Chapter 21

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Louis had finally calmed down and was dumping his shoes, aka Vans, a pair of snow boots, and slippers, at the foot of his bed when Harry came back from his shower clad in, you guessed it, only a towel and wet curls.

Louis groaned quietly and immediately focused very hard on lining his shoes up just right.

"I feel so much better, Lou."

Louis chanced a glance and Harry and could take one guess why Harry was so giddy now. His cheeks were flushed and you could see little marks where he'd been biting his lip.

"I bet."

Harry paused for a second but continued. He went to his suitcase and pulled out joggers and a tee shirt. He'd already put his underwear away so he went to the dresser to find some.

Louis was determinedly straightening the already straight row of shoes.


"Hmm?" he croaked.

"Can you look at me for a second?" Louis wasn't sure if that was a good idea but he did it anyway.

Nope. Not a good idea. Harry was now only in a tiny pair of dark gray boxer briefs. They were tight on his narrow hips and hugged the top of his thighs.

Louis forced his eyes to move upward to where Harry was shifting his gaze nervously.

Louis walked to where they were a few feet apart so looking down would be obvious and therefore less tempting.

"I'm not very good at this, am I?" Harry asked.

"At what, babe?" Louis paused at the nickname, but Harry didn't seem to mind. He was suppressing a grin actually so Louis took that as a win.

"At, um, I don't know. Liking you."

Louis' fond must've been off the charts at that. He could feel his face split into a wide grin. "No you're very good, very good, at that."

"But I'm not very good at showing it."

Louis shrugged it off. "That's okay. I'm not in a rush. You don't have to show me, or anyone, anything you don't want to."

"Was that a naughty reference?"

Louis laughed, "I didn't mean for it to be."

"Oh," Harry bit his lip and looked at his bare feet. "Darn."

Louis gulped down the now very large amount of naughty things he wanted to pelt Harry with and settled for, "Listen, sweetheart, I know," Louis paused. "Can we sit down?" Harry walked over to the bed and sat on it on his knees.

Louis almost kneeled at the sight. "Uh, maybe you should get dressed and then we'll sit."

Harry nodded and obediently went to put on the comfy clothes he'd picked out. He came and sat back down on his knees.

At least he's got clothes on, Louis thought.

"Ok," Louis sat down beside Harry, one leg bent on the bed, the other hanging off, "I like you. A lot. I know you've said you like me too."

Harry nodded slowly and put his hands, folded, in his lap. Louis had to take a long, deep breath before he tackled Harry backwards down to the bed.

"I know you're situation. And I know you're very," he tried to think of the least embarrassing way to say it, "new to this."

Harry flushed just a little but kept still.

"The point is, I don't want to do anything that you're uncomfortable with."

Let Me Teach You Something (Larry Stylinson)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora