bracing himself on the carpet. His shoulders were shaking and he was letting out unsteady breaths. Harry did that. He made Louis cry on the floor.

Harry swung his arm out and hit the wall with his fist. Louis flinched at the noise and waited for Harry to say something. "Get over me, Louis. It's whats best." Harry slammed the door shut and ran down the walk to where Zayn's car was waiting.

He got all the way to the curb before he broke and tears started to fall. Harry's legs went weak and gave out. He fell to ground and leaned against the car door. Zayn got out and came around to kneel beside him.

"Harry what happened? Did he hurt you?"

Harry cried harder at that. Of course he'd blame Louis. Because Harry's the innocent one.

Bullshit. He was a monster.

Harry shook his head and pulled himself up. "Take me home."

Zayn helped him up and opened the door for him. Harry got in and curled up in the seat. Harry rode away while Louis stayed on the floor inside wondering what he did wrong.

How's everyone enjoying the story? I'd love to know what you think! <3

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