Chapter 12

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Louis had texted Harry at least half a dozen times since last night. He'd asked if he made it home okay. He'd asked when he wanted Louis to give his clothes back. He's asked if he was okay after everything.

Now Louis was laying down on his bed staring at the ceiling wondering What the Hell am I doing?

This wasn't like Louis. He wasn't needy or clingy or obnoxious. Especially to people he hadn't even been inside of!

But he was worried. And his good conscience wouldn't let him rest unless he knew Harry was alright.

So one more time he got out his phone and tapped a message.

I don't want things to be weird. I'm sorry for whatever I did. I just need...he backspaced and then typed...would like to know that you're okay.

Louis sent it off and vowed to put his phone away for the rest of the day. Midterms were due in a week and last night they'd divided up the work and since Louis was the brains behind the idea they saw it fit to give him the brunt of the work.

He went out to the living room and grabbed the books he'd checked out from the school's library a few weeks back. He dropped them on the dining table along side his tablet and set to work.


He'd just got into the details of the brain response to higher melodic notes versus lower undertones when his bladder practically kicked him.

Louis shuffled away from his work and hurried to the bathroom. While he was there he figured he might as well shower since he hadn't yet today.

He let the water run over him and release all the pent up energy he'd been using to focus on Midterms instead of a certain someone.

Louis turned the water off and went to find something comfy to slip into to continue his research.

He was sitting on his bed putting thick socks on when his phone vibrated. Louis turned and reached for it before he stopped, remembering he said today was a phone free day.

But what if it was his mom? Or one of his sisters? Or Liam asking about the project?

Louis picked up his phone and unlocked it, opening up his messages. What he saw took him a minute to process.

Twenty-one missed texts. All from Harry. He scrolled down to start at the beginning.

I can't talk to you Louis.

You didn't do anything wrong.

Please don't think you did something.

I'll get my clothes back whenever. It's not a big deal. I still have yours too so we'll trade in class or something.

There was a long span of time until the next message.

Can't stop thinking.

...About you.

Shit. I didn't mean. I don't know.

How are you?

Ignore me.

Then another shorter expanse.

Took that ignore me thing seriously, then?

Well good. Then I can just say what I need to say and you won't interrupt.

I don't know what to think about you. You are something I've never had to deal with. God, you make me so angry. Sometimes I just wanna rip your head off. Sometimes i just

wanna pressed your head to my chest and make sure you're okay. Is that weird?

That's definitely weird. Shit.

Umm, I don't know what to say now. I wish I could delete those last few texts from your phone.

But I can't. So...can I come over?

He'd obviously waited for an answer.

You can say no. That's fine.

Louis? I just need an answer.

Now is not the time to ignore me. Forget what I said, answer me.

Okay, then. Thanks anyway Lou.

Louis just stared at the screen. What hell was he supposed to do now? Did Harry still want to come over. Was that smart? Louis looked like a mess. Who cares? He's just a mate, Louis reconfirmed.

Just a mate. Louis repeated that until he opened their conversation and typed.

Sorry. I was working on Midterms. Spaced out. Yeah you can come over. Louis paused and looked at that last sentence a few times before continuing. Bring my clothes and we'll trade back. See you soon. :)

He sent it before he could think to take the smiley face off. Not even a minute later he got a reply.

Great. Be there soon.

Louis went to bathroom and brushed his teeth again and reapplied deodorant. He brushed his half-dry hair out and tried to make it look like a half-way decent hairstyle.

He went to the kitchen and put the kettle on. He grabbed a couple of mugs and tea bags. Louis tried to distract himself until the water was ready by wiping counters and sweeping the floor. He focused on the dust he was collecting instead of the thoughts he was thinking.

Louis was so focused on his dustpan that he squealed when the kettle went off. A second later there was a knock at the door.

Let Me Teach You Something (Larry Stylinson)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon